querying Date in mongodb with borders included - mongodb

I'm evaluating the following query on my collection with fake data:
db.test_result.find({"date": {$gte: ISODate("2021-07-27"), $lte: ISODate("2021-08-31")}}).count()
And despite the fact that I use $lte it does not include the second date value. Is it a bug? If so then how do I make the query so that the left and right borders are included?
Here is what a fake json obj looks like:
"nfl": "Some",
"rStatus": false,
"mac": "02:00:00:00:00:00",
"date": "2021-07-27T12:17:57",
"MDCode": "123132132123",

With this given input:
"_id" : ObjectId("596c6fea53cc7100104628fa"),
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-07-17T08:06:02.041Z"),
"_id" : ObjectId("596c7162973f33000fc8bb81"),
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-07-17T08:12:18.170Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("596c736c15371f00106b9e3a"),
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-07-17T08:21:00.291Z")
This query:
...find({"timestamp": {$gte: ISODate("2017-07-17T08:06:02.041Z"), $lte: ISODate("2017-07-17T08:12:18.170Z")}})
Would return:
"_id" : ObjectId("596c6fea53cc7100104628fa")
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-07-17T08:06:02.041Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("596c7162973f33000fc8bb81"),
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-07-17T08:12:18.170Z")
Which is what you would expect, the results match to the dot the 2 borders. So in a nutshell it would be included if it is an exact match, otherwise you would get only the once in between.


MongoDB: How to get the object names in collection?

and think you in advance for the help. I have recently started using mongoDB for some personal project and I'm interested in finding a better way to query my data.
My question is: I have the following collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("5dbd77f7a204d21119cfc758"),
"Toyota" : {
"Founder" : "Kiichiro Toyoda",
"Founded" : "28 August 1937",
"Subsidiaries" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5dbd78d3a204d21119cfc759"),
"Volkswagen" : {
"Founder" : "German Labour Front",
"Founded" : "28 May 1937",
"Subsidiaries" : [
I want to get the object name for example here I want to return
[Toyota, Volkswagen]
I have use this method
var names = {}
which gave me the following result:
{ "_id" : 1, "Toyota" : 1, "Volkswagen" : 1 }
however, is there a better way to get the same result and also to just return the names of the objects. Thank you.
I would suggest you to change the schema design to be something like:
_id: ...,
company: {
name: 'Volkswagen',
founder: ...,
subsidiaries: ...,
...<other fields>...
You can then use the aggregation framework to achieve a similar result:
> db.test.find()
{ "_id" : 0, "company" : { "name" : "Volkswagen", "founder" : "German Labour Front" } }
{ "_id" : 1, "company" : { "name" : "Toyota", "founder" : "Kiichiro Toyoda" } }
> db.test.aggregate([ {$group: {_id: null, companies: {$push: '$company.name'}}} ])
{ "_id" : null, "companies" : [ "Volkswagen", "Toyota" ] }
For more details, see:
Aggregation framework
Accumulator operators
As a bonus, you can create an index on the company.name field, whereas you cannot create an index on varying field names like in your example.

Querying date range in aggregate query returns nothing or ignores dates

In my aggregate query I'm trying to add conditions in the $match statement to return only records within given date range. Without converting to ISOString, I get a set of records that ignores the date range completely. When I convert to ISOString, I get nothing (returns empty set). I've tried using the $and operator, still nothing.
I've tried all the solutions on stack to no avail. Here's my code:
$match: {
$and: [
{'author.id': { $ne: req.user._id }},
{'blurtDate': { $gte: test1.toISOString() }},
{'blurtDate': { $lte: test2.toISOString() }}
test1 and test2 are correct, I checked them on console log they reflect as follows:
2019-06-02T12:44:39.000Z -- 2019-07-02T12:44:39.928Z
I also tried without the $and operator like so:
$match: {
'author.id': { $ne: req.user._id },
'blurtDate': { $gte: test1.toISOString() },
'blurtDate': { $lte: test2.toISOString() }
Which again returns nothing. Any help much appreciated!
EDIT: Wanted to emphasize that test1 and test2 are new date objects:
test1 = new Date(qryDateFrom); //Tried .toISOString() as well
test2 = new Date(qryDateTo);
Without .toISOString(), I get a return of values that ignores the dates. With .toISOString I get an empty return.
Here's an example document that should be returned:
"_id" : ObjectId("5d0a807345c85d00ac4b7217"),
"text" : "<p>Seriously RV style.</p>",
"blurtDate" : ISODate("2019-06-19T18:35:31.156Z"),
"blurtImg" : "04643410-92c1-11e9-80b6-a3262311afff.png",
"vote" : 0,
"author" : {
"id" : ObjectId("5cb5df0ef7a3570bb4ac6e05"),
"name" : "Benjamin Paine"
"__v" : 0
When I remove .toISOString(), I get documents outside of the expected date range, such as this one in May (query should only return between june 2 and july 2).
"_id" : ObjectId("5d07ebaf9a035117e4546349"),
"text" : "<p>A start to something more...</p>",
"blurtDate" : ISODate("2019-05-15T19:36:15.737Z"),
"blurtImg" : "2be7a160-9137-11e9-933f-6966b2e503c7.png",
"vote" : 0,
"author" : {
"id" : ObjectId("5cb5df0ef7a3570bb4ac6e05"),
"name" : "Benjamin Paine"
"__v" : 0
Your docs contain actual Date objects, so remove the .toISOString()s from your query. But you'll also need to combine your $gte and $lte terms into a single object:
$match: {
'author.id': { $ne: req.user._id },
'blurtDate': { $gte: test1, $lte: test2 }

get a mongo document based in two different values

I have the following document structure
"_id" : "aaa0001",
"path" : "/some/path",
"information" : {
"name" : "info"
"colors" : {
"colors" : [
"key" : "AAAA001",
"name" : "White"
"key" : "BBBB002",
"name" : "Black"
the idea is that I have to return the document by the color key. I have two parameters the "path" and the "color", so, I was trying to make something like this
{"path" : "/some/path"},
{"colors":{"colors" : {$elemMatch: { "key" : "AAAA001" } } } }
I'm getting the following message "Script is executed successfully, but there is no results to show".
Can anyone give me some directions regarding this?
Use the following query:
"path": "/some/path",
"colors.colors.key" : "AAAA001"
MongoDB expects query document to contain field-value pairs { <field>: <value> }. So, in your example you're querying for a document with colors field equal to:
{"colors" : {$elemMatch: { "key" : "AAAA001" } } }
As for $and and $elemMatch operators, you don't need them in such a simple query.
For more information read Query Documents.
You can also select only matching subdocument from colors array using Positional Operator $:
"path": "/some/path",
"colors.colors.key" : "AAAA001"
}, {
_id: 0,
"colors.colors.$": 1
Though, you won't be able to change your documents structure, thus getting
{ "colors" : { "colors" : [ { "key" : "AAAA001", "name" : "White" } ] } }

sort by date with aggregate request in mongodb

I would like to retrieve a list of values ​​that comes from the oldest document currently signed.But i failed to select a document absed on the date.Thanks
here is json :
"ad" : "noc3",
"createdDate" : ISODate(),
"list" : [
"id" : "p45",
"value" : 21,
"id" : "p6",
"value" : 20,
"id" : "4578",
"value" : 319
and here my aggregate request :
db.friends.aggregate({$match:{advertiser:"noc3", {$sort:{timestamps:-1},{$limit:1} }},{$unwind:"$list"},{$project:{_id: "$list.id", value:{$add:[0]}}});
Your aggregate query is incorrect. You add the sort and limit to the match, but that's now how you do that. You use different pipeline operators:
db.friends.aggregate( [
{ $match: { advertiser: "noc3" } },
{ $sort: { createdDate: -1 } },
{ $limit: 1 },
Your other pipeline operators are bit strange too, and your code vs query mismatches on timestamps vs createdDate. If you add the expected output, I can update the answer to include the last bits of the query too.

MongoDb - How to search BSON composite key exactly?

I have a collection that stored information about devices like the following:
/* 1 */
"_id" : {
"startDate" : "2012-12-20",
"endDate" : "2012-12-30",
"dimensions" : ["manufacturer", "model"],
"metrics" : ["deviceCount"]
"data" : {
"results" : "1"
/* 2 */
"_id" : {
"startDate" : "2012-12-20",
"endDate" : "2012-12-30",
"dimensions" : ["manufacturer", "model"],
"metrics" : ["deviceCount", "noOfUsers"]
"data" : {
"results" : "2"
/* 3 */
"_id" : {
"dimensions" : ["manufacturer", "model"],
"metrics" : ["deviceCount", "noOfUsers"]
"data" : {
"results" : "3"
And I am trying to query the documents using the _id field which will be unique. The problem I am having is that when I query for all the different attributes as in:
db.collection.find({$and: [{"_id.dimensions":{ $all: ["manufacturer","model"], $size: 2}}, {"_id.metrics": { $all:["noOfUsers","deviceCount"], $size: 2}}]});
This matches 2 and 3 documents (I don't care about the order of the attributes values), but I would like to only get 3 back. How can I say that there should not be any other attributes to _id than those that I specify in the search query?
Please advise. Thanks.
Unfortunately, I think the closest you can get to narrowing your query results to just unordered _id.dimensions and unordered _id.metrics requires you to know the other possible fields in the _id subdocument field, eg. startDate and endDate.
db.collection.find({$and: [
{"_id.dimensions":{ $all: ["manufacturer","model"], $size: 2}},
{"_id.metrics": { $all:["noOfUsers","deviceCount"], $size: 2}},
If you don't know the set of possible fields in _id, then the other possible solution would be to specify the exact _id that you want, eg.
db.collection.find({"_id" : {
"dimensions" : ["manufacturer", "model"],
"metrics" : ["deviceCount", "noOfUsers"]
but this means that the order of _id.dimensions and _id.metrics is significant. This last query does a document match on exact BSON representation of _id.