Unity - Keeping UI centered no matter the screen resolution - unity3d

I want to keep my UI looking the same no matter which resolution the screen is at I am running of 16:10 in my game view and I want the UI to stay the exactly the same and centered even if the screen resolution changes.
Screenshot of UI

For the UI in the screenshot, I assume you want it always at the bottom of the screen and always the width of the screen.
For always taking up the width of the screen, select your canvas and go to its canvas scalar component. 'Change UI Scale Mode' to 'Scale with Screen Size' and adjust Reference Resolution to a resolution that looks good for you. Then the canvas elements will be the same width on all resolutions.
For always staying centered at the bottom of the screen, select the UI elements themselves, or their parent if they have one. Change their anchor to bottom center.
For more information about how to design for all screen resolutions, check the documentation as Hellium suggested!


Unity gameobjects and text ui change size and position while changing resolution

sorry I have to put all of this as an image but I couldn't post this with text as when creating the original post something happened to where it was flagged as spam. I figured this would be the only way?
Unity's UI screen is different from the in-game world space.
For the UI part you can easily fix the issue of the size and position by considering the following:
First thing you need to check is the Canvas Scaler component which is automaticaly generated on your Canvas gameobject.
Canvas Scaler Example
First under The UI Scale Mode you should choose the "Scale with Screen Size" which will make UI elements bigger the bigger the screen is.
Second is the Reference Resolution which is the resolution the UI layout is designed for. If the screen resolution is larger, the UI will be scaled up, and if it's smaller, the UI will be scaled down. A good example is to set the dimensions int something like this (1920x1080) which is the most common landscape resolution.
Third is the Screen Match Mode which is a mode used to scale the canvas area if the aspect ratio of the current resolution doesn't fit the reference resolution. With other words if you change your in-game resolution this will handle your UI elements.
Fourth is Match which will determine if the scaling is using the width or height as reference, or a mix in between. So if your game is in landscape mode you should set it to 0, if it's in portrait mode you should set it to 1.
Last thing to keep in mind that will affect your UI elements position is the Anchor presets which is part of the Rect Transform component on each of your UI elements.

Responsive in Unity 2D

I want my Unity 2d game responsive in all android mobile device. So i anchor 4 canvas to 4 edge (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).
But when i change a device, the size of each component is not change. Now i want the size of each component change depend on each resolution of device. What should i do or what tutorial i can follow.
Problem will come when i get small screensize, it like this
Canvas Scaler
You can solve it using Canvas Scaler.
You can find various options in the list in UI Scale Mode.
When selecting the option to fit the commonly used screen size,
If you want to align UI elements to the height, set Match, an element of Screen Math Mode, to Height, and if you want both height and width to match, place it in the center.

Unity - UI Positions

I currently have a problem on a UI.
The button on the phone moves when changing resolution and changes size as well. On the screenshots, it is in the General Panel. I also tried to put a second panel of the size of the phone, but it is all this panel that moves and changes size. How can I do, to keep the buttons at the right size and in place, as the background does when changing resolution?
Thanks in advance !
You need to change the UI Scale Mode to "Scale With Screen Size".
THe Reference Resolution can help you place items in the editor. You can choose wether you want the width or the height (or a mixture) to be preferred when fitting the canvas to the resolution.
If you, for example, choose "Width" in the "Match" slider, the elements will never overshoot horizontally. This would be perfect for wrapping textfields.

Unity UI with different screen sizes

I am making a game and have a problem with UI. I made it to scale with the screen size. In 16:9 it looks as I want to:
UI is where I want it to be.
But when I switch to 2160 x 1080 I have a problem.
My UI is outside my game screen
I want that my UI on 18:9 stays in the same position as in 16:9. Any solutions to make it stay inside game bounds?
Canvas object -> Canvas Scaler component:
Scale With Screen Size
Match = 0 (0 for vertical app, 1 for landscape)
And then you need to change anchors for ui objects to align not from borders, but from center.
If you want UI to cover entire page make sure you hold shif + alt and select the stretch preset Unity will always cover the entire screen irrespective to resolution
Unity anchor preset

How to change canvas' size in unity3d

I can not change canvas' size when it's in Screen Space - Overlay Mode; After some research I found that the size of a canvas is determined by your game's screen size. The canvas just covers your screen. So I think I could change my camera's size to change canvas' size. But it does not work. Does anyone know how to set a specific size to a canvas?
So may be my question should be how to change the screen size showed
in editor?
To change the screen size, go to the Game window (accessed by the menu "Window->General->Game"). At the top of the window will be a screen size menu (outlined in green, below) to change the screen size. When pressed, it will display the list of screen sizes that will be emulated. I say "emulated" instead of "displayed" because it is possible to have a screen size larger than the screen on which you are working. It is also possible to zoom into a screen. The "Scale" slider (to the right of the screen size menu) will allow you to scale up/down.
As a note, the list of screens and resolutions shown are related to the current build target (accessed by "File->Build Settings..."). For example, common iOS screen sizes are displayed in the list when the build target is iOS.
Use the Canvas Scaler Component
Unity3D Documentation: Canvas Scaler