Slick "for/yield"-query doesn't compile with negative comparison - scala

I ran into an odd problem with my slick-query:
As you can see, the function below is compiling although it's basically the same query but with a possitive comparison (I don't know if it's actually doing what it's supposed to do, though). When swapping the order of the if conditions, it tells me that && cannot be resolved. I don't know if that's the case, but I guess the second table query object, in this case contents, doesn't seem to be finished yet. However, that begs the question why the second function/query is compiling properly.
Do you have an answer to this? Am I doing something wrong here?
Thanks in advance!

You should use =!= for inequality and === for equality in queries according to slick docs

I guess I've fixed the problem.
Instead of:
if a.documentId === documentId && b.contentTypeId !== ContentType.PROCESS
I needed to write:
if a.documentId === documentId && !(b.contentTypeId === ContentType.PROCESS)
Still a weird behavior I can't really explain, espacially since negative comparisons like !== are generally allowed in those if-statements


How does a missing boolean operator still compile?

I have code like this:
val pop: Bool = (
(fsm === Fsm.None && canPop) ||
(fsm === Fsm.Some && canPop && fooBar)
(fsm === Fsm.Other && canPop && dragonFruit) ||
(fsm === Fsm.Mom && canPop))
fsm is a ChiselEnum based state machine and the other signals are just Bools. There is a missing || on the second statement line (after fooBar). This compiles and runs, although causes a bug in the behavior. My question is... why does this compile? This doesn't seem like valid syntax. Is it?
Please help me understand this. I just spent numerous days debugging a large circuit to find this issue.
Correct Answer
The problem is that this is a bit extract. Chisel lets you do foo(bar) to extract the bit at index bar out of foo. The above code, as written, is a bit extract even though the user wants it to be a mistake.
Unfortunately, this is a known gotcha and it's not reasonable to error on this without false positives while still allowing users to use the () syntax for bit extracts.
Incorrect Original Answer
It's valid syntax per Scala rules. What's going on here is that the code is really two statements, but the indentation is confusing. It's equivalent to:
val foo = a + b // Create an immutable value equal to "a + b".
c + d // A bare statement that adds "c + d", but doesn't use the result.
Or infamous C bugs like:
if (cond)
bar(); // bar() is always executed, but the indentation is confusing.
Usually this is the type of thing that you'd notice due to a code formatter or via linting. However, the problem is common to almost every language.
Setting up Scalafmt for your project may help.

How to Write a Flutter Ternary Operator with one of the conditions being null (do nothing)

The following works in Flutter, however, I have an IDE warning to avoid "unnecessary statements." I'm sure many will pipe in citing the Latin root of three in ternary and other critiques, and I appreciate that kind of fun dialog, I really do, however, sometimes in a nested sequence, this stuff comes up..not just in the simple example I'm giving.
As I said, the below works, I just get an Android Studio IDE warning. I'd probably be better off to correct it if there is something more appropriate when using a ternary operator
x == 4 ? doSomething() : null
Couldn't find any documentation on this.
Just don't use ternary.
if( x == 4 ) doSomething()
Applies to List and Map as well.
Android Studio at least has updated this check and it is now allowed without warnings. It was a common logic in validators at least, and someone saw the light. So the correct answer was: It's perfectly reasonable and good code. (at least in my opinion!)
The ternary operator is not built for such a situation. It should use where we have at least two options
condition ? doThisIfTrue() : doThisIfFalse()
If we have only one option, then simply use if
if ( condition ) {
The code that you wrote, is not wrong either, but that is not use of ternary operator.

Spark Scala case when with multiple conditions

I'm trying to do a case on a DF I have but I'm getting an error. I want to implement this with built in spark functions - withcolumn, when, otherwise:
CASE WHEN vehicle="BMW"
AND MODEL IN ("2020","2019","2018","2017")
AND value> 100000 THEN 1
Currently I have this
DF.withColumn(NEW_COLUMN, when(col(vehicle) === "BMW"
and col(model) isin(listOfYears:_*)
and col(value) > 100000, 1).otherwise(0))
But I'm getting an error due to data type mismatch, (boolean and string)... I understand my condition returns booleans and strings, which is causing the error. What's the correct syntax for executing a case like that one? also, I was using && instead of and but the third && was giving me a "cannot resolve symbol &&"
Thanks for the help!
I think && is correct - with the built-in spark functions, all of the expressions are of type Column, checking the API it looks like && is correct and should work fine. Could it be as simple as an order-of-operations issue, where you need parentheses around each of the boolean conditions? The function / "operator" isin would have a lower precedence than &&, which might trip things up.

Scala spark: Efficient check if condition is matched anywhere?

What I want is roughly equivalent to
df.where(<condition>).count() != 0
But I'm pretty sure it's not quite smart enough to stop once it finds any such violation. I would expect some sort of aggregator to be able to do this, but I haven't found one? I could do it with a max and some sort of conversion, but again I don't think it would necessarily know to quit (not being specific to bool, I'm not sure if understands no value is larger than true).
More specifically, I want to check if a column contains only a single element. Right now my best idea is to do this is by grabbing the first value and comparing everything.
I would try this option, it should be much faster:
You can also try to define your conditions on a row together with scala's exists (which stops at the first occurence of true):
df.mapPartitions(rows => if(rows.exists(row => <condition>)) Iterator(1) else Iterator.empty).isEmpty
At the end you should benchmark the alternatives

iPhone SDK: Please explain why "nil ==" is different than "== nil"

I have been programming iPhone SDK for around 6 months but am a bit confused about a couple of of which I am asking here:
Why are the following considered different?
if (varOrObject == nil)
if (nil == varOrObject)
Coming from a perl background this is confusing to me...
Can someone please explain why one of the two (the second) would be true whereas the first would not if the two routines are placed one after the other within code. varOrObject would not have changed between the two if statements.
There is no specific code this is happening in, just that I have read in a lot of places that the two statements are different, but not why.
Thanks in advance.
They are the same. What you have read is probably talking about if you mistakenly write == as =, the former will assign the value to the variable and the if condition will be false, while the latter would be a compile time error:
if (variable = nil) // assigns nil to variable, not an error.
if (nil = variable) // compile time error
The latter gives you the chance to correct the mistake at compile time.
They might be different if you are using Objective-C++ and you were overriding the '==' operator for the object.
They are exactly the same, it is just a style difference. One would never be true if the other is false.
if it's a recommendation that you use the latter, it's because the second is easier to catch if you accidentally type =. otherwise, they are identical and your book is wrong.
They can only be different if the "==" - Operator is overloaded.
Let's say someone redefines "==" for a list, so that the content of two lists is checked rather than the memory adress (like "equals() in Java). Now the same person could theoretically define that "emptyList == NULL".
Now (emptyList==NULL) would be true but (NULL==emptyList) would still be false.