Eclipse debug mode hangs/fails - eclipse

When I run my program in RUN mode, it's working, but in DEBUG mode, the program is hanging, and after a long time, failing. I have this problem with both eclipse Neon and Photon.

I deleted all the breakpoints in DEBUG perspective, and it finally worked!


Eclipse tomcat-7 server skip all breakpoints

I am trying to debug my code and the tomcat server starts in debug mode, but the eclipse doesn't show debug perpective and however it skips all breakpoints and is working like in normal run.
So can someone tell me how to fix this, so it stops on setted breakpoints?
Thanks for help

I can't debug anymore in Eclipse...only Class.class opens

When I try to debug my implementation of a SpringBoot application in Eclipse Oxygen the debugging does not start anymore. Instead of starting the debug seesion the Class.class file occurs in a file tab but nothing else happens.
When I run the app everything works well.
Yesterday I could debug without any problems.
What is the reason for this behaviour and how can I debug my implementation again???'s weird but:
I had a bunch of breakpoints gathered over the time. I t helped to delete all breakpoint.
(I could imagine that a breakpoint in Class.class was set somehow.)

Eclipse Neon Debug mode is not working

I was using Juno and debug mode is working fine in that. But in Neon as shown in attached, is not detecting the debug mode.
I have made several attempts as below.
I'm Sure I'm running on Debug mode
Break points are not skipped
Clean the project and executed again
Restarted the eclipse and machine
Executed the code with a comment in console, for making sure the code line is executing.
-- What else I can try to make this working
I'm getting error as

eclipse stop unintended debug

I have a tomcat servlet project, which is normally running in eclipse, except of one line, which always stops the debugger without of a breakpoint. If I manually proceed debugging by pressing 2resume", all will work fine.
Is there any directive/annotation to prevent stopping the debugger on lines without breakpoints?
Clean and build ur project...i have faced similar got resolved after a full clean and build was done.

Eclipse: Blackberry simulator output console is not showing any entry

Suddenly the console is showing no output while I run my programs on the simulator(even when on debug mode).
The console remains all empty while I start the simulator and run the programs.
How to fix it?
This might sound stupid, but have you restarted Eclipse? I've seen this happen before and I've just restarted