how to create / add new table in an existing cloudant nosql database - nosql

can anyone please tell me if there is a way to add multiple tables into an existing database in the Cloudant nosql database service in IBM Bluemix? As far is i can see in the dashboard there is a way to add only new documents but no new tables.
this is how the dashboard looks:
enter image description here
let me know if you need any more details,

Cloudant is a NoSQL, document-oriented database and does not have any tables. There isn't even a schema. Thus, each document stands on its own. You can add multiple documents using the same JSON document / data structure, or many documents of different structure.
Having documents with different structure would be similar to having multiple tables.
Cloudant is based on CouchDB, a scalable, fault-tolerant, and schema-free document-oriented database. I recommend reading over this technical background document.


Update a multi level document in NOSQL

Iam using nosql in totajs4 .
Document structure in nosql database
{directoryName:{fileName:{"created": timestamp,"modified":timestamp,"deleted":timestamp}}}
unable to update this structure.
Changing nested objects isn't supported yet in Total.js 4. I recommend reading the specific document and modify only the nested property/key.

how to get export data from oracle to mongoDB

I'm trying to change data from oracle data base to mongodb
the problem is :
my friend give me "file.sql" that have all the tables with data
and I want to get this data and add it to my mongo database
please I don't know how to do it
MongoDB is a NoSQL database, thus the SQL file will not help you.
Ask for CSV files, then you can use the mongoimport tool to import it into your MongoDB. Please note, usually it is a poor design when you migrate from Oracle to MongoDB and move tables to collections one-by-one. Typically in a MongoDB you will have much less collections than you have tables in Oracle.

Is it possible to create triggers in cloudant database? -- similar to Relational Databases

I want to insert the current timestamp in a document, whenever a new document is inserted into the Database. I know that this can be doe using triggers in relational Databases. But I am not sure how to do that in NosQL databases like Cloudant.
It is probably worth you investigating update handlers:
Update handlers are custom functions that live on Cloudant’s server that will create or update a document. This can, for example, provide server-side modification timestamps, and document updates to individual fields without the latest revision.

Data documentation in MongoDB

I'm new to MongoDB and NOSQL databases but have experience with relational database.
Due to the behavior of documents in a collection where a document can have different fields. How can I document the data models ? Anything like ER modeling in Relational Database?
Can you guys share how you do the documentation in your company ?
Thank you.
I'll try to be more specific, in relational database we use Erwin to document the ER diagram, tables, name of columns, objects, etc...
But I'm having difficult to document the collections and documents in mongodb, mainly for the dynamic of fields in a document.

MongoDB and similar database technologies

What are comparable database like Mongo DB?
We are trying to evaluate Mongo DB and find the best database for a enterprise level application.
Is there any developer UI and admin UI available for MongoDB like SQL Plus/Toad etc for Oracle?
MongoDB is a document-oriented database, so instead of a row of data, you have a document. In MonogDB's case, its a JSON document. Apache's CouchDB is another document database that stores data in JSON format although there are subtle differences between the two.
Choosing between the two depends on your use case. Sometimes CouchDB is better than MongoDB.
Checkout this comparative to see the differences.
MongoDB is what is known as a NoSQL database, which is I assume why you're interested in it. You can find a list of other NoSQL databases at the below links:
MongoDB does not include a GUI-style administrative interface; however, there are numerous community projects that provide admin UIs for MongoDB:
I like document oriented databases like MongoDB very much. Because they are shema-less. You can just insert find and update your records without first having to define a schema. But you can define one in your own Project logic. You have more freedom.
It would be nice to have an embeddable NoSQL database. Like SQLite but document oriented.
Currently I do develop one in Java. (You can also use it withhin an Android App):
I am quite happy with MongoVue. I've made a couple of videos about this here.