Importing photos saved in ios device's Documents folder to desktop - iphone

I'm creating a catalog/collection ios4 application. One element of the app lets the user take a picture which they use for a new item entry. The image they choose is then saved to their app's local Document folder.
I was wondering if it's possible to give the user the ability to import the photos to their desktop when they plug in their ios device. Like how iPhoto lets you import photos from your camera roll when you plug in your device
I've looked around, and all i can seem to find are posts on saving to the documents folder, and then retrieving the data within the app.
Any help would be great.
Thanks Ian

You could use an intermediate web service to transfer the files. Upload them to your service from the device, download them to the desktop.
Apple locks this stuff down pretty tight, so that might be your best bet.


How to save photos and videos from iPhone with exif time data?

I want to get my photos and videos from iPhone on my laptop.
I realized, that I am not able to save with on Mac with Photos app (it adds a sequentially name to the photo..)
and with iCloud there is no option to download all photos together. (Apple-prison).
I found the way after a lot of research and probation:
Workaround 1 - iPhone side
On iPhone with Dropbox app you can upload photos and videos to the cloud, and then you can download them anywhere you wish (even with the free version).
Dropbox is clever enough (not like Mac's Photos app...), to use camera time for naming. So your file names will be a timestamp when you have taken the picture OR video AKA Exif data).
Workaround 2 - desktop machine side
You can use Photos app (on Macbooks), because with cable it is obviously faster than uploading to Dropbox through wifi.
But... Photos app is so "old-school", that when you export photos, it will not use your Exif data as filenames, it will create a sequence, like rather..
images, you can use Exif-renamer app (available in the app-store).
It is free, and it can rename all images in a folder to the timestamp from Exif data.
Unfortunately, it can not rename videos..

[Flutter]How to download video to app, and make it accessible only through the app (Similarly to Youtube/Netflix)

i'm fairly new to Flutter and is currently working on a course app that requires downloading the videos to the app.
The downloaded video will only be accessible through the app just like Youtube and Netflix, and will be hidden/encrypted from gallery. Would greatly appreciate if someone if someone could point me in the right direction in building this feature.
On iOS and Android your app has it's own isolated folder for storing documents. Items stored there are not intended to be accessible to the user outside of your app. This folder isn't scanned by the Gallery or accessible to other apps on the device. (However, with a little effort a user can access the files so this is not a complete solution where security is an concern. You would need to add encryption if you didn't, say, want a motivated user to copy the video file to a PC and be able to play it.)
the path_provider plugin gives your Flutter app common file locations on a device. The private app folder location is retrieved with getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()
"Download video" is a vague requirement. Most video on the internet (Netflix, Youtube) is provided via HLS or DASH for streaming, which you do download but the video is split up into many files- sometimes thousands of files for a single video. The dart:http package is likely what you're going to want to use to get/download the files (unless the video files aren't available via HTTP/HTTPS, then you'll need a different transport-specific library, like FTP, RTSP, etc.)

Phonegap App lost images on update, recovering from the camera roll

I have an app where users take images and they are saved along with user notes. Per the following link this is what I was using to save the images to the app. The issues is when some users update the app the images are lost.
Phonegap - Retrieve photo from Camera Roll via path
per the bosses instructions the users aren't allowed to browse the gallery for images as they are being used as proof of work performed (small company, 5-12 employees using the app).
is there any way for iphone to relay back to the app the actuall image location on the camera roll like android does? Then I can just save the URI to the database and call it when the form is submitted...
You need to use
to convert the filelocation to a fileentry or else your filepath will contain the App UUID which changes when you update/deploy your app.

Sencha Touch and Saving Local Media

Does anyone know if it is possible to save media from the internet on the local device using Sencha Touch? From what I've seen so far, I understand it's definitely possible to save XML or JSON data locally on the device, but I have had no luck finding ways to store media locally.
To be more specific, I am looking to program an app that provides the user with a series of audio seminars - like podcasts, really. The user would be able to stream those audio files directly from the internet, but I also need to provide the user with the ability to save an episode/seminar for later. This will be important for when a user is traveling and does not have a reliable internet connection or data plan.
The primary delivery device would be on iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) and I would hope to be able to use the same technology on Android devices - but that would be a secondary phase.
If this is possible, how would I go about saving material? And what, if any, would be the limitations on doing so? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
I have done something similar using Sencha Touch 1 and PhoneGap to produce a hybrid app.
Basically, I use Sencha Touch to download the JSON, etc and LocalStorage to hold the data. Downloading media/files/etc to the actual device is not supported in Sencha Touch as the framework doesn't have access to a file system.
I then use PhoneGap's API's to tap into the device's native file system and download files to the app's Documents directory and pass the file names/paths to Sencha Touch for use in the app.
I'm assuming you are looking to create a hybrid app based on your question but if this is strictly a web app then there isn't much you can do.
TO add to the above point, you possibly could base64 encode the file and store it within LocalStorage but this isn't a sustainable model as LocalStorage only gives you 5mb of space. If you go over 5mb, the user is prompted (yes, no) to allow LocalStorage to use more space (in 5mb increments). Since the files your reference have the potential to be 5mb each, you can see how this could quickly become unmanageable for both you and the user.
See for the native wrapper for the phonegap download plugin
and for the code
Check this website out. Scroll down to storing data offline. They discuss Sencha Touch provides a set of data store and proxy classes that make it very easy to work with data from (and going to) a variety of sources - both server- and client-side... hope this helped, cheers.

iPhone: Saving picture/data to "public" folder?

I want to implement a backup feature in the app I'm working on, that simply puts an image and some data in a folder that can be accessed through itunes or similar.
But is this possible, and what can be done?
Point of the feature is that if (for some reason) the image and data isn't sent to my server, the user will have the ability to extract it to a pc/mac, so that the image and data isn't lost.
Any help is appreciated.
Enabled iTunes file sharing in your app's settings and then write your file to the Documents folder in your app. This will then allow them to see the file through iTunes.