Cloudkit Query Error throw System Type error - cloudkit

I have been trying to query a cloudkit container having few fields under Record Types Users. After all the authentication it throws an error as Can't Query System Types.
I am working on Javascript code and referring the Cloudkit catalog.
I am new to cloudkit and created few fields under Users and mark them as query-able also but not sure why getting such error.
Any help.

CloudKit doesn't let you query the Users table to pull multiple records. You can only query by recordName (one at a time).
See this post for more details: Querying CloudKit Users Record gives "Can't query system types"
As a workaround, I created my own User record type in the Public Database so I could make queries against it. It has worked pretty well so far.


Unable to practice Sql Injection (blind) on DVWA 1.10

I am practicing for Security Testing. I came across DVWA and I started practicing for Sql Injection. I was doing fine till I started with SQL Injection (blind). No matter which query I try I am not getting the desired result.
For eg :
1' and 1=0 union select null,table_name from information_schema.tables#
simply returns User ID exists in the database.
I have set the DVWA Security to Low. Also made sure there are no errors on setup page of the application under Setup Check section.
Following are environment details:
Operating system: Windows
Backend database: MySQL
PHP version: 5.6.16
I think the answer is here and the behavior is expected
Someone complained of the opposite behavior and the developer agreed, and a contributor named g0tm1lk fixed it. He made the exercise really "blind" and we have to use blind injection methods to test the vulnerability.
Showing the SQL error messages to the user is just: a SQL injection vuln + a misconfiguration issue.
A blind SQL injection might occur when the columns of the results returned by a query are not shown to the user. However, the user can tell somehow if the query returned any records or none.
E.g.: Suppose the url "" returns:
200 if USER_ID exists
404 if USER_ID not exists
But it won't show any information from the query results (e.g. username, address, phone, etc)
If the page is vulnerable to SQLi [blind], an attacker won't be able get info from the DB printed in the result page, but he might be able to infer it by asking yes/no questions.

GraphQL,Cassandra and denormalization strategy

Would a database like Cassandra and scheme like GraphQL work well together?
Cassandra ideology is based on the idea of optimizing your queries and denormalizing data. This doesn't seem to really mesh well with a GraphQL ideology where data seems to be accessible in every level of a query.
Suppose I architect my Cassandra table like so:
etc... (many properties)
user_name (denormalized user, where we generally just need the name of a user)
But with GraphQL, it's one wouldn't exactly expect a denormalized User.
query getGroup {
group(id: 1) {
users {
So a couple of things:
1.) This GraphQL query could end up hitting our Cassandra database multiple times (assuming no caching). Getting the group name and for each of the users we might even hit it for each user. But lets say our resolve creates multiple User objects with one cassandra call.
2.) We can't really build a cassandra idiomatic database with denormalization and graphql in mind, can we? Otherwise we should expect certain properties of a User aren't returned to us with the query.
To sum up the question, what's the graphql strategy for working with denormalized data? Is it acceptable to omit certain properties that the client thinks are accessible? E.g the client tries to access address of user but we don't have that at the moment because our data is denormalized. Or should one not even worry about denormalization and just let graphQL make calls with a caching mechanism in between the db and graphql. E.g graphql first gets the group, then gets the user data for the group id.
This is a side effect of GraphQL where a query can get quite complex in retrieving the data. But as long as the user is actually requesting the data they need if you are smart about your resolvers the end result will actually be faster.
Consider tools like dataloader to cache when resolving a query.
As far as omitting certain properties graphql validates the response and will throw an error, although it will also return the data you gave. It would probably be better to implement some sort of timeout and throw a more descriptive error if there is an issue retrieving the data.

CloudKit, join or efficient way to add an item to list

I'm using CloudKit to manage a list of messages (record type Message with a field title and body). All messages are public and I want to maintain which Message the user has read using the mobile app.
The app can have thousands of users and messages. And I use swift3.
I've think of different way to do it but they seems quite poor in term of performance:
add a field 'readers' to Message which is a list of string corresponding of user Id. The problem is that if I want to add a new user ID I must load all the list. This is problematic for a mobile app in case of a lot of users have read the message. Can I lazy fetch a list field and add a value to it without downloading all the list (like in classic Orm)?
add another record type 'Reader' which has two fields: a user ID and a message ID. I can't find a way to join Message and Reader in a predicate to download only Message that the user hasn't read. Is that possible?
As suggested by Matthew: add a record type ReadArticle in the private database that stores only a CKReference to a message. The problem is that we need to download all message ID before sending them in a NOT predicate.
I don't know how to solve this problem with a database like CloudKit.
Any advice ?
Readers field
This approach is not ideal for the exact reasons you pointed out, and it additionally is unsafe as a String could theoretically contain anything.
Reader object
Even if there was a way to get this to work you'd be storing user ids in the public database. That's probably not a privacy-conscious thing to do.
ReadMessage Record in Private Database
Suppose you had a Record Type called ReadArticle. This object would contain exactly one field, a CKReference to a Message record.
Then, when someone reads a Message, you take the recordId of that Message, create a CKReference from it, and place that reference in the "message" field of a new CKRecord object of type ReadMessage. Then, you save it to the user's private database. Because it's a CKReference, it won't actually take up hardly any space in iCloud because it's just a pointer, and because you'd use the user's private database there's no need to explicitly identify the user.
Then when you want all unread messages, fetch the ReadMessage record, and create a NOT predicate to receive all Message records where the record id is not any of the read ones. CloudKit definitely supports NOT predicates, but if it happens to not support NOT predicates specifying record ids, than you could use some other unique field on message instead.

Querying Raven Db

I have an instance of Raven Db at localhost:8081. I made sure to change raven's config file to allow anonymous access. I created a database named AT. Inside AT I have a collection named Admins. Inside of Admins I have two documents. I'm trying to retrieve some data via Rest using RestClient. I try to hit the db using:
http://localhost:8081/docs/admins/7cb95e9a (last bit is the id of the document I want).
With both I receive a 404. I'm not sure what I'm missing here. Can someone point me in the right direction?
The URL has the following format:
Collection is a virtual thing. get a document only by its ID, there no nothing on collection here. The document ID can be anything you set, but if you let RavenDB to generate it, it will probably be admins/1.

SSRS: Dropdown is not populated in filter in Report Builder

Whenever I try to apply filter to an attribute, which has ValueSelection= Dropdown, the dropdown is not populated and error message "The requested list could not be retrieved because the query is not valid or a connection could not be made to the data source" is shown instead.
If I set up ValueSelection=List I am getting a different error message:
An attempt has been made to use a semantic query extension associated with the data extension 'SQL' that is not registered for this report server.
This happens within BIDS environment and was observed both in SQL 2005 and SQL 2008.
I've already studied articles, which discussed the similiar problem, but neither of them applied to my case. The user account in data source has all necessary rights, data could be retrieved without any problem (for example if i try "Explore data" in data source view). The SQL profiler shows that no query is being sent to SQL Server when there is an attempt to populate dropdown. So nothing is wrong with the query, it is simply never executed.
Your connection is not working. Try to test you connection by trying a simple table and query output.
This will enable you to test the connection before trying anything advanced.
Got this problem and in my case it was caused by wrong connection string in Data Source - instead of just having a SQL Server name like "SOMESQLSERVER_MACHINE" I had for some reason "SOMESQLSERVER_MACHINE.our.corp.domain". It had to be the same, but then I realized that the domain is wrong, after removing it all works like a charm again. That said: it's always good idea to start with detailed checks on your basic settings.
Otherwise this could be a problem with permissions to the folders on Report Manager.