How do I create a Lithium - form->select from controller output - forms

I want to create a dropdown for types collection from MongoDB, in my MongoDB collection:
section has types and controller code with view code. I want to create a form->select from the output of the controller.
"_id": ObjectId("5082c6109d5d0c640c000000"),
"_id": ObjectId("5082c62b9d5d0c440c00006e"),
"_id": ObjectId("5082c62b9d5d0c440c00006f"),
"_id": ObjectId("5082c62b9d5d0c440c000070"),
// in my controller
// -----------
$types = Types::all(array('order'=>'_id'));
$vtype = array($types)
return compact('vtypes');
// in my view
// ------------------
echo $this->form->select('types',$vtypes);

find('list') returns a key/value array, useful for any use where you would want a list such as for populating input select boxes.
$types = Types::find('list')
[5082c6109d5d0c640c000000] => 'JACKET CLUSTER FRONT',
[5082c62b9d5d0c440c00006e] => 'JACKET CLUSTER FRONT',
[5082c62b9d5d0c440c00006f] => 'TITLE WITHOUT SYMBOL',
This finder looks for $_meta['title'] of your model, which is by default name if this field is available, and $_meta['key'] for the id, which should be _id in your case if your schema is correct

Finally, I used this to achieve the result.
Types::meta('key', '_id');
Types::meta('title', 'filename');
$types = Types::find('list',array(


how can I set the value of objectId to another property different that _id when creating a document?

I'm trying to create an object that looks like this:
const userSettingsSchema = extendSchema(HistorySchema, {
user: //ObjectId here,
key:{type: String},
value:{type: String}
this is the post method declared in the router
and this is the method "create":
async create(request, response) {
try {
const param = request.params.key;
const body = request.body;
console.log('body', body)
switch (param) {
case 'theme':
var userSettings = await UserSettings.create(body) // user:objecId -> missing...
} catch (e) {
return response.status(400).send({ msg: e.message });
I don't know how to assign the value of ObjectId to the user property, because ObjectId is generate when the doc is created, thus, I can not do this: userSettings.user = userSettings._id, because the objectr is already. I only manage to get something like this created:
"_id": "60c77565f1ac494e445cccfe",
"key": "theme",
"value": "dark",
But it should be:
"user": "60c77565f1ac494e445cccfe",
"key": "theme",
"value": "dark",
_id is the only mandatory property of a document. It is unique identifier of the document and you cannot remove it.
If you provide document without _id the driver will generate one.
You can generate ObjectId as
let id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId();
and assign it to as many properties as you want.
You can even generate multiple different ObjectIds for different properties of the same document.
Now, you don't really need to assign ObjectId to "user" property. _id will do just fine. In fact it is most likely you don't need user's settings in separate collection and especially as multiple documents with single key-value pair.
You should be good by embedding "settings" property to your "user" collection as a key-value json.

Postgres query array elements inside JSON?

I have Postgres 11 table called fb_designs that has a json column with data structured like so:
"listings": [
"id": "KTyneMdrAhAEKyC9Aylf",
"active": true
"id": "ZcjK9M4tuwhWWdK8WcfX",
"active": false
and a tags column in a character varying[] format as so {dWLaRWChaThFPH6b3BpA,BrYiPaUiou020hsmRugR}. Both lengths are undefined.
What I am trying to do is produce a some queries that will let me say in laymans terms,
show me all results where at all items.listings has an
active status and tags contains BrYiPaUiou020hsmRugR
I got this far, however I'm not sure how to add in WHERE uid = "foo", WHERE tags contains "foo", "bar and WHERE title is like %hoot%
SELECT id, title, tags, selected_preview_image, items
FROM fb_designs r, json_array_elements(r.items#>'{listings}') obj
WHERE obj->>'active' = 'true'
If they are all true, then none of them are false. Sounds like you want to negate the containment operation over false.
select * from fb_designs where
not items::jsonb #> '{"listings":[{"active": false}]}'
and tags && ARRAY['BrYiPaUiou020hsmRugR']::varchar[]

Create a Notification System Based on User Preferences

I am trying to develop a notification system, but I am not sure if I do certain parts correctly. To simplify the case I will use some generic naming.
How the system should work:
A registered user can subscribe for notifications based on chosen filters from a data table grid. ( for example, notify me when the quantity of an item is X, or have multiple filters set up like set1.slug.quantity > X, some_value = false and some_int = 52)
How I store such preferences:
Example object
Generation simplified
$object = new \stdClass();
$object->{'set1.slug'} = ['$eq' => 'item_slug1'];
$object->{'set1.quantity'} = ['$gte' => 1];
$object = serialize($object);
It attaches also the user_id and all the data serialized from the form to a partial MongoDB raw query.
Database stored object - predefined filter set for a user. Md is an md5 hash of the object for easier access and edit.
| id | object | user_id | md |
| 1 | O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:9:"set1.slug";a:1:{s:3:"$eq";s:10:"item_slug1";}s:13:"set1.quantity";a:1:{s:4:"$gte";i:1;}} | 22 | d5003ba3227c4db3189827329815b053 |
This is how I would use it - my vision of how it would work.
I would call findByFilterMD in the API parser in a loop, while the table Items is populated.
// MongoDB query ( items database )
protected function executeUserFilter($array)
$list = Items::raw(function ($collection) use (&$array) {
return $collection->find(
$array, ["typeMap" => ['root' => 'array', 'document' => 'array']])
return $list;
// MySQL query - stored filters
protected function findByFilterMD($id)
$user = Auth::user();
$filter = PredefinedFilters::where('md', '=', $id)->first();
$deserialize = unserialize($filter->object);
$results = $this->executeUserFilter($deserialize);
// here would probably be a notification function like pusher or onesignal
I am aware that my attempt of achieving this might be totally wrong and I might reinvent the wheel since some tools might do that already.
Here is an example Item MongoDB object
"_id": {
"$oid": "5c0406abdc04e7007f17f4ef"
"name": "myObject",
"inner_ID": "0db0b19a-9c01-4c21-8e10-6879dbcb37f1",
"some_value": false,
"some_int": 52,
"set1": [
"slug": "item_slug1",
"quantity": 88,
"extra": {
"value": 0
"set2": [
"slug": "item_slug2",
"quantity": 88,
"extra": {
"value": 0
"slug": "item_slug3",
"quantity": 88,
"extra": {
"value": 0
"expires": "2018-12-02 22:21:30"
Here comes my questions
Is this way of doing it proper?
Where should the notification system kick in? I assume it might be in the place where I parse the api of items, then I should loop over the user filter data and run the stored object query - or should it be a separate system called with cron?
I am open to any suggestions, redesigns.
I developed an app kinda like this. My approach is to make use of Laravel notification found here:
Let's say, in your case, if someone modify/create data, the other users who subscribe will get notification.
Create notification
php artisan make:notification UserUpdateQuantity
Make User model notifiable, also create scope that subscribe for something
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable
use Notifiable;
public function scopeSubscribe($query)
return $query->where('subscribe', true);
the $query in method scopeSubscribe needs to be adjusted based on your business logic
Send notification
$subscriber = User::subscribe()->get();
Notification::send($subscriber, new UserUpdateQuantity());
Create event & listener
You can find the event and listener here
In the EventServiceProvider
protected $listen = [
'App\Events\QuantityUpdated' => [
Then run the command php artisan event:generate
Event listener
In the event listener, we send notification
public function handle(QuantityUpdated $event)
$subscriber = User::subscribe()->get();
Notification::send($subscriber, new UserUpdateQuantity());
Eloquent event
Add event on your eloquent model, so when someone update quantity, it triggers event and the listener will send notification to subscribed users
// In your model
protected $dispatchesEvents = [
'updated' => App\Events\QuantityUpdated::class

Can I parameterize labels and properties on CREATE or SET? (REST and transaction)

I have a query
1. CREATE (a:%1$s {props}), (b:%2$s {props2}), (b)-[:%3$s {relProps}]->(a)
2. MATCH (a:%1$s { value:{value} })-[:%2$s]->(b) WHERE (b:%3$s) SET (b {props})
I'm using underscore.string to allow string format but would love to just stick with parameters.
Is it possible to parameterize labels such as
"query": CREATE (a:{label} {props}),
"params": {
and is it also possible to parameterize properties on a SET?
"query": "MATCH ..... SET (node {props})"
"params": {
"prop1:":"Property Name",
Also is there a way to parameterize on a "MERGE"? it gives me 'Parameter maps cannot be used in MERGE patterns (use a literal map instead, eg. "{id: {param}.id}")'
EDIT: what about parameterizing where clause?
MATCH (:Identity%1$s {nodeId:{nodeId})-[r*2..3]-(node1)-[b:%2$s]->(node2) %4$s return *
I have %4$s there for me to put whatever clauses I need to. If I want to have it as
WHERE node1.nodeId= {someNodeId} SET b= {props}
is that possible??
Also when I'm doing a transaction SET node={props} does not seem to work. I tried
"statement":"..... SET node={props}",
"props": {
"description":"some description"
Any suggestions?? Thank you!
You cannot parameterize labels since the query plan might look different for a different label.
Parameterizing multiple properties using a map is possible, note the slight difference in the SET syntax:
"query": "MATCH ..... SET node = {props}"
"params": {
"prop1:":"Property Name",
Not 100% about MERGE but I guess this should work:
"query": "MERGE (n:Label {identifier: {idValue}) ON CREATE SET n = {props}"
"params": {
"identifier": 123,
"identifier": 123,
"prop1:":"Property Name",
I found out!
CREATE ... SET node = {props}
does the trick to set multiple properties with parameters

Nested document insert into MongoDB with C#

I am trying to insert nested documents in to a MongoDB using C#. I have a collection called categories. In that collection there must exist documents with 2 array, one named categories and one named standards. Inside those arrays must exist new documents with their own ID's that also contain arrays of the same names listed above. Below is what I have so far but I am unsure how to proceed. If you look at the code what I want to do is add the "namingConventions" document nested under the categories array in the categories document however namingConventions must have a unique ID also.
At this point I am not sure I have done any of this the best way possible so I am open to any and all advice on this entire thing.
namespace ClassLibrary1
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
public class Class1
public void test()
string connectionString = "mongodb://localhost";
MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create(connectionString);
MongoDatabase standards = server.GetDatabase("Standards");
MongoCollection<BsonDocument> categories = standards.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("catagories");
BsonDocument[] batch = {
new BsonDocument { { "categories", new BsonArray {} },
{ "standards", new BsonArray { } } },
new BsonDocument { { "catagories", new BsonArray { } },
{ "standards", new BsonArray { } } },
For clarity this is what I need:
What I am doing is building a coding standards site. The company wants all the standards stored in MongoDB in a tree. Everything must have a unique ID so that on top of being queried as a tree it can be queried by itself also. An example could be:
/* 0 */
"_id" : ObjectId("4fb39795b74861183c713807"),
"catagories" : [],
"standards" : []
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("4fb39795b74861183c713806"),
"categories" : [{
"_id" : ObjectId("4fb39795b74861183c713807"),
"catagories" : [],
"standards" : []
"standards" : []
Now I have written code to make this happen but the issue seems to be that when I add object "0" to the categories array in object "1" it is not making a reference but instead copying it. This will not due because if changes are made they will be made to the original object "0" so they will not be pushed to the copy being made in the categories array, at least that is what is happening to me. I hope this clears up what I am looking for.
So, based on your latest comment, it seems as though this is the actual structure you are looking for:
_id: ObjectId(),
name: "NamingConventions",
categories: [
id: ObjectId(),
name: "Namespaces",
standards: [
id: ObjectId(),
name: "TitleCased",
description: "Namespaces must be Title Cased."
id: ObjectId().
name: "NoAbbreviations",
description: "Namespaces must not use abbreviations."
id: ObjectId(),
name: "Variables",
standards: [
id: ObjectId(),
name: "CamelCased",
description: "variables must be camel cased."
Assuming this is correct, then the below is how you would insert one of these:
var collection = db.GetCollection("some collection name");
var root = new BsonDocument();
root.Add("name", "NamingConventions");
var rootCategories = new BsonArray();
rootCategories.Add(new BsonDocument
{ "id": ObjectId.GenerateNewId() },
{ "name", "Namespaces" },
{ "standards", new BsonArray() }
root.Add("categories", rootCategories);
Hope that helps, if not, I give up :).
So, I guess I'm confused by what you are asking. If you just want to store the namingConventions documents inside the array, you don't need a collection for them. Instead, just add them to the bson array and store them.
var categoriesCollection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("categories");
var category = new BsonDocument();
var namingConventions = new BsonArray();
namingConventions.Add(new BsonDocument("convention1", "value"));
category.Add("naming_conventions", namingConventions);
This will create a new document for a category, create an array in it called naming_conventions with a single document in it with an element called "convention1" and a value of "value".
I also am not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish. Perhaps if you posted some sample documents in JSON format we could show you the C# code to write documents that match that.
Alternatively, if you wish to discuss your schema, that could also be better done in the context of JSON rather than C#, and once a schema has been settled on then we can discuss how to write documents to that schema in C#.
One thing that didn't sound right in your original description was the statement "in that collection must exist 2 arrays". A collection can only contain documents, not arrays. The documents themselves can contain arrays if you want.
var filter = Builders<CollectionDefination>.Filter.Where(r => r._id== id);
var data = Builders<CollectionDefination>.Update.Push(f=>
await _dbService.collection.UpdateOneAsync( filter,data);
Note: Make sure embedded document type [Categories] is array.