How to explore modules with tab completion in Jupyter? - ipython

IPython’s other useful interface is the use of the Tab key for autocompletion and
exploration of the contents of objects, modules, and namespaces.
But when I try a simple code, and run it in Jupyter.
L=[1, 2, 3]
I'm getting this SyntaxError:
File "<ipython-input-3-b214fbf1057d>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Sorry, I totally misunderstand how to use the TAB key to or autocompletion and exploration of the contents of objects, modules, and namespaces.
Actually, I's very simple.
For example, after typed "L." and pressed TAB key. Finally, I can see a list.
Before pressed TAB key,
enter image description here
After pressed TAB key,
enter image description here


How to remap Tab key to two dots/period key presses

I want to map two dot/period key presses to Tab key in AutoHotkey script. I tried to map similarly as its shown for remapping semicolon key - on AutoHotkey forums, but it doesn't work. I tried following:
1. `..`::Tab
2. ..::Tab
AutoHotkey gives an error
I tried searching on AutoHotkey Remap docs, but couldn't figure it out. The period key is the one with the greater than mark and not the number keypad period key. See this: Dot/period key
Addition info/context in response to reply by user 0x464e:
Basically, I am trying to expand Emmet style abbreviations in devtools style sub-panel since the chrome devtools team wont implement it.
I am not a fast typist, so it's a pain to type complete property names. For example, if I want to type margin-top, (see the image), Chrome autocomplete brings up margin, margin-block margin-block-end etc.
Now, for margin-top, you need to at least type margin-t to get the autocomplete to show that property.
This is the case for many very common CSS properties like margins, paddings, etc., so autocomplete isn't great.
On the other hand, if I just type mt and have Autohotkey expand to margin-top, it's much much faster, saves me much time and keeps me sane.
Basically, I have setup some hotstring in .ahk script and they work too.
However, if I press mt followed by a Tab key press, Chrome's autocomplete takes over and hotstring fails, (try once to see the problem). Instead, currently I press spacebar, or . (period) to trigger the hotstring. It works, but the problem is it leaves a space or a dot with the expanded text. [see this].
So, that's the actual reason I wanted a double period key trigger to replace Tab.
It would be great if the hotstring trigger would work with a double period key, but doesn't leave the trigger character itself and then have send Tab so as to jump to the value input of the just expanded property.
You're not really looking for a traditional remap, which is why you didn't find it from the documentation.
Remapping is just simply remapping one key to another, but you're not trying to do that. You're trying to make some action do another action.
Anyway, what you're asking is doable, but there's loads of different ways it can be achieved with difficulties varying from simple to extremely advanced & complicated.
You'll need to specify things more clearly before this can be answered properly.
Biggest questions that pop into my head right away are at least:
Should this work everywhere, or just in text input fields?
How should the original functionality of . be preserved, if at all.
(What should happen after the initial . keypress?)
Should there be some timeout between the keypresses?
Etc, this is just what I could think of right away, but surely there's more.
Anyway, for now I can give a simple implementation with a hotstring:
So this is a hotstring with the * and ? options.
I'm guessing these would probably be pretty good options for this.
So what this does, is it presses backspace twice and sends a Tab if you type ...
This should be fine for text editors, but it leaves much to be desired (the points I listed above aren't considered since I can't know what you're looking for. This is just what a default simple hotstring can offer).
Looks to me like you don't actually want the additional mapping of .. to Tab, but instead just want to update your existing hotstrings to activate immediately (without waiting for an EndChar) when the hotstring is followed by ..
Normally, you might look to the Ending Characters option to create this functionality, but since you want multiple characters to trigger this, we need to look to other options.
I will be using the example of ::mt::margin-top for my sample implementation. Extend any changes I make to these to the rest of your hotstrings in the script you screenshotted.
Here are the changes I am making to this example:
Add your .. to the end of each of your hotstrings triggers. For example ::mt::margin-top becomes ::mt..::margin-top. However, at this present, this still requires some sort of ending character to be pressed in order to proc. Let's fix that in the next step
Add the Asterisk Modifier to the hotstring. From the docs:
* (asterisk): An ending character (e.g. Space, ., or Enter) is not required to trigger the hotstring.
Final code for ::mt::margin-top example:
And extend this * insertion and .. appendation to each of your hotstrings.
Hope this helped! Lmk if you need any more help or changes.

What are equivalents for values "selectNextQuickFix" and "selectPrevQuickFix" in VSCode 1.37.1?

I am trying to get the same behaviour in VSCode as in Vim for cycling through the completion list.
With Vim shift+tab and tab respectively cycle up and down the completion list. I like it because I don't have to move my hand to arrow keys.
I found configuration for that kind of behaviour on this blog.
Problem is that suggested values selectNextQuickFix and selectPrevQuickFix apparently don't exist anymore in version 1.37.1.
I get this message: Value is not accepted. Valid values: [bla, bla, list of values]
Does anyone know which value should I put instead of those two to have the exact same behaviour?

Disable intrinsic suggestions on VSCode

If I write some statement of my preferred language and then I use Tab on Sublime Text 3 it puts basic structure of that sentence to use quickly.
But, if I try the same behavior on VSCode, it only completes the phrase instead of structure for that sentence, forcing me to:
Write the complete structure.
Press Ctrl + Space and then use the arrows keys to choose some suggestion structure.
Use arrow keys before Tab to choose the suggestion I want.
Those three are slower than only write some statement and Tab…
I want to disable the first line of suggestion to use structure suggestions for quickly development:
Are there some kind of config.suggestionBuiltIn: false? I have not seen some similar on the oficial documentation.

Eclipse: Can You Hit A KeyBinding To Find The Command It Is Bound To?

I'm new to Eclipse. Is it possible in Eclipse to hit a keybinding and find the name of the command it is bound too?
For example, pressing Ctrl+Shift+R and have something like "open-dialog" come up in a list telling me that Ctrl+Shift+R is bound to the command "open-dialog".
Unfortunately, Eclipse doesn't make this easy. (Related note: IntelliJ IDEA does.) There are a few things that might help you out, though:
In the Eclipse settings for key bindings, you could do "Export to CSV". Then you can search that document for key combinations.
Also in the Eclipse settings for key bindings, you can sort the "Binding" column. The list is unwieldy to scroll through, but the ordering of multi-key combinations seems to be well defined so you could eventually find the key combination you're looking for.
If you want to look up a common command without going into the settings, you can assign a keyboard shortcut to "Show Key Assist". You can't sort the list by key combination, but it's at least a relatively short list to look through.
Windows > Preferences > General > Keys
You can TYPE ( not press ) the name of the keys, it will sort the list by the name of the keys
Going by the original wording,
pressing Ctrl+Shift+R and
have something like "open-dialog" come up
it sounds like the Show key binding when command is invoked -> Through keyboard option in the Keys preference page would at least partially do what you're looking for:
This will bring up a toast-like overlay each time you press a key combination that's associated with a command. It will show the command name and a more detailed command explanation, if available.
However, the overlay will only display for a few seconds and then disappear, i.e. an onlooker might miss it if they are distracted by other activities on the screen. I don't think that there is a way to display this information "in a list", i.e. in a more permanent fashion, but I think that this would be a great feature to help developers learn new keyboard shortcuts in a pair programming environment.

Improved jumps to definition

When we're using ctags in vim and want to go to particular definition of variable or function we press ctrl + ], when we want to go back we press ctrl + T.
When we want to autocomplete a name of a variable we press ctrl + N and from a little violet window we can choose the right word.
Is it possible to improve go to definition so that we won't jump in the document, but only the little window with the function or variable definition will appear?
thank you
You want a way to see the function's signature without actually jumping to its definition?
I know about two plugins supposed to provide exactly this feature:
Tag Signature Balloons
The last time I tried echofunc it didn't work for JavaScript, at least for me, but it worked well for the few PHP files I've tested it with. I didn't try the other one because it's GVim-only and I use the CLI version almost as often as the GUI version.
But you can also use TagList and/or TagBar: two very useful plugins providing great code navigation based on ctags. Both will display the signature of the tag under your cursor if you hit <Space>.