how to Save ARKIT scanned resources on server? - arkit

I am scanning AR enviornment using ARKit. If i save it on device or app bundle AR apps work perfectly. What i want is to save AR resources on some kind of server and sync that resources while user using app.


In-Game Asset Downloads Using Play Asset Delivery - Unity

I am making a game and it is going to have a lot of assets in the game and the download size is going to be very big. I am using the Play Asset Delivery to upload my large game to Play Store. More than 90% of the assets are maps. I have a few maps in the game and I don't want them all to be downloaded when the player is installing the game from the Google Play Store. Like Call of Duty Mobile I want the player to be able to download each map individually in runtime.
I separated the assets of every map into a separate assetBundle.
I read the Play Asset Delivery documentation and it seems like I have to use On-demand for each assetBundle.
But the when I build the game and upload it to play store it will download the whole game again. I don't know how to make it not download the on-demand assetBundles.
How do I do that?
is it event possible?
And sorry if my English was bad.
Here's the reference on how you retrieve the assets: Unity Documentation
Basically you need to import the Play Asset Delivery library and call the RetrieveAssetBundleAsync() method to retrieve an AssetBundle.
You can also request asset asynchronously and monitor the download progress.
Here's another reference on how you download the assets. Retrieve assests

How to implement a media server for local music files on the phone in flutter that can be used by DLNA

I am working on a flutter app (for iOS and Android). One of the function of the app is to find DLNA renderes in the local network and allow user to play the local music files on his phone on these DLNA renderes. I have incorperated the DART-DLNA packagein my app and am Able to list all DLNA-UPNP devices and I can send a url of a media to the selected DLAN renderer and it starts playing. I can also control the play/pause and stop functions. So far so good
Now I want to be able to play the music files that are on the device from this app. When working on ANdrodi native earlier I used DroidUpnp which mainly uses cling and nanoHttpd libraries. Cling provides upnp stack and nanoHttpd is used for creating a webserver to server the media files. The DroidUpnp app lists the music content like this
On going depper when reached to the actual music file the app will send that file via upnp/dlna.
On Flutter I am not sure how to go for it? How to List those files and then get the files urls like and send it to the render.

Unity minimizing app size

I am working on a unity project using vuforia and the vuforia video playback. The project involves adding a lot of mp4 files directly into the project directory because the vuforia video playback needs a local path to the video. The unity project is now up to 3.2 GB, and I just started development. Are there any ways to combat this issue of this app potentially getting way too large?
I recommend storing your larger files in an Asset Bundle. Asset Bundles allow you to store your content online, and download it when necessary (once opened after install, or after the user has paid for the content). You can access your assets locally using the Asset Bundle directory:
Application.dataPath + "/AssetBundles/" + assetBundleName
Compress the files as much as possible until you see some visible quality drop. You just need to find the best combination of video resolution and audio / video bit rates.

Mobile - offline web-app and audioclips storage

I built a simple soundboard free app for Android. Some customers asked me when that app will be available for iPhone too.
Now, I'm thinking about developing the soundboard as a web-app that works offline. Is it possible to do? Is it possible for a web-app to store locally and permanently some audio files?
The size of these audio files ranges from 16kb to 150kb, for a total of 2,5mb (50 audioclips).
You can do it by downloading the video files when the app installed in first time to the documents folder and show it from there

Importing photos saved in ios device's Documents folder to desktop

I'm creating a catalog/collection ios4 application. One element of the app lets the user take a picture which they use for a new item entry. The image they choose is then saved to their app's local Document folder.
I was wondering if it's possible to give the user the ability to import the photos to their desktop when they plug in their ios device. Like how iPhoto lets you import photos from your camera roll when you plug in your device
I've looked around, and all i can seem to find are posts on saving to the documents folder, and then retrieving the data within the app.
Any help would be great.
Thanks Ian
You could use an intermediate web service to transfer the files. Upload them to your service from the device, download them to the desktop.
Apple locks this stuff down pretty tight, so that might be your best bet.