Digitalocean, deploying jhipster app - server

I am trying to deploy my jhipster app on DigitalOcean.
I have already created a droplet, connected to it with ssh and cloned the jhipster app from git. Now im having trouble with running the app on the server.
I can run the app on localhost, but I want to create remote access to it.
As i have never done it before I would like some help on how can I achiave that.
Thanks in advance!

Solved my problem.
Didnt have to configure anything, just had to write in the url: ip adress of the virtual machine + : port number and it worked.


How to connect windows machine via lan to ubuntu mongodb server

I have an app installed in ubuntu with both frontend and backend. However, when i connect via lan to another windows machine am not able to access the server. I get ERR_NETWORK net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. However, am able to display the react frontend without any issue.
How can i solve this issue? Thanks in advance.

How to set up the litmus Chaos backend in the local machine?

As a part of a project, setting up the litmus Chaos portal on the local machine is one of the requirements.
I could run the litmus Chaos frontend on on the localhost by following the below link:
In the above case we are starting the backend servers using kubectl commands.
But I am facing issues to set up my local environment such that I ll be able to start the backend servers on my local IDE(intellij for instance) without using kubectl commands.
It would be great if anyone could help me with this. Thank you in advance.

Nuxt application unavailable on Jelastic Cloud

I'm currently trying to setup a nuxt server on Jelastic Cloud but I did not manage to make it available.
I configured auto deploy with git, with a post-deploy hook that builds the nuxt application. When the container is launched, I can see that nuxt is listening in the logs but when I go to check in the browser if it works, I get the 502 application down page.
I tried to apply variables such as JELASTIC_EXPOSE or JELASTIC_PRIORITY_PORTS to configure the shared load balancer but none of this is working. Even with a public IP address and refering to the right port in the URL, I couldn't access the app. I also saw that it's probably possible to use pm2 to launch the app but I want to avoid custom nginx configuration for this app, since I think it could work without.
Have you ever tried to do something like this ? Have you an idea of what I should do to make this work ?
Thanks a lot !
I found the solution !
Nuxt was listening on the host localhost and the automatic port forwarding done by jelastic shared load balancer doesn't work with that.
I changed the host to and it works perfectly fine :)
In the logs I can now see that nuxt is listening on the private IP of the container instead of just localhost.

How to access my desktop MongoDB from EC2 Linux?

I have MongoDB installed on my desktop, using which I have developed a web application. I want to now deploy this webapp on an EC2 linux instance and test it. I don't want to setup another mongoDB on the EC2 separately, rather use the one on my desktop. I understand that it is not that simple to put my ip and mongo port and just connect.
I have added port-forwarding settings on my router like this -
Also I have opened my firewall for this port by adding an inbound rule.
Yet I'm not able to connect. What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance

apache camel - deploying with cxfs web service

I'm trying to deploy my camel app which on start is creating a cxfrs endpoint. The url is like this: http://localhost:9876 . When I try to hit this one on a rest client or anywhere within my machine it works. But when I try to access it using my phone or other external devices, I'm not able to connect.
Am I missing something?
Using localhost will mean it is only accessible to your local machine, using instead should make it publicly accessible. should bind all available network interface on your remote machine, but from your description, somehow it only bind to localhost| so only accessible from local machine, could you use
instead to see if it helps?
Also, you can try to access other network service(for example start a tomcat on remote machine and see if you can access it from your local machine) from that remote machine to see if it works, this can determine if your DNS correct or if there's really no firewall between them.