TabLayoutPanel disable a Tab GWT - gwt

How can i disable a tab (i.e the user cannot open the tab when he clicks on it) in the TabLayoutPanel?I searched online but was not able to find a solution

Use a BeforeSelectionHandler:
TabLayoutPanel myPanel = new TabLayoutPanel();
// Add children...
myPanel.addBeforeSelectionHandler(new BeforeSelectionHandler<Integer>() {
public void onBeforeSelection(BeforeSelectionEvent<Integer> event) {
// Simple if statement - your test for whether the tab should be disabled
// will probably be more complicated
if (event.getItem() == 1) {
// Canceling the event prevents the tab from being selected.
If you want to style the disabled tab differently than enabled tabs, you can use TabLayoutPanel#getTabWidget to get the tab widget and add a style name to it.

For anyone who comes across this later:
As of GWT version 1.6, disabling/enabling tabs is built into GWT.
The TabBar class has a method setTabEnabled(int index, boolean enabled) that enables/disables the tab at a given index.
For example, to disable all the tabs in a TabPanel:
TabPanel myTabPanel = new TabPanel();
// Add children
TabBar tabBar = myTabPanel.getTabBar();
for(int i=0; i<tabBar.getTabCount(); i++) {
tabBar.setTabEnabled(i, false);
See the GWT javadoc for more info.
To style disabled tabs differently (which GWT does automatically, but if you wanted to change the style): disabled tabBarItem divs are given another CSS class: gwt-TabBarItem-disabled.

You can access tab style by casting class Tab to Widget
TabPanel tabPanel = new TabPanel();


Title for Tabbed Panel in wicket

I am working with TabbedPanel in wicket. I have created a TabbedPanel for my search page
My requirement is to create a TabbedPanel with title and three tabs. I am using additional tab (Dummytab in this case) to compensate the title. Please, suggest me how to create a title tab.
First tab is dummy tab and it is active. I want the Search 1 tab to be default tab and Search: tab to be inactive and just represent the title for the TabbedPanel.
Thanks in advance.
I think that you can simply override TabbedPanel's newLink method to replace real link via some container for first tab. It would be something like that:
TabbedPanel tp = new TabbedPanel (...) {
protected WebMarkupContainer newLink(final String linkId, final int index)
return (index > 0) ? super.newLink(linkId, index) :
new WebMarkupContainer (linkId);
tp.setSelectedTab( 1 ); // selecting `Search 1` tab after tp creation;
Also, if you want to prevent selecting first tab programmaticaly - you should play around with overriding setSelectedTab method.
As an alternative: subclass TabbedPanel and provide your own custom markup.

SmartGwt - Removing one tab clears the canvas

I've built a GUI with a SmartGWT TabSet with Tabs that can be dynamically added and removed.
The Tabs share the same canvas which is moved from Tab to Tab at each tab selection like this:
myTabSet.addTabSelectedHandler(new TabSelectedHandler() {
public void onTabSelected(TabSelectedEvent event) {
// Then I fill the contained widgets with the tab-specific data
This works, but when I try to remove a Tab with
The tab is removed but the remaining tabs have a blank pane, I can get the content back only by reloading the page. I found that I have to prevent pane destruction with calls to :
myTabSet.updateTab(iToBeDeletedTab, null);
//called right before
I understand that the canvas/pane is still destroyed, but I cannot figure out how to prevent this.
Has anyone any hint?
Thank you!
Have you tried to call the redraw() method after removing a tab? This usually helps me when loading/reloading data with smartGWT widgets.
Your calls are correct, but now what you've got is the pane completely unnassociated from the TabSet and not drawn (check the Watch Tab in the Developer Console and you'll see this). Now, call updateTab(someOtherTab, pane) to connect the pane to one of the other tabs where it should be showing.
Ok, I've made some test and got the same as you but had some success with the following code:
1°) in the Javadoc I found:
***public void setPane(Canvas pane)
Specifies the pane associated with this tab. You can change the pane associated with a given tab after the TabSet has been created by calling TabSet.updateTab(int, com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Canvas)***
I tried without setting to null the pane of tab1 , it didn't work.
I think it could be arranged in better way but anyway the point is to use the updatePadmethod
public static void testTabDelete(){
final Canvas theCanvas = new Canvas();
final TabSet theTabs = new TabSet();
final Tab tab1 = new Tab("Tab1");
final Tab tab2 = new Tab("Tab2");
final Tab tab3 = new Tab("Tab3");
IButton btn1 = new IButton("Btn1");
IButton btn2 = new IButton("Delete");
btn2.addClickHandler(new {
public void onClick( event) {
theTabs.updateTab(0, null);
theTabs.updateTab(1, theCanvas);

Remove "File, edit,...etc" menus from Eclipse RCP application

I want to remove the File, edit, Source, Refactor, etc. menus from my RCP application
Can I use hideActionSet() ? or what should I do ?
That's right; in your ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor, override postWindowOpen().
The tricky bit is usually figuring out the names of the actionsets that you want to remove, but you can use the old standby ALT-SHIFT-F2 (the default keybinding for 'Plugin-in Menu Spy') and click on one of the menu items that you want to remove.
Note that if the menu item is disabled, the spy won't give you any info on it.
public void postWindowOpen() {
// remove unwanted UI contributions that eclipse makes by default
IWorkbenchWindow[] windows = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkbenchWindows();
for (int i = 0; i < windows.length; ++i) {
IWorkbenchPage page = windows[i].getActivePage();
if (page != null) {
// hide generic 'File' commands
// hide 'Convert Line Delimiters To...'
// hide 'Search' commands
// hide 'Annotation' commands
// hide 'Forward/Back' type navigation commands
Although the question is old:
Lars Vogel's tutorial about Eclipse Activities shows how to hide entire menus in an RCP application rather than removing single menu-entries.
Alternatively you can use the MenuManager attached to the workbench window to show or hide Menus/Contributions.
Try the following code to hide all menus:
WorkbenchWindow workbenchWin = (WorkbenchWindow)PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
MenuManager menuManager = workbenchWin.getMenuManager();
IContributionItem[] items = menuManager.getItems();
for(IContributionItem item : items) {

ExtJS 4: Prevent changing tab using TabBar

I don't use tab panel just tab bar, and have to prevent changing tab by some criteria.
In ExtJS docs I found change event for, but it fires when tab is already changed. So preventDefault() and return false are not working in this case.
Second I tried is set property when tabs were initialized, but it fires when tab button is already clicked. So preventDefault() and return false don't work too.
Can ony body help with this? How can I prevent changing tabs using only and
I think you can use the 'beforetabchange' event on the tab panel itself.
From sencha docs:!/api/ .
Return false in any listener to cancel the tabchange.
Maybe you could then extend the component and register the beforechange event by modifying the setActiveTab method, I think it's a pretty easy modification
setActiveTab: function(tab) {
//test the beforechange return
if (tab.disabled && me.fireEvent('beforechange', tab) === false) {
var me = this;
if (me.activeTab) {
me.previousTab = me.activeTab;
if (me.rendered) {
tab.el && tab.el.scrollIntoView(me.layout.getRenderTarget());
me.activeTab = tab;
me.fireEvent('change', me, tab, tab.card);
Add a controller action "beforeshow" on the tab panel container and disable the listeners. Allows the tabs to behave normally without clickability.

While switching to windows classic theme combo contribution item shirnks

I do have a problem with IToolbarManager. I have added a combo & spinner ot toolbar of a view like this
IToolbarManager mgr = getViewSite().getActionBars().getToolBarManager();
spinnerCntrAction = new ControContribution(){
public Control createControl(){
//Creates composite
//Create a spinner and add that to composite
//return composite
In windows XP/Vista themes this spinner is shown correctly. But when program is run under windows classic theme , the spinner is shrinked and not shown correctly.
Is this a known problem ? Do you know any workaround/patch for this ?
This is a bug in SWT. See
Here is a workaround:
mgr.add(new DummyAction());
private static class DummyAction extends Action {
DummyAction() {
setText(" ");
This will cause the toolbar manager to make all control contributions the same size as the Action, so adjust the number of spaces in the Action text to get the desired result.