iPhone-Only App, when running on iPad which iPhone does it renders? - iphone

which iPhone does the iPad 10.5" renders when it runs an iPhone-only app?
(if some one could give more information also about the 12.9" and etc... would be great too)

The screen point resolution is reported as 375x667 or a 4.7" screen.
This also equates to an iPhone 8 or an iPhone 8+ in display zoom mode.
See PaintCode's guide for more details on display zoom mode.

The 12.9" iPad Pro runs iPhone apps as a 4.7" iPhone (8, 7, 6S, etc).
All other iPads run iPhone apps as a 3.5" (4S, 4, etc).
You can easily find this out yourself by running an iPhone app in the various simulators.


iPhone App truncating at bottom while running in iPad

I am developing an iPhone app which should support iPad (not compatible but with support for 1X and 2X option at bottom). My app supports iPhone 5,6 and 6 plus as expected, but when I run the app in an iPad some part of the screen is getting truncated at bottom. How do I fix this? It should show the full iPhone screen in iPad.
Make you app support iPhone 4s screen size. It seems that iPad runs iPhone app as in a 3.5 inch screen.

Iphone only app cuts of the bottom of the screen when viewed in Ipad mode (2x)

my app is very basic and looks great on the iphone but in compatability mode 2x on the ipad it does not show the same screen as on the iphone. it was built as an iphone only app and has no major graphs. this is what Apple told me. 2.10: iPhone apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
I've had the same behavior on a physical iPad 2 for an existing working iPhone-only app.
In fact, after adding for each Retina images (suffixed by #2x) a corresponding non-Retina version in the project, my app launched successfully on the iPad, without any modifications...
I'm not sure it will work for you, but might worth to try ?

Launch app on iPad in 2x mode with iOS 7

Before iOS 7, iPhone apps that opened on iPads used to launch in 2x mode. iOS 7 seems to force all apps, even if they weren't designed for the iPad, to launch in 1x mode. How can we force our app to launch in 2x mode on iPads using iOS 7?
iPhone apps on iPads running iOS 7 now always open as a Retina iPhone app, while on iOS 6 they opened as a non-retina apps on non-retina iPads.
On Retina iPads (iPad 3 and 4) the apps may display in 1x (iPhone sized) or 2x (taking as much of the iPad screen as possible) and may be toggled.
On non-Retina iPads (iPad 2 and iPad mini) the apps only display in 2x mode and cannot be toggled. This is because the non-retina iPads do not have enough pixel density to display the retina iPhone apps at the "normal" size.
This behavior is determined by the OS and cannot be changed by your app.

Testing iPhone-only app on iPad without zooming?

My case is:
I am building an iPhone-only app.
My test devices are iPhone 4s and iPad 4.
I would like to support iPhone 5/5c/5s screen sizes, but I don't have the actual devices.
Can I use the iPad to test the UI for iPhone 5/5c/5s screen size, but without the automatic zoom of the app - simply taking only the 640×1136?
No, the iPad has not setting to allow this, neither did Apple release any API to do this.

When I run iPhone app on iPad the screen resolution is wrong. How to fix this?

I encountered with a strange problem. I develop an application which is targeting iPhone device family with Retina 3.5 and 4. All the time I used iPhone 5 simulator to test all the UI and functionality and everything was good but know I have to test push notifications. I have iPad 4 (model MD522ZP/A) as an iOS 6 device. When I run my app on it all the UI layout became wrong. The most weird problem is when I tried to check display resolution with this code:
NSLog(#"RESOLUTION = %#", NSStringFromCGSize([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size));
I got this : RESOLUTION = {320, 480}. But it is iPhone 3 resolution! Why iPad didn't use Retina 3.5/4 resolution ? And how can I fix it? I don't want to create separate xibs only for iPad testing but I want to test my app on it so that all the UI elements will fit on screen.
Hope for the help.
It's not wrong. It is doing exactly the right thing. All references to sizes are in points, not pixels. When you get the bounds, it will be 320x480 on all 3.5" screens whether they are retina or not. Try it on any 3.5" retina device. You will get the same log output.
The iPad does not emulate a 4" device when running an iPhone-only app. It will always be a 3.5" iPhone compatible mode.
So seeing 320x480 is the correct size to expect.
Think of it this way. A retina iPad will show an iPhone-only app like it is running on a 3.5" retina iPhone. A non-retina iPad will show an iPhone-only app like it is running on a 3.5" non-retina iPhone.