Multiple values in query - sendgrid

I am trying to get stats for categories, where I want to specify multiple categories. I have query params like this
$query_params = json_decode('{
"aggregated_by": "day",
"limit": 500,
"categories": "category1 category2",
"start_date": "2018-08-12",
"end_date": "2018-08-13"}');
Obviously the way that I am defining multiple categories is wrong, but what is the correct way ? I tried array, comma/space separated values but with no luck.

You need to just name each category in a distinct argument. In your example, It'd probably look like:
$query_params = json_decode('{
"aggregated_by": "day",
"limit": 500,
"categories": "category1",
"categories": "category2",
"start_date": "2018-08-12",
"end_date": "2018-08-13"}');

So I solved this by passing the parameters as array:
$query = array('categories' => ['cat1','cat2']);
And then I modified sendgrid client buildUrl method like this:
private function buildUrl($queryParams = null)
$path = '/' . implode('/', $this->path);
if (isset($queryParams)) {
$queryParams = \http_build_query($queryParams);
$path .= '?' . preg_replace('/%5B(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)%5D=/', '=', $queryParams);
return sprintf('%s%s%s', $this->host, $this->version ?: '', $path);
I added the preg_replace part so the url is correctly built without including array key from nested array.


Azure data factory pass activity output to a dataset

I am using a SQL Server query which would return the last 3 months since a customer last purchased a product. For instance, There's a customer 100 that last made a purchase in August 2022. The SQL query will return June, July, August. Which would be in the format 062022, 072022, 082022. Now I need to be able to pass these values to the Copy data activity REST api dataset Relative URL (/salemonyr/062022) in the ForEach activity.
So during the first iteration the Relative URL should be set to /salemonyr/062022 the second would be /salemonyr/072022 and third /salemonyr/082022.
Error: The expression 'length(activity('MonYear').output.value)' cannot be evaluated because property 'value' doesn't exist, available properties are 'resultSetCount, recordsAffected, resultSets, outputParameters, outputLogs, outputLogsLocation, outputTruncated, effectiveIntegrationRuntime, executionDuration, durationInQueue, billingReference
Script activity json:
"resultSetCount": 1,
"recordsAffected": 0,
"resultSets": [
"rowCount": 3,
"rows": [
"MonYear": 062022
"MonYear": 072022
"MonYear": 082022
"outputParameters": {},
"outputLogs": "",
"outputLogsLocation": "",
"outputTruncated": false,
"effectiveIntegrationRuntime": "",
"executionDuration": 0,
"durationInQueue": {
"integrationRuntimeQueue": 3
"billingReference": {
"activityType": "PipelineActivity",
"billableDuration": [
"meterType": "",
"duration": 0.016666666666666666,
"unit": "Hours"
How would I accomplish this to read the values dynamically from the SQL query.
You can use #split(item().colname,',')[0] , split(item().colname,',')[1] and split(item().colname,',')[2] in the relative URL path.
Check the below video for details:
You can use REST Dataset parameter and use it in the Relative URL.
Relative URL:
Give lookup output to ForEach. use your query in lookup.
Give this to ForEach and inside ForEach, in copy sink(REST DATASET) use the below expression for the dataset parameter.
In source, you can give your source.
By this, you can copy the data to the respective Relative URL.

Powershell Append PSCustomObject to nested PSCustomObject

My problem is that I have a remote API giving me a JSON with 10 levels deep nesting and I need to add another array/hashtable/PSCustomObject (whatever you want to call it) to one of them.
The JSON looks like this:
"result": [
"modules": [
"data": {
"segments": [
"routes": {
"static": [
"destination": "",
"netmask": ""
"destination": "",
"netmask": ""
The return object is a Hashtable, however when I try to access the values in dot notation, it turns into PSCustomObject:
$statics = $
It won't let me use the other notation:
$statics = $result['result']['modules']['data']['segments']['routes']['static']
Error: Cannot index into a null array
The real tricky part (for me) is to to append a new hastable to the "static" hashtable in such a way that the rest of the hashtable remains intact.
$newroute = #{
destination = ""
netmask = ""
I would have used PHP or Python but for this project I must use Powershell and I'm running into all sorts of things where PS behaves different from what I expect.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
static is an array, you can add new items to it:
$newStaticRoute = [pscustomobject]#{
destination = ''
netmask = ''
$ += $newStaticRoute

Can I parameterize labels and properties on CREATE or SET? (REST and transaction)

I have a query
1. CREATE (a:%1$s {props}), (b:%2$s {props2}), (b)-[:%3$s {relProps}]->(a)
2. MATCH (a:%1$s { value:{value} })-[:%2$s]->(b) WHERE (b:%3$s) SET (b {props})
I'm using underscore.string to allow string format but would love to just stick with parameters.
Is it possible to parameterize labels such as
"query": CREATE (a:{label} {props}),
"params": {
and is it also possible to parameterize properties on a SET?
"query": "MATCH ..... SET (node {props})"
"params": {
"prop1:":"Property Name",
Also is there a way to parameterize on a "MERGE"? it gives me 'Parameter maps cannot be used in MERGE patterns (use a literal map instead, eg. "{id: {param}.id}")'
EDIT: what about parameterizing where clause?
MATCH (:Identity%1$s {nodeId:{nodeId})-[r*2..3]-(node1)-[b:%2$s]->(node2) %4$s return *
I have %4$s there for me to put whatever clauses I need to. If I want to have it as
WHERE node1.nodeId= {someNodeId} SET b= {props}
is that possible??
Also when I'm doing a transaction SET node={props} does not seem to work. I tried
"statement":"..... SET node={props}",
"props": {
"description":"some description"
Any suggestions?? Thank you!
You cannot parameterize labels since the query plan might look different for a different label.
Parameterizing multiple properties using a map is possible, note the slight difference in the SET syntax:
"query": "MATCH ..... SET node = {props}"
"params": {
"prop1:":"Property Name",
Not 100% about MERGE but I guess this should work:
"query": "MERGE (n:Label {identifier: {idValue}) ON CREATE SET n = {props}"
"params": {
"identifier": 123,
"identifier": 123,
"prop1:":"Property Name",
I found out!
CREATE ... SET node = {props}
does the trick to set multiple properties with parameters

How to append a key:value to a MongoDB cursor?

Is it possible to append a key:value to a MongoDB cursor?
I tried this:
cursor = collection.find(query,projection)
cursor['my_message'] = "value here" # trying to add key:value here
But it doesn't seem to work (500).
In more context, this works:
dbname = 'my_db'
db = connection[dbname]
collection = db.my_collection
query = {'key_1': my_var}
projection = {'key_2':1}
cursor = collection.find(query,projection)
response.content_type = 'application/json'
return dumps(cursor)
This doesn't:
dbname = 'my_db'
db = connection[dbname]
collection = db.my_collection
query = {'key_1': my_var}
projection = {'key_2':1}
cursor = collection.find(query,projection)
cursor['my_message'] = "value here" # trying to add key:value here
response.content_type = 'application/json'
return dumps(cursor)
Edit: And just to visualise what is being returned successfully (without the appended value), it is something like:
[{ document_1 },{ document_2 },{ document_3 }]
And I expect it to look something like:
["my_message":"value here",{ document_1 },{ document_2 },{ document_3 }]
Edit: I tried the following as an alternative and also got a 500.
entries = []
cursor = collection.find(query,projection)
for entry in cursor:
entries['my_message'] = "value here"
response.content_type = 'application/json'
return dumps(entries)
Really, WiredPrarie answered this for you right at the beginning, and everyone is saying the same thing.
We know what you want to do. You want your serialized response to be sent back with some information you want to put in and then the resultset. I also presume that you want to use these results and your other data, likely loaded into some JavaScript processing store.
I have never seen anything that didn't expect some sort of structure like:
"result": "ok",
"meta": [{ akey: "avalue"}, {bkey: "bvalue"}],
"results:[ // this is your 'entries' value here
{ document_1 },
{ document_2 },
{ document_3 },
So what everyone is saying is embed your entries into another structure that you are going to serialize and return. By trying to push your other keys into the entries list you are doing it the wrong way around.

How do I create a Lithium - form->select from controller output

I want to create a dropdown for types collection from MongoDB, in my MongoDB collection:
section has types and controller code with view code. I want to create a form->select from the output of the controller.
"_id": ObjectId("5082c6109d5d0c640c000000"),
"_id": ObjectId("5082c62b9d5d0c440c00006e"),
"_id": ObjectId("5082c62b9d5d0c440c00006f"),
"_id": ObjectId("5082c62b9d5d0c440c000070"),
// in my controller
// -----------
$types = Types::all(array('order'=>'_id'));
$vtype = array($types)
return compact('vtypes');
// in my view
// ------------------
echo $this->form->select('types',$vtypes);
find('list') returns a key/value array, useful for any use where you would want a list such as for populating input select boxes.
$types = Types::find('list')
[5082c6109d5d0c640c000000] => 'JACKET CLUSTER FRONT',
[5082c62b9d5d0c440c00006e] => 'JACKET CLUSTER FRONT',
[5082c62b9d5d0c440c00006f] => 'TITLE WITHOUT SYMBOL',
This finder looks for $_meta['title'] of your model, which is by default name if this field is available, and $_meta['key'] for the id, which should be _id in your case if your schema is correct
Finally, I used this to achieve the result.
Types::meta('key', '_id');
Types::meta('title', 'filename');
$types = Types::find('list',array(