What are equivalents for values "selectNextQuickFix" and "selectPrevQuickFix" in VSCode 1.37.1? - visual-studio-code

I am trying to get the same behaviour in VSCode as in Vim for cycling through the completion list.
With Vim shift+tab and tab respectively cycle up and down the completion list. I like it because I don't have to move my hand to arrow keys.
I found configuration for that kind of behaviour on this blog.
Problem is that suggested values selectNextQuickFix and selectPrevQuickFix apparently don't exist anymore in version 1.37.1.
I get this message: Value is not accepted. Valid values: [bla, bla, list of values]
Does anyone know which value should I put instead of those two to have the exact same behaviour?


Powershell 7.3.0 Tab completion not working

I've recently upgraded PowerShell to version 7.3.0 version and now, when I type a command, I see its suggestions like when I'm typing pip it adds list like in this image. Or when I type start of the command it suggests its full name.
The problem is that when I press Tab it doesn't complete the command, instead it just starts listing current directories, i.e. here is an image after pressing Tab once.
Also even when I start typing the full name of the command like pip li it still shows the ending, but when pressing Tab it just does nothing.
I expected this to complete the current command with the suggestion after Tab is pressed.
I've tried to google this problem but haven't found the exact same case I have with 7.3.0 version.
Just press -> (right arrow) key
If you want to change key bindings:
source: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/announcing-psreadline-2-1-with-predictive-intellisense/
Key Bindings for Predictions
Key bindings control cursor movement and additional features within the prediction. To support users running Predictive IntelliSense on multiple platforms, key bindings are user-settable from the command line or your profile script.
PSReadLine contains functions to navigate and accept predictions. As an example, to accept a displayed prediction, PSReadLine contains functions:
AcceptSuggestion – Accept the current inline suggestion
AcceptNextSuggestionWord – Accept the next word of the inline suggestion
AcceptSuggestion is built within ForwardChar, which by default is bound to RightArrow. Pressing RightArrow accepts an inline suggestion when the cursor is at the end of the current line.
AcceptNextSuggestionWord is built within the function ForwardWord, which can be bound with Ctrl+f by Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "Ctrl+f" -Function ForwardWord. Pressing Ctrl+f accepts the next word of an inline suggestion when the cursor is at the end of current editing line.
As a user, you can bound other keys to AcceptSuggestion and AcceptNextSuggestionWord for similar functionalities. Search for ForwardCharAndAcceptNextSuggestionWord in SamplePSReadLineProfile.ps1 for an example to make RightArrow accept the next word from inline suggestion, instead of the whole suggestion line.
List of additional suggested key bindings defined in PSReadLine SamplePSReadLineProfile.ps1

VSCode snippets (Hypersnips) tab stops in nested use of snippets

I am using VSCode Hypersnips (based off of Vi's https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips), following this guide . See also Create-Snippets-For-Ultisnips.
Consider the following example: I have a snippet
snippet fm "inline Math" wA
\(${1}\) $0
end snippet
and another snippet
snippet ( "parenthesis" wiA
($1) $0
end snippet
If I were to type fm, then that would produce \(|\) |, where the first | is where my cursor is, and the second | is where my cursor would be if I pressed <Tab>. Now, when I type fm ( hi <Tab> that produces \((hi) |\) as expected, but when I press <Tab> again (hoping to use the $0 tab stop of the fm snippet), I don't get outside the right \) like I want, and instead a tab character (i.e. 2 spaces) are placed where the cursor is.
I am wondering if I can nest snippets like this, and still use the tab stops of the outer snippet once I exit the inner snippet.
I assume the same issue occurs if I use native VSCode snippets.
StackOverflow informs me that a similar question has been asked: Atom - Nested snippets with tab stops error, but not about VSCode's snippets.
It seems this is known issue: https://github.com/draivin/hsnips/issues/78. This is a summary of the issue from Dec. 2 2021:
So, I looked into it, the placeholder disappearance is caused by a
workaround we are currently using to get around a VsCodeVim issue.
History time:
We started using the workaround to get around this issue Trigger A leaves me in visual mode, I want it to leave me in insert
mode instead #28.
Supposedly, the related issue in VSCodeVim was fixed
here Snippet is not working Properly VSCodeVim/Vim#5240.
I'm not sure
if it was never properly fixed, or if a regression happened, but it
seems that the issue still exists (see Unexpectedly entered visual
mode in snippet VSCodeVim/Vim#7068), so while that issue is still
open, we can't remove the workaround and fix this bug.
For now, https://github.com/draivin/hsnips/issues/126 offers what I think is the best solution, namely using VSCode Neovim.

How to remap Tab key to two dots/period key presses

I want to map two dot/period key presses to Tab key in AutoHotkey script. I tried to map similarly as its shown for remapping semicolon key - on AutoHotkey forums, but it doesn't work. I tried following:
1. `..`::Tab
2. ..::Tab
AutoHotkey gives an error
I tried searching on AutoHotkey Remap docs, but couldn't figure it out. The period key is the one with the greater than mark and not the number keypad period key. See this: Dot/period key
Addition info/context in response to reply by user 0x464e:
Basically, I am trying to expand Emmet style abbreviations in devtools style sub-panel since the chrome devtools team wont implement it.
I am not a fast typist, so it's a pain to type complete property names. For example, if I want to type margin-top, (see the image), Chrome autocomplete brings up margin, margin-block margin-block-end etc.
Now, for margin-top, you need to at least type margin-t to get the autocomplete to show that property.
This is the case for many very common CSS properties like margins, paddings, etc., so autocomplete isn't great.
On the other hand, if I just type mt and have Autohotkey expand to margin-top, it's much much faster, saves me much time and keeps me sane.
Basically, I have setup some hotstring in .ahk script and they work too.
However, if I press mt followed by a Tab key press, Chrome's autocomplete takes over and hotstring fails, (try once to see the problem). Instead, currently I press spacebar, or . (period) to trigger the hotstring. It works, but the problem is it leaves a space or a dot with the expanded text. [see this].
So, that's the actual reason I wanted a double period key trigger to replace Tab.
It would be great if the hotstring trigger would work with a double period key, but doesn't leave the trigger character itself and then have send Tab so as to jump to the value input of the just expanded property.
You're not really looking for a traditional remap, which is why you didn't find it from the documentation.
Remapping is just simply remapping one key to another, but you're not trying to do that. You're trying to make some action do another action.
Anyway, what you're asking is doable, but there's loads of different ways it can be achieved with difficulties varying from simple to extremely advanced & complicated.
You'll need to specify things more clearly before this can be answered properly.
Biggest questions that pop into my head right away are at least:
Should this work everywhere, or just in text input fields?
How should the original functionality of . be preserved, if at all.
(What should happen after the initial . keypress?)
Should there be some timeout between the keypresses?
Etc, this is just what I could think of right away, but surely there's more.
Anyway, for now I can give a simple implementation with a hotstring:
So this is a hotstring with the * and ? options.
I'm guessing these would probably be pretty good options for this.
So what this does, is it presses backspace twice and sends a Tab if you type ...
This should be fine for text editors, but it leaves much to be desired (the points I listed above aren't considered since I can't know what you're looking for. This is just what a default simple hotstring can offer).
Looks to me like you don't actually want the additional mapping of .. to Tab, but instead just want to update your existing hotstrings to activate immediately (without waiting for an EndChar) when the hotstring is followed by ..
Normally, you might look to the Ending Characters option to create this functionality, but since you want multiple characters to trigger this, we need to look to other options.
I will be using the example of ::mt::margin-top for my sample implementation. Extend any changes I make to these to the rest of your hotstrings in the script you screenshotted.
Here are the changes I am making to this example:
Add your .. to the end of each of your hotstrings triggers. For example ::mt::margin-top becomes ::mt..::margin-top. However, at this present, this still requires some sort of ending character to be pressed in order to proc. Let's fix that in the next step
Add the Asterisk Modifier to the hotstring. From the docs:
* (asterisk): An ending character (e.g. Space, ., or Enter) is not required to trigger the hotstring.
Final code for ::mt::margin-top example:
And extend this * insertion and .. appendation to each of your hotstrings.
Hope this helped! Lmk if you need any more help or changes.

Doom Emacs lsp-ui action hotkeys

I'm a complete newbie when it comes to emacs. I recently installed Doom emacs and I've been really enjoying it. One thing that I'm struggling to find out is how do I quickly access/select on of the actions that are given to me by lsp-mode (I assume it's lsp-ui). I've attached a screenshot - the actions that I'm referring to are on the right-hand side.
Quick side questions:
When I jump to definition (spc-c-d) how do I jump back? Do I just kill the buffer?
Using ivy, how can I easily go through the list? - using control-n is a bit hard
You can come back to the previous buffer using CTRL+O
You can go down or up in the list using CTRL+j or CTRL+k
There are some tricks to get the answer:
first, try to find the action or function you know.
example 1. "M-x action-you-want-to-know"
example 2. "C-h k then-type-the-shortcut-key-you-want-to-search"
second, try to get the answer from project issues
The answer to your question:
1: press "C-o" jump backward
2: Try to input multi keywords in your search field to narrow down the search scope, just like increment search.
If you get too many lines after ivy-search some keyword you input, that means you donot know what you want to search, right?

How to trigger documentation popup in vscode

How to trigger a popup with documentation for identifier under the cursor?
Normally it appears when hovering the identifier using the mouse pointer:
I would like to achieve this effect using a command or keyboard shortcut.
The only related commands I found are: trigger completion (which doesn't show the function doc) and trigger parameters hint (which only works when the cursor is inside function call - parameters list).
This is the editor.action.showHover command. It is bound to cmdk cmdi by default.
Note: Shortcut works by holding down the cmd [ctrl in windows], then while holding press k then i
You can change the keyboard shortcut with a keybinding such as:
"key": "cmd+k ctrl+space",
"command": "editor.action.showHover",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
The default shortcut for Trigger Parameter Hints is Ctrl+Shift+Space
You also have, with VSCode 1.40 (Oct. 2019):
Definition Preview Hover from the keyboard
There is a new command Show Definition Preview Hover for better accessibility of the definition preview hover widget, which can be triggered by hovering a symbol with the mouse and pressing a modifier key dependent on the platform and configuration.
Previously, only the command Show Hover was provided, which is equivalent to hovering the mouse cursor over a symbol.
Now, with Show Definition Preview Hover, the detailed hover information can be shown via the keyboard.
To make this more graphic, check these steps:
In Visual Studio 2019 for Mac, I couldn't find anything about "hover" in the Key Bindings setting. The relevant command seems to be called "Show quick info" and is bound by default to Cmd + F1.
I know this question is about VSCode but I could only find this question when trying to search for an answer. Therefore I would also like to leave the information here in case somebody finds it useful.
There are multiple ways to trigger the documentation popup:
First: Using shortcut ctrl + space
Second: Using vscode extension:
Here is the documentation:
Each answer here demonstrates a different function. Below is a consolidation of every type of helpful popup, the context in which they come up and all the ways I know to trigger them.
These assume default settings.
Function: Display documentation
Shortcut: Ctrlk Ctrli
Scope: Works over named elements - variable and function names (does nothing over literals).
Can display function documentation:
or variable or even property information:
This is the same pop-up you get when you hover over the element briefly.
Function: Display parameter hints.
Shortcut: CtrlShiftSpace
Scope: Works inside a function call.
The cursor must be inside the parenthesis that contain the passed arguments. Does nothing outside that scope.
Can also be triggered by typing a comma, as if passing another argument.
Up/Down arrows can be used to cycle through overloaded definitions (instead of moving the cursor up and down the document).
Function: Display the code completion menu
Shortcut: CtrlSpace
Scope: Anywhere. Will adapt to the context. In strings will display words only. In code will offer symbol hints - function names, variable names within the current scope, known properties, etc.
Is case insensitive.
Matches all contained characters - they do not have to be consecutive (see image above).
Tab or Enter accepts the currently selected suggestion.
Symbol hints can be triggered by just typing letters. Inside strings you must use the keyboard shortcut.