Can kubernetes cluster formed from mix of AWS nodes, Azure nodes, VMWare nodes - kubernetes

Is HA across multiple cloud providers i.e ONE kubernetes cluster from mix of Azure nodes, AWS nodes, VMware nodes. (Consider all have same OS image)
If so how dynamic provisioning works.
Can Kubernetes CSI (container storage interface) help me with this.

That will not work very well. The cloud provider needs to be set on the apiserver & controller-manager and you can't run multiple copies of those in different configurations.
Now if you don't need a cloud provider, as in you are just using these as generic VMs, you will not have access to cloud storage via the kubernetes api. Otherwise it's workable but is still not a great setup. This would essentially be a cross region cluster which is not a supported use case. You are meant to use 1 cluster per region and arrange for LB somehow (yes, this is the tricky bit).


Hybrid nodes on single kubernetes cluster

I am now running two kubernetes clusters.
First Cluster is running on bare metal, and Second Cluster is running on EKS.
but since maintaining EKS costs a lot, so I am finding ways to change this service as Single Cluster that autoscales on AWS.
I did tried to consider several solutions such as RHACM, Rancher and Anthos.
But those solutions are for controlling multi cluster.
I just want to change this cluster as "onpremise based cluster that autoscales (on AWS) when lack of resources"
I could find "EKS anywhere" solution but since price is too high, I want to build similar architecture.
need advice for any use cases for ingress controller, or (physical) loadbalancer, or other architecture that could satisfies those conditions
Cluster API is probably what you need. It is a concept of creating Clusters with Machine objects. These Machine objects are then provisioned using a Provider. This provider can be Bare Metal Operator provider for your bare metal nodes and Cluster API Provider AWS for your AWS nodes. All resting in a single cluster (see the docs below for many other provider types).
You will run a local Kubernetes cluster which will have the Cluster API running in it. This will include components that will allow you to be able to create different Machine objects and tell Kubernetes also how to provision those machines.
Here is some more reading:
Cluster API Book: Excellent reading on the topic.
Documentation for CAPI Provider - AWS.
Documentation for the Bare Metal Operator I worked on this project for a couple of years and the community is pretty amazing. This GitHub repository hosts the CAPI Provider for bare metal nodes.
This should definitely get you going. You can start by running different providers individually to get a taste of how they work and then work with Cluster API and see it in function.

How to simulate node joins and failures with a local Kubernetes cluster?

I'm developing a Kubernetes scheduler and I want to test its performance when nodes join and leave a cluster, as well as how it handles node failures.
What is the best way to test this locally on Windows 10?
Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately, you can't add nodes to Docker Desktop with Kubernetes enabled. Docker Desktop is single-node only.
I can think of two possible solutions, off the top of my head:
You could use any of the cloud providers. Major (AWS, GCP, Azure) ones have some kind of free tier (under certain usage, or timed). Adding nodes in those environments is trivial.
Create local VM for each node. This is less than perfect solution - very resource intesive. To make adding nodes easier, you could use kubeadm to provision your cluster.

Can I add nodes running on my machine to AWS EKS cluster?

Well, I read the user guide of AWS EKS service. I created a managed node group for the EKS cluster successfully.
I don't know how to add the nodes running on my machine to the EKS cluster. I don't know whether EKS support. I didn't find any clue in its document. I read the 'self-managed node group' chapter, which supports add a self-managed EC2 instances and auto-scaling group to the EKS cluster rather than a private node running on other cloud instance like azure, google cloud or my machine.
Does EKS support? How to do that if supports?
This is not possible. It is (implicitly) called out in this page. All worker nodes need to be deployed in the same VPC where you deployed the control plane (not necessarily the same subnets though). EKS Anywhere (to be launched later this year) will allow you to deploy a complete EKS cluster (control plane + workers) outside of an AWS region (but it won't allow running the control plane in AWS and workers locally).
As far as I know, EKS service doesn't support adding self nodes to the cluster. But the 'EKS Anywhere' service does, which has not been online yet, but soon.

How to add remote vm instance as worker node in kubernetes cluster

I'm new to kubernetes and trying to explore the new things in it. So, my question is
Suppose I have existing kubernetes cluster with 1 master node and 1 worker node. Consider this setup is on AWS, now I have 1 more VM instance available on Oracle Cloud Platform and I want to configure that VM as worker node and attach that worker node to existing cluster.
So, is it possible to do so? Can anybody have any suggestions regarding this.
I would instead divide your clusters up based on region (unless you have a good VPN between your oracle and AWS infrastructure)
You can then run applications across clusters. If you absolutely must have one cluster that is geographically separated, I would create a master (etcd host) in each region that you have a worker node in.
Worker Node and Master Nodes communication is very critical for Kubernetes cluster. Adding nodes from on-prem to a cloud provider or from different cloud provider will make lots of issues from network perspective.
As VPN connection between AWS and Oracle Cloud needed and every time worker node has to cross ocean (probably) to reach master node.
EDIT: From Kubernetes Doc, Clusters cannot span clouds or regions (this functionality will require full federation support).

how to set aws node and vagrant node when the master node in the local

the kubernetes 1.2 support muti-node acrossing multiple service providers , now the master node running in my laptop , I want to add two work node respectively in amazon and vagrant . how to achieve it?
the kubernetes 1.2 support muti-node acrossing multiple service providers
Where did you see this? It isn't actually true. In 1.2 we added support for nodes across multiple availability zones within the same region on the same service provider (e.g. us-central1-a and us-central1-b in the us-central1 region in GCP). But there is no support for running nodes across regions in the same service provider much less spanning a cluster across service providers.
now the master node running in my laptop , I want to add two work node respectively in amazon and vagrant
The worker nodes must be able to connect directly to the master node. I wouldn't suggest exposing your laptop to the internet directly so that it can be reached from an Amazon data center, but would instead advise you to run the master node in the cloud.
Also note that if you are running nodes in the same cluster across multiple environments (AWS, GCP, Vagrant, bare metal, etc) then you are going to have a difficult time getting networking configured properly so that all pods can reach each other.