Flutter Onboarding User Walkthrough - flutter

I've seen a lot of flutter packages for onboarding users which are basically no more than just a slide deck. For example here is one: https://pub.dev/packages/introduction_screen
However, I am looking for something a bit more interactive. I'd like for the user to follow along with the tutorial. I've seen onboarding handled this way in a lot of websites, such as seen below:
Is there a pre-built package or easy way to mimic this type of interactive, user onboarding process in flutter?
Thanks in advance.

There is a package tutorial_coach_mark: that you can use to create a beautiful and easy tutorial for your application. It'll help you in a more interactive onboarding.
Check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/tutorial_coach_mark
There is also another package: highlighter_coachmark:
but it might not be null safe.
If you don't want to rely on external packages, I'll recommend looking up this answer


Adding Multiple buttons in Toast or Snackbar

Is it possible to display multiple buttons/actions in a toast or snackbar using the .Net Maui Community Toolkit? If so, can you provide an example please? if not, is there another way to achieve this.
I have looked at all the documentation I can find but have not been able to find a way
Unfortunately this is not possible. On Android it uses the platform implementation as this concept is actually something that comes from Android. And on Android you cannot have more than 1 button on it. On other platforms we draw our own SnackBar/Toast, but to make sure it is consistent across platforms, we only allow 1 button to be on there.

How can i change the language of flutter app?

I want to make a dropdown item list of different languages and when user selects one of these app language should change. I don't know what logic to apply for changing language please help me.
This is the topic of internationalization: https://docs.flutter.dev/development/accessibility-and-localization/internationalization
I have found translator's:
By the plugins I writtend you have documentations but you also can go to youtube and look a tutorial about them.
Next time you can simple google what you want to have or go to pub.dev and writte in the search bar what you want.
I wish you a good day!

In flutter,How to design an app walkthrough using flutter_intro package?

I’m new in flutter. Recently I wanted to add app walkthrough for new users in the first log in in app. After many research, I find a package called flutter_intro( https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_intro). But reading the documentation, I find it difficult to understand it properly.but I want to do exact feature in my app what flutter_intro package do. You can suggest me any other packages like this.
It would be appreciated if anyone could help me regarding this by example.
You can use showcaseview package which is easy to use and has very good documentation

Flutter App Introduction with User Interaction

I would like to create an Animated App Walkthrough however I don't want something like Onboarding Screen.Let me give you an example to make it clear what I wanted :
For Example assume user login the app for the first time then the user needs to follow some instructions in order to learn the basics and unknown things of the app. So rather than a simple image or animation at Onboarding Screen, I want user to interact(touch) the shown places on the app.
Also , I look at flare where I could create animation but I couldnt find how to add interaction which I exactly want.
The Material Design solution to this problem is Feature Discovery.
There is a package for this on Pub called feature_discovery.
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There are not any standalone implementations in the form of plugins for Flutter that I am aware of available at the moment. However, there is an open source implementation created by Matthew Carrol, which was published on GitHub.
Alongside the code, he created an in-depth video tutorial showing and explaining the creation process: https://youtu.be/Xm0ELlBtNWM.

Tab UI in Android

I am an Android newbie and I really require your help.
I'd like to develop an app , which its UI is persisted of three Tabs, and the first one a WebView.
since I am not familiar with all the required building blocks, can anyone give me a sample? a guide how to do so?
thanks a lot!
The Android API Demos include several (Tabs1 to Tabs2 sample files) examples. Install, try and have a look at them.
Regarding specifying the content of Tabs you have the possibilities to use Views or Activities. If you check some "Tab" related discussion here you will find that established users prefer to use Views (e.g. here). I took the 'Activity' way so far and feel quite comfortable - but did not go to deep into pros and cons. My current point of view is that you have to decide on each special case and can't give a general recommendation.
there is some tutorials on this page : http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/index.html