eclipse stop unintended debug - eclipse

I have a tomcat servlet project, which is normally running in eclipse, except of one line, which always stops the debugger without of a breakpoint. If I manually proceed debugging by pressing 2resume", all will work fine.
Is there any directive/annotation to prevent stopping the debugger on lines without breakpoints?

Clean and build ur project...i have faced similar got resolved after a full clean and build was done.


Eclipse tomcat-7 server skip all breakpoints

I am trying to debug my code and the tomcat server starts in debug mode, but the eclipse doesn't show debug perpective and however it skips all breakpoints and is working like in normal run.
So can someone tell me how to fix this, so it stops on setted breakpoints?
Thanks for help

I can't debug anymore in Eclipse...only Class.class opens

When I try to debug my implementation of a SpringBoot application in Eclipse Oxygen the debugging does not start anymore. Instead of starting the debug seesion the Class.class file occurs in a file tab but nothing else happens.
When I run the app everything works well.
Yesterday I could debug without any problems.
What is the reason for this behaviour and how can I debug my implementation again???'s weird but:
I had a bunch of breakpoints gathered over the time. I t helped to delete all breakpoint.
(I could imagine that a breakpoint in Class.class was set somehow.)

Eclipse freezes when adding a breakpoint

When I add a breakpoint, Eclipse freezes for some about 5 seconds. Sometimes it takes much longer until I can continue work, up to one minute. It does not depend on how I set the breakpoint (double-clicking on line numer, or via shortcut ctrl + shift + b) or which view is open (Java View, Debug View...) or if Debugging is active.
Removing a breakpoint works immediately without any problem.
The problem also only occurs in one workspace. I can't see any entry in the Error Log.
I'm using Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)
What could cause this effect?
This appears to be due to a bad index file. I deleted *.index in
{WORKSPACE}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core and this fixes the problem. Note that by doing this, you're forcing Eclipse to re-index all .java files. Thus, the first time you go to add an Exception breakpoint, you can expect a wait of several minutes while all classes.
But once all things are settled for the first time, it will become smother.
I upgraded to Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a), but still had the issue. Then I deleted my workspace and set it up newly. The issue dissapeared. My assumption is that there were some corrupted configurations. However, it is solved with a new workspace (that worked for the older Neon version, too).
I am working in Linux Ubuntu 16.04 using OpenJDK 1.8 and eclipse v4.15 by installing java-2020-03. Eclipse froze occasionally during debugging but not always. To get around the freezing, I passed the VM argument -Dsun.awt.disablegrab=true. Now I can debug without freezing.

Intellij Play and Scala breakpoint issues

I am having some problems with the IntelliJ IDE where it does not stop at breakpoints.
I am running an SBT application with Play 2 framework.
It doesn't matter if I am in an async block or not, the breakpoint doesn't show a "v" inside the red circle and doesn't stop at that breakpoint.
The code reaches that position because I am using a simple print command that I see in the logs.
I tired with run configuration of Play2.
I also tried running the SBT from console and connecting to it with remote debugging.
None of them worked
just to make things clear i tried restarting intellij and the computer (OSX operating system)
This is a real problem. Any ideas?
Try execute "sbt compile" and then run your project on debug mode.

No Java console output in Eclipse; works with PyDev

I have both a Java and a PyDev project in one workspace. When I run the PyDev project (either the main script with Run > Run As > Python Run or its associated unit test with Python unit-test), the console output looks fine. However, when I switch to the Java project, open the main class, make sure the cursor focus is in the main class, and run it with Run > Run as > [my run config], no output shows up in the console, stdout or stderr. I've tried with Run/Debug > Console > Fixed width console checked and unchecked, similarly for Limit console output. "Allocate console" is check in [my run config].
I have tried redirecting output to a file in my run configuration, but the log file is empty after a run; thus, I suspect stdout/stderr are being trapped somewhere. I suspect that it is PyDev causing the issue because when I run the Java project, this exception reliably shows up about 6 times in the error log:
Launch shortcut 'org.python.pydev.debug.ui.launchShortcut.python.unittest' enablement expression caused exception. Shortcut was removed.
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: No property tester contributes a property org.python.pydev.debug.ui.python_type to type class org.eclipse.ui.part.FileEditorInput
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.TypeExtensionManager.getProperty(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.TestExpression.evaluate(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.CompositeExpression.evaluateOr(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.OrExpression.evaluate(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.CompositeExpression.evaluateAnd(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.expressions.AndExpression.evaluate(
(... and so on)
Additionally, printing from a Java program in a different workspace that only has Java projects works fine.
I tried uninstalling PyDev and restarting Eclipse, but I'm still having the same issue. I still have those errors after reinstalling PyDev, too.
Has anyone run into this issue before, or know of a way to fix it?
Well, I feel like an idiot; turns out, I had redirected stdout/err to a log file that I had long since forgotten about, and stuck somewhere difficult to find.
I ran into the same problem so I did some research. Seems like there was an old issue (2006-2008), but it was resolved by adding an option to the launch configurations to allocate a console. This is available from the Run -> Debug Configurations menu option, Common tab. Perhaps this is simply unchecked after the PyDev install?
If this is a new bug, there were two possible workarounds suggested:
Set up debug launch configuration that uses remote debugging instead of local debugging.
Use a buffered writer to System.out.
Here are the threads for reference:
Eclipse bug -
Workaround thread - support in Eclipse IDE