How to cluster data using self-organising maps? - neural-network

Suppose that we train a self-organising map (SOM) with a given dataset. Would it make sense to cluster the neurons of the SOM instead of the original datapoints? This doubt came to me after reading this paper, in which the following is stated:
The most important benefit of this procedure
is that computational load decreases considerably, making
it possible to cluster large data sets and to consider several
different preprocessing strategies in a limited time. Naturally,
the approach is valid only if the clusters found using the SOM
are similar to those of the original data.
In this answer it is clearly stated that SOMs don't include clustering, but some clustering procedure can be made on the SOM after it has been trained. I thought that this meant the clustering was done on the neurons of the SOM, which are in some sense a mapping of the original data, but I'm not sure about this. So, what I want to know is:
Is it correct to cluster data performing the clustering algorithm on the trained neuron weights as datapoints? If not, how is clustering done using a SOM then?
What characteristics should a dataset have, in general, for this approach to be useful?

Yes, the usual approach seems to be either hierarchical or k-means (you'll need to dig this up how it was originally done - as seen in the paper you linked, many variants including two-level approaches have been explored later) on the neurons. If you consider SOMs to be a quantization and projection technique, all of these approaches are valid to use.
It's cheaper because they are just 2 dimensional, Euclidean, and much fewer points. So that is well in line with the source that you have.
Note that a SOM neuron may be empty, it it is inbetween of two extremely well separated clusters.


How to do Hierarchical Heteroskedastic Sparse GPs in GPflow?

Is is possible to model a general trend from a population using GPflow and also have individual predictions, as in Hensman et al?
Specifically, I am trying to fit spatial data from a bunch of individuals from a clinical assessment. For each individual, am I dealing with approx 20000 datapoints (different number of recordings for each individual), which definitely restricts myself to a sparse implementation. In addition to this, there also seemes that I need an input dependent noise model, hence the heteroskedasticity.
I have fitted a hetero-sparse model as in this notebook example, but I am not sure how to scale it to perform the hierarchical learning. Any ideas would be welcome :) may be helpful. This repo is gives GPFlow2 code for modelling a sparse hierarchical model. Note, there are still some rough edges in the implementation that require an expensive for loop to be constructed.

What is the importance of clustering?

During unsupervised learning we do cluster analysis (like K-Means) to bin the data to a number of clusters.
But what is the use of these clustered data in practical scenario.
I think during clustering we are losing information about the data.
Are there some practical examples where clustering could be beneficial?
The information loss can be intentional. Here are three examples:
PCM signal quantification (Lloyd's k-means publication). You know that are certain number (say 10) different signals are transmitted, but with distortion. Quantifying removes the distortions and re-extracts the original 10 different signals. Here, you lose the error and keep the signal.
Color quantization (see Wikipedia). To reduce the number of colors in an image, a quite nice method uses k-means (usually in HSV or Lab space). k is the number of desired output colors. Information loss here is intentional, to better compress the image. k-means attempts to find the least-squared-error approximation of the image with just k colors.
When searching motifs in time series, you can also use quantization such as k-means to transform your data into a symbolic representation. The bag-of-visual-words approach that was the state of the art for image recognition prior to deep learning also used this.
Explorative data mining (clustering - one may argue that above use cases are not data mining / clustering; but quantization). If you have a data set of a million points, which points are you going to investigate? clustering methods try ro split the data into groups that are supposed to be more homogeneous within and more different to another. Thrn you don't have to look at every object, but only at some of each cluster to hopefully learn something about the whole cluster (and your whole data set). Centroid methods such as k-means even can proviee a "prototype" for each cluster, albeit it is a good idea to also lool at other points within the cluster. You may also want to do outlier detection and look at some of the unusual objects. This scenario is somewhere inbetween of sampling representative objects and reducing the data set size to become more manageable. The key difference to above points is that the result is usually not "operationalized" automatically, but because explorative clustering results are too unreliable (and thus require many iterations) need to be analyzed manually.

Clustering of data - Pre- processing of data

These days I am using some clustering algorithm and I just wanted to ask a question related to this field. Maybe those who are working in this field already have this answer.
During clustering I need to have some training data which I am going to cluster. The number of iterations (e.x. K-Means algorithm) is depended on the number of training data(number of vectors). Is there any method to find the most important data from training data. What I mean is: Instead of training the K-Means with all the data maybe there is a method to find just the important vectors (those vectors who affect most the clusters) and use these "important" vectors(from training data) to traing the algorithm.
I hope you understood me.
Thank You for reading and trying to answer.
"Training" and "Test" data is a concept from classification, not from cluster analysis.
K-means is a statistical method. If you want to speed it up, running it on a large enough random sample should give you nearly the same result.

Choosing Clustering Method based on results

I'm using WEKA for my thesis and have over 1000 lines of data. The database includes demographical information (Age, Location, status etc.) followed by name of products (valued 1 or 0). The end results is a recommender system.
I used two methods of clustering, K-Means and DBScan.
When using K-means I tried 3 different number of cluster, while using DBscan I chose 3 different epsilons (Epsilon 3 = 48 clusters with ignored 17% of data, Epsilone 2.5 = 19 clusters while cluster 0 holds 229 items with ignored 6%.) Meaning i have 6 different clustering results for same data.
How do I choose what's best suits my data ?
What is "best"?
As some smart people noticed:
the validity of a clustering is often in the eye of the beholder
There is no objectively "better" for clustering, or you are not doing cluster analysis.
Even when a result actually is "better" on some mathematical measure such as separation, silhouette or even when using a supervised evaluation using labels - its still only better at optimizing towards some mathematical goal, not to your use case.
K-means finds a local optimal sum-of-squares assignment for a given k. (And if you increase k, there exists a better assignment!) DBSCAN (it's actually correctly spelled all uppercase) always finds the optimal density-connected components for the given MinPts/Epsilon combination. Yet, both just optimize with respect to some mathematical criterion. Unless this critertion aligns with your requirements, it is worthless. So there is no best, until you know what you need. But if you know what you need, you would not need to do cluster analysis.
So what to do?
Try different algorithms and different parameters and analyze the output with your domain knowledge, if they help you with the problem you are trying to solve. If they help you solving your problem, then they are good. If they do not help, try again.
Over time, you will collect some experience. For example, if the sum-of-squares is meaningless for your domain, don't use k-means. If your data does not have meaningful density, don't use density based clustering such as DBSCAN. It's not that these algorithms fail. They just don't solve your problem, they solve a different problem that you are not interested in. And they might be really good at solving this other problem...

Matlab: K-means clustering with predefined populations

I am trying to differentiate two populations. Each population is an NxM matrix in which N is fixed between the two and M is variable in length (N=column specific attributes of each run, M=run number). I have looked at PCA and K-means for differentiating the two, but I was curious of the best practice.
To my knowledge, in K-means, there is no initial 'calibration' in which the clusters are chosen such that known bimodal populations can be differentiated. It simply minimizes the distance and assigns the data to an arbitrary number of populations. I would like to tell the clustering algorithm that I want the best fit in which the two populations are separated. I can then use the fit I get from the initial clustering on future datasets. Any help, example code, or reading material would be appreciated.
K-means and PCA are typically used in unsupervised learning problems, i.e. problems where you have a single batch of data and want to find some easier way to describe it. In principle, you could run K-means (with K=2) on your data, and then evaluate the degree to which your two classes of data match up with the data clusters found by this algorithm (note: you may want multiple starts).
It sounds to like you have a supervised learning problem: you have a training data set which has already been partitioned into two classes. In this case k-nearest neighbors (as mentioned by #amas) is probably the approach most like k-means; however Support Vector Machines can also be an attractive approach.
I frequently refer to The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition (Springer Series in Statistics) by Trevor Hastie (Author), Robert Tibshirani (Author), Jerome Friedman (Author).
It really depends on the data. But just to let you know K-means does get stuck at local minima so if you wanna use it try running it from different random starting points. PCA's might also be useful how ever like any other spectral clustering method you have much less control over the clustering procedure. I recommend that you cluster the data using k-means with multiple random starting points and c how it works then you can predict and learn for each the new samples with K-NN (I don't know if it is useful for your case).
Check Lazy learners and K-NN for prediction.