Overwrite Specific Columns in a CSV file - matlab

I have an existing .csv file - data.csv - with 2 columns of data shown below.
1/1/1991 00:00 65.4
1/1/1991 01:00 59.2
I need to use either dlmwrite, csvwrite or even fprintf to open this file (data.csv), KEEP the first column without deleting it, and just write a new column of data overwriting the original 2nd column in the same file.
The final result will have 2 columns of data in file data.csv: the first column of data is the original column and the 2nd column is the new overwritten data from a calculation in the main program.
Final result:
1/1/1991 00:00 101.4
1/1/1991 01:00 96.3
The row offset for writing/overwriting the 2nd column is row=1, col=1 or the 2nd row and 2nd column.
I have tried xlswrite, csvwrite, dlmwrite, fprintf with varying results. The closest attempt was using csvwrite and it wrote the data in the correct row and file offset but it deleted all the original data including the 1st column of data! Here is the code part that fails to run as expected without overwriting existing data - thank you!
R = 1; C = 1;
rows = 241777;
ii = 1:rows -1
% place datesall and data2 into cell array to write to file
for jj =1:2
data(ii,jj) =csvread(strcat(dirstr,files(jj).name),R,C);
data2(ii,jj) = ((data(ii,jj)/100)*(1/24)*24*newTcaps(jj));
f = strcat(dirstr2,files2(jj).name);
%dlmwrite(f, data2(ii,jj) ,'delimiter', ',', 'roffset',1,'coffset',0)
csvwrite(f, data2(ii,jj),R,C);
%fprintf(f,[ ' ',data2(ii,jj), '\n' ]);


Read first line of CSV file that contains text in cells

I have a deco.csv file and I only want to extract B1 to K1 (20 columns of the first rows), i.e. Deco_0001 to Deco_0020.
I first make a pre-allocation:
names = string(20,1);
and what I want is when calling S(1), it gives Deco_0001; when calling S(20), it gives Deco_0020.
I have read through textscan but I do not know how to specify the range is first row and running from column 2 to column 21 of the csv file.
Also, I want save the names individually but what I have tried just save the first line in only one cell:
C=textscan(fid, '%s',1);
It's not very elegant, but this should work for you:
C=textscan(fid, '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s',1,'Delimiter',',');
S = cell(20,1);
for ii = 1:20
S{ii} = C{ii+1};

Date Format in MATLAB

Here is my code. I have 59 CSV files in my directory, I have 11 variables in each, with first one date in quarter format. I need to tell MATLAB that first column has date format, because the code below imports it as a string variable.
ext = '.csv';
countries = dir(['*', ext]);
countryFiles = {countries.name};
countriesNames = strrep(countryFiles, ext, '');
a = cell(length(countriesNames), 2);
a(:,1) = countriesNames(:)';
a(:,2) = cellfun(#(file) readtable(file, 'TreatAsEmpty', '.','Format'?), countryFiles(:), 'uni', 0);
As far as I understand this is option 'Format' with datenum in readtable... However, I can`t find useful information on it in helpfiles and whatever I try I get errors... Below how my data looks for each country. Data is 1980Q1-2014Q4.
So I have 59*2 cell array with first column representing countryNames and second column contains 59 140*11 tables. First I do not know how to access variable names within cell array`s table. Second problem is that if you try to define x to a column in that table and then datenum(x,'YYYYQQ') I get "Input expected to be a cell array, was table instead."
So, I need to extract from cell a tables in a{1,2}, a{2,2}, a{3,2} ... then convert those tables to cellarray using table2cell option. How to do it using loop for each country and then write it back to the cell?

tab delimited text file from matlab

The following code generates a similar dataset to what I am currently working with:
clear all
a = rand(131400,12);
DateTime=datestr(datenum('2011-01-01 00:01','yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM'):4/(60*24):...
datenum('2011-12-31 23:57','yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM'),...
'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM');
I'm trying to convert the outputs into one variable (called 'Data'), i.e. have header as the first row (1,:), 'DateTime' starting from row 2 (2:end,1) and running through each row, and finally having 'a' as the data (2:end,2:end) if that makes sense. So, 'DateTime' and 'header' are used as the heading for the rows and column respectively. Following this I need to save this into a tab delimited text file.
I hope I've been clear in expressing what I'm attempting.
An easy way, but might be not the fastest:
Data = [header; DateTime, num2cell(a)];
filename = 'test.txt';
dlmwrite(filename,1); %# no create text file, not Excel
It appears that xlswrite actually changes the format of DateTime values even if it writes to a text file. If the format is important here is the better and actually faster way:
filename = 'test.txt';
out = [DateTime, num2cell(a)];
out = out'; %# our cell array will be printed by columns, so we have to transpose
fid = fopen(filename,'wt');
%# printing header
%# printing the data
fprintf(fid,['%s\t', repmat('%f\t',1,size(a,2)-1) '%f\n'], out{:});

Matlab: finding/writing data from mutliple files by column header text

I have an array which I read into Matlab with importdata. It has 5 header lines
file = 'aoao.csv';
s = importdata(file,',', 5);
Matlab automatically treats the last line as the column header. I can then call up the column number that I want with
s.data(:,n); %n is desired column number
I want to be able to load up many similar files at once, and then call up the columns in the different files which have the same column header name (which are not necessarily the same column number). I want to be able to write and export all of these columns together into a new matrix, preferably with each column labelled with its file name,
what should I do?
samp = 'len-c.mp3'; %# define desired sample/column header name
file = dir('*.csv');
have the directory ready in main screen current folder. This creates a detailed description of file,
for i=1:length(file)
set(i) = importdata(file(i).name,',', 5);
this imports the data from each of the files (comma delimited, 5 header lines) and transports it to a cell array called 'set'
for k = 1:14;
for i=1:length(set(k).colheaders)
TF = strcmp(set(k).colheaders(i),samp); %compares strings for match
if TF == 1; %if match is true
group(:,k) = set(k).data(:,i); %save matching column# to 'group'
this retrieves the data from the named colheader within each file

skip reading headers in MATLAB

I had a similar question. but what i am trying now is to read files in .txt format into MATLAB. My problem is with the headers. Many times due to errors the system rewrites the headers in the middle of file and then MATLAB cannot read the file. IS there a way to skip it? I know i can skip reading some characters if i know what the character is.
here is the code i am using.
[c,pathc]=uigetfile({'*.txt'},'Select the data','V:\data');
file=[pathc c];
data= dlmread(file, ',', 1,4);
this way i let the user pick the file. My files are huge typically [ 86400 125 ]
so naturally it has 125 header fields or more depends on files.
Because the files are so big i cannot copy , but its in format like
day time col1 col2 col3 col4 ...............................
2/3/2010 0:10 3.4 4.5 5.6 4.4 ...............................
and so on
With DLMREAD you can read only numeric data. It will not read date and time, as your first two columns contain. If other data are all numeric you can tell DLMREAD to skip first row and 2 columns on the right:
data = dlmread(file, ' ', 1,2);
To import also day and time you can use IMPORTDATA instead of DLMREAD:
A = importdata(file, ' ', 1);
dt = datenum(A.textdata(2:end,1),'mm/dd/yyyy');
tm = datenum(A.textdata(2:end,2),'HH:MM');
data = A.data;
The date and time will be converted to serial numbers. You can convert them back with DATESTR function.
It turns out that you can still use textscan. Except that you read everything as string. Then, you attempt to convert to double. 'str2double' returns NaN for strings, and since headers are all strings, you can identify header rows as rows with all NaNs.
For example:
%# find and open file
[c,pathc]=uigetfile({'*.txt'},'Select the data','V:\data');
file=[pathc c];
fid = fopen(file);
%# read all text
strData = textscan(fid,'%s%s%s%s%s%s','Delimiter',',');
%# close the file again
%# catenate, b/c textscan returns a column of cells for each column in the data
strData = cat(2,strData{:});
%# convert cols 3:6 to double
doubleData = str2double(strData(:,3:end));
%# find header rows. headerRows is a logical array
headerRowsL = all(isnan(doubleData),2);
%# since I guess you know what the headers are, you can just remove the header rows
dateAndTimeCell = strData(~headerRowsL,1:2);
dataArray = doubleData(~headerRowsL,:);
%# and you're ready to start working with your data