Document4j support for other ms word like applications - documents4j

I want to convert ms office documents to pdf. I thought of using document4j for that. But I could see that we need msoffice setup to make it work. Can we somehow use open-office or other libre-office for doing the same work. MSOffice cost is much high so want to use something open-source.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

You can implement your own converter by implementing the IExternalConverter API. You could for example delegate to Open Office. No such implementation exists currently but by implementing the interface, you can activate the API and use all of documents4j client and server implementations.


Execl VBA: Any tips and/or suggestions for migrating from MSSOAPLib to MSXML2?

I am migrating some spreadsheets from Excel 2003/WinXP to Excel 2010/Win7.
Some spreadsheets use the MS SOAP toolkit to retrieve data. MS drops the support of SOAP toolkit in Excel 2010. I am forced to move to MSXML2 library.
Anyone has done this sort of migration before? Is there any tips, suggestion or best practice?
Honestly, It's been ages since I used SOAP (Either in programming or other wise. I use GEL! LOL)
Ok Jokes apart! You are quite right that the SOAP toolkit is obsolete now. Since SOAP calls to web service are just a POST with some XML, you should be able to do convert it easily.
I would recommend going through this blog by jpsanders.
Topic: How to Send SOAP call using MSXML (replace STK)
Do let me know if you are still stuck. Simply post the code with which you are stuck and we will take it from there.

What is the best way to connect an iphone app to a mysql database?

I want the way with the fastest execution time. I'm not feeling comfortable of using web service because i need to create separate php pages and retrieve data as xml. If you think its good to use web service please tell me why. I want to code my database queries right on my c/objective c pages.
I've been searching for libraries. I saw this sequel pro - won't i have any problems on using this - like licensing issues? I also saw this libmysqlclient of cocoa but some say its not working well. I've also read about a library developed by Karl Kraft found here but don't know if i could trust this.
I would really appreciate you help.
Definitely build a web service to act as an abstraction layer to your database. Here are some significant reasons in my opinion:
Since you want speed, you will be able to add caching when using the webservice, so you will essentially eliminate the need for identical queries to run (sometimes).
If you need to change your data model later, you just have to modify the webservice backend and don't have to update your app.
You can better control security by not exposing the database to the world, and keep it safe behind the web service.
Your database credentials should not be stored in an app. What if you needed to change those?
I strongly suggest a web service. Hope this helps.
Connect to your DB by PHP and output the result as JSON
is much better and faster then xml and less coding if use JSON Framework.
and never never try to connect to your DB from your iphone because it easy to sniff out the request from iphone.
Being safe then Sorry, keep that in mind

Getting data from remote sql table on iphone

I am a beginner at both iPhone programming and SQL, yet I have basic knowledge of them.
I am planning to do an application that would plot a graph from data taken from a database of the server of my company. I know how to plot, I know how to extract data from an sql table, but what I don't know is how to access the server.
So do I have to go through some kind of oracle-like application ?
This may seem like a very stupid question because it might not even be possible but any answer will be appreciated.
Thanks !
Go through a web service for example a PHP page that returns JSON (or XML, but JSON is easier to parse).
I can highly recommend this tutorial
Once you have your web service, you can use NSURLRequest/NSURLConnection to download the data and use a JSON framework to parse it. Or, if you're using XML you can use NSXMLParser.
See this apple code for more info on downloading using NSURLConnection.
The best way for this will be, using APIs at server end that handle the client request and perform database interaction, so transfer of data among device and server, take place through XMLs that will be secure as well as fast.
It is definitely possible to contact a server (I can't imagine what would happen without that!). What you are looking for is NSURLConnection. Have a look at the example provided by Apple.

How to connect to a Remote Database from native Iphone app

I want to connect to a remote database(MySQL or SQL Server or Oracle) via internet from my native iphone app. I can't find any API or Framework in System to add. does any one know how to connect to a remote Database? pleased help me. Thank you very much
I'm not an iPhone programmer, but I would suspect you want some abstraction going on.
Instead of trying to make a native database connection work, consider writing some service layer that talks to the database on the back-end, and speaks HTTP to your client application.
Plenty of very good reasons for this. Security concerns chief among them.
One way to do it would be to setup an HTTPS server that wraps your requests. Submit your queries via HTTPS POST. The server setup would be pretty basic and it gives you the chance to do any post-processing before sending it over the wire.
The best alternative is to use webservices to access the information stored remotely.
Disclaimer : Shamelessly plugging my own product :)
We've built an online system called Kumulos that allows iOS and OSX developers to build and host online databases in the cloud, while easily creating custom API methods for accessing it. It even builds all the Objective-C bindings for you.
Its really really easy to use and its free while in Beta. We'd love some honest developer feedback :)
Check it out here

implementing autocomplete in my website

i am developing a website where i intend to provide the search feature. I am developing it in PHP/MYSQL and i have written the script to perform the search. I wish to provide autocomplete or suggested searches option in the search box as the user types, can i know what are my choices and how can i make use of them?
I had tried YUI Autocomplete, it looks good to me, however i do not understand when it says using a local proxy for the datasource. Can any one help me out here?
Consider trying the Scriptaculous autocomplete. It's very easy to implement.
what does it exactly say on the documentation? (can you provide a link)
by local proxy I would think it means a proxy to a remote web service or API on another domain. (you can't make requests unless scripts are executed on the same domain).
I used jQuery autocompletex