Is there any css for remove the view tabs text underlined in Eclipse RCP4 - eclipse-rcp

In my part class I removed #Focus annotation method which implemented
public void setFocus() {
after that tab text underline not visible. But when open window with single part tab text underline is visible, if I click anywhere on window underline gone.
How to remove tab text underline?

The underline is drawn if the CTabFolder used for the part has focus. So you should always define an #Focus method for the part and set the focus to some other control in the part.
The actual drawing of the tab is done by the tab renderer which you can set in the CSS using swt-tab-renderer:
swt-tab-renderer: url('bundleclass://org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt/org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.CTabRendering');
However tab renderers are rather complex and difficult to write.
The actual code in the standard renderer for the underline is:
if (parent.isFocusControl()) {
Display display = parent.getDisplay();
if (parent.simple || parent.single) {
gc.drawFocus(xDraw-1, textY-1, extent.x+2, extent.y+2);
} else {
gc.drawLine(xDraw, textY+extent.y+1, xDraw+extent.x+1, textY+extent.y+1);
parent in this code is the CTabFolder (from org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolderRenderer)


How To Disable Backdrop Menu Dismiss - Ionic 3

I'm having trouble finding documentation on this.
In Ionic, the menu has functionality where if you click on the backdrop, the menu dismisses. So basically click anywhere except the menu and the menu goes away. I want to disable this functionality so users can interact with items below the backdrop.
I've tried disabling pointer events on the backdrop and the menu, but the dismiss still seems to occur. Any thoughts?
Interesting discovery; the menu dismiss functionality actually looks like it might be on the ion-content. Which leads to an issue:
I want users to be able to interact with the content with ion-content without dismissing the menu.
For me, this helped:
ion-menu {
pointer-events: none;
ion-menu > * {
pointer-events: all;
Here is the sample code how you can do this in your ionic application.
import { Platform, MenuController } from 'ionic-angular';
// ... Other code
constructor(menuCtrl: MenuController /* ... other code ...*/)
// ... Other code
let menu = menuCtrl.get();
menu.swipeEnable(false); // Disable drag to open/close
// Override default behaviour of closing the menu on
// content or backdrop click
menu['onBackdropClick'] = () => {
// No-op
menu.ionOpen.subscribe(() => {
// When the menu is open ...
// Remove Ionic's CSS rules for menu-content-open class that restricts
// mouse events on ion-nav
// Reduce the size of the content pane so that it does not
// overflow off the screen
menu.getContentElement().style.width =
`calc(100% - ${menu.getMenuElement().clientWidth}px)`;
menu.ionClose.subscribe(() => {
// When the menu is closed ...
// Restore the size of the content pane
menu.getContentElement().style.width = '';
I made a stackblitz project you can check it out. You can check it out from here.

Move collapsed menu button from the dockbar

I need to hide dockbar for non logged in guests. I did that by creating custom theme that uses welcome-theme as a parent, and the following snippet:
in theme's templates\portal_normal.vm.
This presents another problem - when page reorders to fit a mobile screen, menu collapses to a button in the dockbar which is hidden. I would love to have it collapse somewhere else, just that it isn't hidden - for example next to the small logo / site title, or as a first breadcrumbs item.
How to do it, or where to begin. I appreciate any help.
Menu collapses by default for phone and tablet viewports. You can create your own button to open/close collapsed menu in phone/tablet viewport. Check following simplified example:
Theme velocity template:
<div id="mainNavigationToggle" class="btn btn-secondary">
<i class="icon-reorder"></i>
Theme main.js:
AUI().ready(function (A) {
var navigationToggleBtn ='#mainNavigationToggle'); // get our toggle button
var navigationUl =; // get default navigation ul element
if (navigationToggleBtn && navigationUl) { // do nothing when toggle button not present (user not signed in) or if navigation is not present
navigationToggleBtn.on( // otherwise assign simple function that'll toggle 'open' menu class on default navigation which will cause it to open, same for menu toggle button
function (event) {
Theme custom.css:
#mainNavigationToggle {
display: none; /* hide by default */
#include respond-to(phone, tablet) {
display: block; /* show only for phone and tablet viewports */

Editable Label/Div losing focus on click

I have an editable GWT Label which shows a strange behavior. That is if I click the text “Add note…” the cursor does not appear until I click a second time. But if I click on the label outside the text the cursor appears on first click. How do I solve that? My guess is that replacing the text also removes the cursor when the cursor is in the text. So how can I get the cursor back on first click?
public class EditableLabel extends Label implements FocusHandler {
public EditableLabel() {
getElement().setAttribute("contenteditable", "true");
getElement().setAttribute("tabindex", "1");
addHandler(this, FocusEvent.getType());
setText("Add note...");
public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) {
I think your problem depends on the browser. On FF it works fine for me.
I assume you want to write something, if so try to change Label for TextBox, it should work.

TabLayoutPanel disable a Tab GWT

How can i disable a tab (i.e the user cannot open the tab when he clicks on it) in the TabLayoutPanel?I searched online but was not able to find a solution
Use a BeforeSelectionHandler:
TabLayoutPanel myPanel = new TabLayoutPanel();
// Add children...
myPanel.addBeforeSelectionHandler(new BeforeSelectionHandler<Integer>() {
public void onBeforeSelection(BeforeSelectionEvent<Integer> event) {
// Simple if statement - your test for whether the tab should be disabled
// will probably be more complicated
if (event.getItem() == 1) {
// Canceling the event prevents the tab from being selected.
If you want to style the disabled tab differently than enabled tabs, you can use TabLayoutPanel#getTabWidget to get the tab widget and add a style name to it.
For anyone who comes across this later:
As of GWT version 1.6, disabling/enabling tabs is built into GWT.
The TabBar class has a method setTabEnabled(int index, boolean enabled) that enables/disables the tab at a given index.
For example, to disable all the tabs in a TabPanel:
TabPanel myTabPanel = new TabPanel();
// Add children
TabBar tabBar = myTabPanel.getTabBar();
for(int i=0; i<tabBar.getTabCount(); i++) {
tabBar.setTabEnabled(i, false);
See the GWT javadoc for more info.
To style disabled tabs differently (which GWT does automatically, but if you wanted to change the style): disabled tabBarItem divs are given another CSS class: gwt-TabBarItem-disabled.
You can access tab style by casting class Tab to Widget
TabPanel tabPanel = new TabPanel();

While switching to windows classic theme combo contribution item shirnks

I do have a problem with IToolbarManager. I have added a combo & spinner ot toolbar of a view like this
IToolbarManager mgr = getViewSite().getActionBars().getToolBarManager();
spinnerCntrAction = new ControContribution(){
public Control createControl(){
//Creates composite
//Create a spinner and add that to composite
//return composite
In windows XP/Vista themes this spinner is shown correctly. But when program is run under windows classic theme , the spinner is shrinked and not shown correctly.
Is this a known problem ? Do you know any workaround/patch for this ?
This is a bug in SWT. See
Here is a workaround:
mgr.add(new DummyAction());
private static class DummyAction extends Action {
DummyAction() {
setText(" ");
This will cause the toolbar manager to make all control contributions the same size as the Action, so adjust the number of spaces in the Action text to get the desired result.