How to create a list and when you click on one of its members it moves it to the list of favorites - flutter

I want something like a list so that when I press on a button, the list item moves to another list called Favorites.

This is done in one of the Flutter getting started Codelabs. Check Link

This is a very broad question, so I'll describe some general guidelines:
First, make sure you got a basic understanding of Flutter's widgets model. For this, there are several videos on YouTube or Codelabs by Google.
The next step would be to think about state management.
At Google I/O there was an example of a Shopping Cart app that pretty much resembles your requirements.
You may also want to check out the source code of that app on Github.


How can i change the language of flutter app?

I want to make a dropdown item list of different languages and when user selects one of these app language should change. I don't know what logic to apply for changing language please help me.
This is the topic of internationalization:
I have found translator's:
By the plugins I writtend you have documentations but you also can go to youtube and look a tutorial about them.
Next time you can simple google what you want to have or go to and writte in the search bar what you want.
I wish you a good day!

Flutter Onboarding User Walkthrough

I've seen a lot of flutter packages for onboarding users which are basically no more than just a slide deck. For example here is one:
However, I am looking for something a bit more interactive. I'd like for the user to follow along with the tutorial. I've seen onboarding handled this way in a lot of websites, such as seen below:
Is there a pre-built package or easy way to mimic this type of interactive, user onboarding process in flutter?
Thanks in advance.
There is a package tutorial_coach_mark: that you can use to create a beautiful and easy tutorial for your application. It'll help you in a more interactive onboarding.
Check it out here:
There is also another package: highlighter_coachmark:
but it might not be null safe.
If you don't want to rely on external packages, I'll recommend looking up this answer

Shall I mention the deep links in the sample invocation in the directory page?

I am making an action for google assistant.I have created some deep links so should I mention them in the sample invocations in the directory information? I also want the users to see the first welcome screen that is the default welcome intent and not directly jump to the other intents for the first time.I cannot decide what to do.Can someone please help me with this?
Showing them in your examples lets people know that the feature is possible.
If you really don't want to allow it when they first start - you can intercept the "deep link" at invocation time and send back a reply welcoming them first and explaining things, then either letting them do it or letting them do it in the future.

Flutter App Introduction with User Interaction

I would like to create an Animated App Walkthrough however I don't want something like Onboarding Screen.Let me give you an example to make it clear what I wanted :
For Example assume user login the app for the first time then the user needs to follow some instructions in order to learn the basics and unknown things of the app. So rather than a simple image or animation at Onboarding Screen, I want user to interact(touch) the shown places on the app.
Also , I look at flare where I could create animation but I couldnt find how to add interaction which I exactly want.
The Material Design solution to this problem is Feature Discovery.
There is a package for this on Pub called feature_discovery.
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There are not any standalone implementations in the form of plugins for Flutter that I am aware of available at the moment. However, there is an open source implementation created by Matthew Carrol, which was published on GitHub.
Alongside the code, he created an in-depth video tutorial showing and explaining the creation process:

How to create a database In iPhone application?

I have a very simple application, and i want to add into it a database. For all of you, to understand what i mean, it should look similar like default application "Contacts" in iPhone. It should contain list of elements (like people names in contact list), and when the user click name, the next view appear, which contain information about contact (and other buttons as well). All of data must be inside of application (not downloading from web pages).
Please help me! I am novice, and i have no clue what i should looking for, not just an array i guess... i will gratefully accept any of advice and links to examples, related to my problem.
PS. My app is not about contacts, its about diet. For example, it should look like: user click element "cheese" in list, and then next view provide information about product (calories, protein, fat etc.)
Take a look at the following free lessons from iTunes U. Paul Hegarty is an excellent teacher. These are dense so I had to watch a couple times, but everything you need is here:
Basic Persistence:
Core Data (Lecture):
Core Data Demo:
These pages have the pdfs, but go to iTunes and download the full lectures for an excellent overview. Also don't miss the CoreDataTableViewController available on the last linked page - handy.
Without this course I would not be an iOS developer, so I can't recommend it highly enough.