Hybrid nodes on single kubernetes cluster - kubernetes

I am now running two kubernetes clusters.
First Cluster is running on bare metal, and Second Cluster is running on EKS.
but since maintaining EKS costs a lot, so I am finding ways to change this service as Single Cluster that autoscales on AWS.
I did tried to consider several solutions such as RHACM, Rancher and Anthos.
But those solutions are for controlling multi cluster.
I just want to change this cluster as "onpremise based cluster that autoscales (on AWS) when lack of resources"
I could find "EKS anywhere" solution but since price is too high, I want to build similar architecture.
need advice for any use cases for ingress controller, or (physical) loadbalancer, or other architecture that could satisfies those conditions

Cluster API is probably what you need. It is a concept of creating Clusters with Machine objects. These Machine objects are then provisioned using a Provider. This provider can be Bare Metal Operator provider for your bare metal nodes and Cluster API Provider AWS for your AWS nodes. All resting in a single cluster (see the docs below for many other provider types).
You will run a local Kubernetes cluster which will have the Cluster API running in it. This will include components that will allow you to be able to create different Machine objects and tell Kubernetes also how to provision those machines.
Here is some more reading:
Cluster API Book: Excellent reading on the topic.
Documentation for CAPI Provider - AWS.
Documentation for the Bare Metal Operator I worked on this project for a couple of years and the community is pretty amazing. This GitHub repository hosts the CAPI Provider for bare metal nodes.
This should definitely get you going. You can start by running different providers individually to get a taste of how they work and then work with Cluster API and see it in function.


High available kubernetes cluster? bootkube or kubeadm self-hosting

I am already running a single master kubernetes cluster now and I am doing research about setting up Highly available Kubernetes clusters. I was thinking of Multi master cluster setup then realized self-hosted cluster might be a better option to go future ready.
Additional challenge is I am doing it in Bare Metal (Meaning, I am going to use cloud vms from these cloud provider, Hetzner, Linode, DigitialOcean and they have CSI driver, cloud controller manager etc., )
In this case, I see 2 options.
Setup with bootkube (https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/bootkube)
Setup with kubeadm self-hosting. (https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/self-hosting/)
I assume this is still an early topic hence I am not able to find guidance to choose the right approach and then correct documentation. I need this for a scalable production environment where I will start small with at least 8 nodes and can grow faster.
Is bootkube considerable for future readiness?
or kubeadm self-hosting is still in alpha stage, am I getting into a risk running a production environment?
Any good, documentation, blog, article to go in this direction?
I use Keepalived + Haproxy and Ansible to deploy HA kubernetes cluster. Now kubeadm supports join control plane command, so it easy to integrate with ansible.
You can also refer: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubespray.

Can kubernetes cluster formed from mix of AWS nodes, Azure nodes, VMWare nodes

Is HA across multiple cloud providers i.e ONE kubernetes cluster from mix of Azure nodes, AWS nodes, VMware nodes. (Consider all have same OS image)
If so how dynamic provisioning works.
Can Kubernetes CSI (container storage interface) help me with this.
That will not work very well. The cloud provider needs to be set on the apiserver & controller-manager and you can't run multiple copies of those in different configurations.
Now if you don't need a cloud provider, as in you are just using these as generic VMs, you will not have access to cloud storage via the kubernetes api. Otherwise it's workable but is still not a great setup. This would essentially be a cross region cluster which is not a supported use case. You are meant to use 1 cluster per region and arrange for LB somehow (yes, this is the tricky bit).

How to create a GCP Kubernetes Engine cluster spanning two regions?

I wish to know how to create a GCP Kubernetes Engine cluster spanning two regions. For instance, a cluster has some instances at "us-west1" region, and others at "us-central1" region.
My use case is to verify "failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region" topology key is working as expected. I am aware of:
1. cluster federation: not supported yet for Kubernetes Engine
2. multi-cluster ingress: in development, but may not something I am looking for
3. regional cluster: not applicable as it focuses on replication in only one region
I am aware that my use case is not atypical.
It is possible, but I cannot say that will be a stable and fully functional configuration.
There are no standard tools to do what you want, but you can connect external nodes to your cluster from a different region manually. It will not work with kubeadm, but if you will setup kubelet manually - it will work, but with many limitations:
No auto-updates.
You should manage the connection between regions manually (you should have a private network with direct routing within all your nodes).
You can have problems with logs, monitoring, load balancing, etc.
You will pay for the traffic between internal and external nodes as for the external traffic.
Finally, although it is possible, I cannot recommend you to use it. If you really want to get a multi-region cluster - setup it yourself by kubeadm and use kubefed to create a federation.

Deploy Kubernetes on Self-host Production environment

I am trying to install kubernetes on Self-hosted production environment running on Ubuntu 16.04. I am not able to find any helpful guide to setup production grade kubernetes master and connect worked nodes to it.
any help is much appreciated.
you can use the kubespray to self Host production environment.
Depends on what you understand by saying "self-host". The most people think it's about deploying kubernetes in the own environment.
If you want to compare different approaches to deploy k8s in a custom environment, refer to this article which covers a bunch of options suitable for that.
If you are interested in how to set up an HA Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm, refer to this article.
However, in kubernetes, there is a different definition of "self-hosted". It means running kubernetes itself as a workload in kubernetes. If you are interested in a real self-hosted approach (on a custom environment), refer to this article
Hope this helps
You can use typhoon which can be used to provision an HA kubernetes cluster.
Here is a sample configuration which I used to bring up my own home cluster.
A few advantages of typhoon are that you have the option of choosing your choice of a cloud provider for provisioning your infrastructure, which is done using terraform and the fact that it gives you upstream k8s is a big plus too.
Internally, it uses bootkube to bring up the temporary control plane, which would consist of
and then when we have the temporary control plane object, we inject the objects to the API server to have our k8s cluster.
Have a look at this kubecon talk given by CoreOS which explains how this is working.

Does Kubernetes provision new VMs for pods on my cloud platform?

I'm currently learning about Kubernetes and still trying to figure it out. I get the general use of it but I think that there still plenty of things I'm missing, here's one of them. If I want to run Kubernetes on my public cloud, like GCE or AWS, will Kubernetes spin up new VMs by itself in order to make more compute for new pods that might be needed? Or will it only use a certain amount of VMs that were pre-configured as the compute pool. I heard Brendan say, in his talk in CoreOS fest, that Kubernetes sees the VMs as a "sea of compute" and the user doesn't have to worry about which VM is running which pod - I'm interested to know where that pool of compute comes from, is it configured when setting up Kubernetes? Or will it scale by itself and create new machines as needed?
I hope I managed to be coherent.
Kubernetes supports scaling, but not auto-scaling. The addition and removal of new pods (VMs) in a Kubernetes cluster is performed by replication controllers. The size of a replication controller can be changed by updating the replicas field. This can be performed in a couple ways:
Using kubectl, you can use the scale command.
Using the Kubernetes API, you can update your config with a new value in the replicas field.
Kubernetes has been designed for auto-scaling to be handled by an external auto-scaler. This is discussed in responsibilities of the replication controller in the Kubernetes docs.