Talend control bus component - talend

I'm currently trying to figure out how to use the control bus component in Talend but I can't find any example on the internet. I can't access component directly like a cMessagingEndpoint for example. I tried many things but none of them work, I'm not really a Talend specialist.
If anyone could tell me what I have to do to use this component in order to monitor serveral routes, it would be very helpful.
Thanks to anyone who will try to help ;)

Found a way by putting a cMessagingEndpoint with this : "controlbus:route?action=stats". Good to know that in my case, each route has its own context si I can't get any stats from another route.


Google MyBusinessInformation API, where are the services?

I'm stuck with the BusinessInformation API, actually I can add custom categories and services bound to it in the Google MyBusiness interface, but I'm still trying to figure out how to do the same using the API.
So far I found the way to get all the categories here, but I'd like to only get the categories that are bound with my current location.
Then about the services bound to each category, I couldn't figure it out what I only got similar is that link but it's deprecated.
Does someone know the way to do this?
Sorry for this, actually it's OBVIOUS: those are attributes of the Location object.
I'll leave this here though, just in case that someone falls in the same trap.

Setting up REST-API on top of GraphQL-API (using apollo gateway?)

I am working on a GRANDstack (GraphQL-React-Apollo-Neo4jDatabase) project and got told that it now needs an additional REST-API without making huge changes to the existing backend and GraphQL-API. And of course we have to be quick about it.
We found this (Apollo Gateway): https://medium.com/tkssharma/an-api-gateway-is-a-microservice-pattern-where-a-separate-service-is-built-to-sit-in-front-of-your-be4b16861d40
We plan on using this to set that new REST-API on top because we know we will need microservices soon enough as well. So I guess, this can be set up in some form with the already included Apollo. But I have yet to fully understand it.
Does anyone have some experience with this? Or does anyone know a project that implements this and can be checked out? I'd like more material about this that contains actual code. Especially about setting up such a gateway to put a REST-API on top.
If there is something easier and better documented than this Apollo gateway, please let me know! Open to ideas, but not complete overkills (Though we are not allowed to just put REST directly into our backend, it has to stay quite untouched).
Thank you very much!
In short: Our current backend offers GraphQL-API which works just fine. But one of our customers (in this picture "client") needs a REST-API. So we hope on using a gateway (?) which should be placed before/upon our backend in a separate docker container probably, takes in HTTP-requests from the user and then asks our backend in graphQL for the needed data.
If anyone ever stumbles upon this, we decided to do the following:
Since we have to be quick about it, we will set up another docker container, that contains a small server, which accepts data via a REST-API. Depending on the received data, it calls specific GraphQL-Queries/Mutations on our backend. Easy. No additional 3rd-party software. Simple just wins.
Have a good one!

Is there any leaflet plugin to show historical data?

I want to show some historical data via leaflet map, for example, show some universities on map based on their establishing year by sequence, i guess if i write it by myself i would use some setInterval or else function, but i prefer some existing plugin if it's available, any one can give some hint? thanks.
Thanks & Regards,

Use PowerShell to write Data direct to OMS

I'd like to write my custom data direct to our Microsoft Azure OMS using powershell. Does anyone know how this is possible?
There's alot of information about configuring instances, adding new datasources, or querying the data using Azure​RM.​Operational​Insights:
Has anyone found a way to directly write data to OMS instead of storing it in a log-file and then use custom-log-import? I know this is possible, i saw it in a keynote, but cannot find any information about this.
Thank you for your Inputs!
This should do the trick - writing to Log Analytics:
Really not much to add, it's a copy/paste process. Entries will show using the type you define in $LogType appended with '_CL' because you essentially create a Custom Log entry.

Document4j support for other ms word like applications

I want to convert ms office documents to pdf. I thought of using document4j for that. But I could see that we need msoffice setup to make it work. Can we somehow use open-office or other libre-office for doing the same work. MSOffice cost is much high so want to use something open-source.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can implement your own converter by implementing the IExternalConverter API. You could for example delegate to Open Office. No such implementation exists currently but by implementing the interface, you can activate the API and use all of documents4j client and server implementations.