apostrophe cms version 2.65.0 giving error on running project - mongodb

I am upgrading the apostrophe version from 2.62.0 to 2.65.0. While upgrading I have added the mongo driver-3 into setting also still running the project, I am getting the error :
(node:116248) Warning: a promise was created in a handler at project/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:167:37 but was not returned from it, see xxxx
Thanks for the help in advance!

This is only a warning. bluebird thinks we might be unintentionally ending a promise chain, but it is intentional and nothing is wrong. It was addressed in Apostrophe 2.68.0 according to bluebird's instructions for silencing it where appropriate, so update to the latest with npm update and it will stop.


Cannot start the application. TypeError: Cannot read property 'definition' of undefined at getFieldsJsonSchemaFor

I'm getting an extremely weird error when trying to npm start my loopback application. I literally did nothing to the code and then this all of a sudden started to happen
Cannot start the application. TypeError: Cannot read property
'definition' of undefined
at getFieldsJsonSchemaFor (/Users/vikramkhemlani/Desktop/loopback/node_modules/#loopback/repository-json-schema/dist/filter-json-schema.js:101:64)
I have the same exact code in another file (which i actually created a git repo from using this repo) but this one is throwing this error for some reason
I went through the same issue.
Apparently there are caches which need to clean up before starting the application. (Expired caches also appear in openapi before I get into this issue)
The project needs to be clean and re-install packages by following:
npm run clean
npm install
I have the same problem.
However, I solved it when I tried the following.
delete node_modules directory.
npm install.
Hello from the LoopBack team đź‘‹
This may be a bug in LoopBack introduced by recent changes. Please create a small application reproducing the problem (see our Bug reporting instructions) and open a new GitHub issue in https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-next/issues/new

Netbeans php-cs-fixer end up with error "Files that were not fixed due to errors reported during linting after fixing:"

I am using php-cs-fixer for code formatting in Netbeans 8.2. When I try to format one file, it shows the error
Files that were not fixed due to errors reported during linting after fixing:
I searched for the fix in many websites, but couldn't get this fixed. Is there any way to fix this? I tried with both php-cs-fixer 1 and php-cs-fixer 2.
The error message means that PHP CS Fixer loaded some files from drive, apply changes on them, and then realised that files are not valid anymore (invalid PHP syntax) after those changes, thus it decided to not save it. That's one of the safety mechanism of PHP CS Fixer to not break your project.
This means that you have found an issue in PHP CS Fixer itself.
Please, verify you are using newest release, maybe the bug was already fixed!
If not, please consider to expose your configuration file (if any) and content of files you got listed at https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer/issues/new !
There is also an option to see what happen in progress.
$ ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix src/ErrorFile.php -vvv
The --verbose option will show the applied rules. When using the txt format it will also display progress notifications.
NOTE: if there is an error like "errors reported during linting after fixing", you can use this to be even more verbose for debugging purpose
-v: verbose
-vv: very verbose
-vvv: debug

F.conv2d stuck on my CentOS

I run my pytorch code well on mac and even on windows system but the same code seems stuck on CentOS6.3.
I debug with ipdb, and found the code was stuck at F.conv2d function:
> /home/work/anaconda2/envs/PyTorch/lib/python2.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/conv.py(301)forward()
300 return F.conv2d(input, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride,
--> 301 self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups)
ipdb> s
The running env was created with anaconda(python 2.7/3.6), pytorch version is 0.4.0.
I tried for a long time to resolve this problem and i tried. Do you have a suggestion? Thank you so much!
I reinstall CentOS6.3, and then upgrade glibc2.14, glibc2.17 due to the pytorch0.4.0 running error info.
Now everything is ok.
By the way, the pytorch0.3.1 perform well before i upgrade the glibc(up to 2.12). So i think the lastest pytorch0.4.0 may haven’t deal very well with glibc, leave running deadlock appearance and doesn’t tell any error and warning info, just stuck at F.conv2d in torch/nn/modules/conv.py(301).
See also: https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/f-conv2d-stuck-on-my-centos/19794/3

Can not run single test after upgrading cucumber-js to v3

I'm upgrading cucumber-js library in my project from v 1.3.2 to 3.0.3.
For now most things work as expected, but I found out that while I'm trying to run a single test scenario old way:
./node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor ./tmp/config/devDirectConnect.js --specs ./features/redirects.feature:20
the whole feature file runs.
Do you know what is a reason and maybe the solution?
The syntax has changed since 1.x, and my answer to this question should also answer this one, as I show the syntactic changes needed to upgrade to 2.x or 3.x in the examples that I give there.
If there are any other syntactical errors, update your question and post a comment below to notify me, and I'll update my answer.
Fix for the issue has been released in cucumber-js 3.1.0:

BlobAccessDenied with Application packages

I have been having an issue with application packages where there will be days/times where I just get a null exit code and BlobAccessDenied Error for the exact same application package and exact same command line that previously worked and gave a non-null exit code. For instance, today, I've been getting this error for the exact same packages and commands that I ran yesterday. What am I missing? Or is this a bug in the application packages service? (for VM configuration)
This fix is been released and deployed, this error will no longer exist for the specified case.
Also something I wrote in an hour jsut to test and might come handy apart from good dotnet samples :
Thanks j.B. & Jan