How to compare the schema of two dataframes in SQL statement? - scala

There are many ways to verify the schema of two data frames in spark like here. But I want to verify the schema of two data frames only in SQL, I mean SparkSQL.
Sample query 1:
Sample query 2:
SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'ad_facebook'
I know that there is no concept of a database (schema) in spark, but I read about metastore that it contains schema information etc.
Can we write SQL queries like above in SparkSQL?
I am just checking why show create table is not working on spark sql, is it because it's a temp table?
scala> val df1=spark.sql("SHOW SCHEMAS")
df1: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [databaseName: string]
| default|
scala> val df2=spark.sql("SHOW TABLES in default")
df2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [database: string, tableName: string ... 1 more field]
| | df| true|
scala> val df3=spark.sql("SHOW CREATE TABLE default.df")
org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException: Table or view 'df' not found in database 'default';
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.SessionCatalog.requireTableExists(SessionCatalog.scala:180)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.SessionCatalog.getTableMetadata(SessionCatalog.scala:398)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.ExecutedCommandExec.sideEffectResult$lzycompute(commands.scala:58)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.ExecutedCommandExec.sideEffectResult(commands.scala:56)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.ExecutedCommandExec.executeCollect(commands.scala:67)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.<init>(Dataset.scala:182)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset$.ofRows(Dataset.scala:67)
at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession.sql(SparkSession.scala:623)
... 48 elided

Schema can be queried using DESCRIBE [EXTENDED] [db_name.]table_name

Try this code of extracting each schema and compare. This compares name of column, datatype of column, nullable or not column.
val x = df1.schema.sortBy(x => // get dataframe 1 schema and sort it base on column name.
val y = df2.schema.sortBy(x => // // get dataframe 2 schema and sort it base on column name.
val out = => x._1 != x._2) // zipping 1st column of df1, df2 ...2nd column of df1,df2 and so on for all columns and their datatypes. And filtering if any mismatch is there
if(out.size == 0) { // size of `out` should be 0 if matching
else println("not matching")

We can get the schema in 2 ways in SparkSQL.
Method 1:
spark.sql("desc db_name table_name").show()
This will display only top 20 rows which is exactly similar to the dataframe concept of
(meaning, any table with more than 20 columns - schema will be shown
only for first 20 columns)
For Ex:
| col_name|data_type|comment|
| col1| bigint| null|
| col2| string| null|
| col3| string| null|
Method 2:
spark.sql("desc db_name table_name").collect().foreach(println)
This will display the complete schema of all the columns.
For Ex:


Spark Dataframe extracting columns based dynamically selected columns

Schema of input dataframe
- employeeKey (int)
- employeeTypeId (string)
- loginDate (string)
- employeeDetailsJson (string)
For Perm employees , some attributes are available and some not. Same for Contracting Employees.
So looking to find an efficient way to build dataframe based on only selected columns, as against transforming all columns and select the ones which I need.
Also please advise this is the best way to extract values from json string based on a key. As the attributes in the string are dynamic, I can not build StructSchema based on it. So using good old get_json_object.
(spark 2.45 and will use spark 3 in future)
val dfSelectColumns=List("Employee-Key", "Employee-Type","Login-Date","cont.Vendor-Name","cont.Hourly-Rate" )
//val dfSelectColumns=List("Employee-Key", "Employee-Type","Login-Date","perm.Level","perm-Validity","perm.Supervisor" )
val resultDF = inputDF.get
.withColumn("Employee-Key", col("employeeKey"))
.withColumn("Employee-Type", when(col("employeeTypeId") === 1, "Permanent")
.when(col("employeeTypeId") === 2, "Contractor")
.withColumn("Login-Date", to_utc_timestamp(to_timestamp(col("loginDate"), "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"), ""America/Chicago""))
.withColumn("perm.Level", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.Grade"))
.withColumn("perm.Validity", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.ValidTill"))
.withColumn("perm.SuperVisor", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.Supervisor"))
.withColumn("cont.Vendor-Name", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.Vendor"))
.withColumn("cont.Hourly-Rate", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.HourlyRate"))
.select(dfSelectColumns.head, dfSelectColumns.tail: _*)
I see that you have 2 schemas, one for Permanent and another for Contractor. You can have 2 schemas.
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val schemaBase = new StructType().add("Employee-Key", IntegerType).add("Employee-Type", StringType).add("Login-Date", DateType)
val schemaPerm = schemaBase.add("Level", IntegerType).add("Validity", StringType)// Permanent attributes
val schemaCont = schemaBase.add("Vendor", StringType).add("HourlyRate", DoubleType) // Contractor attributes
Then you can use the 2 schemas to load the data into dataframe.
For Permanent Employee:
val jsonPermDf = Seq( // Construct sample dataframe
(2, """{"Employee-Key":2, "Employee-Type":"Permanent", "Login-Date":"2021-11-01", "Level":3, "Validity":"ok"}""")
, (3, """{"Employee-Key":3, "Employee-Type":"Permanent", "Login-Date":"2020-10-01", "Level":2, "Validity":"ok-yes"}""")
).toDF("key", "raw_json")
val permDf = jsonPermDf.withColumn("data", from_json(col("raw_json"),schemaPerm)).select($"data.*")
For Contractor:
val jsonContDf = Seq( // Construct sample dataframe
(1, """{"Employee-Key":1, "Employee-Type":"Contractor", "Login-Date":"2021-12-01", "Vendor":"technicia", "HourlyRate":29}""")
, (4, """{"Employee-Key":4, "Employee-Type":"Contractor", "Login-Date":"2019-09-01", "Vendor":"Minis", "HourlyRate":35}""")
).toDF("key", "raw_json")
val contDf = jsonContDf.withColumn("data", from_json(col("raw_json"),schemaCont)).select($"data.*")
This is the result datafrme for Permanent:
| 2| Permanent|2021-11-01| 3| ok|
| 3| Permanent|2020-10-01| 2| ok-yes|
This is the result dataframe for Contractor:
|Employee-Key|Employee-Type|Login-Date| Vendor|HourlyRate|
| 1| Contractor|2021-12-01|technicia| 29.0|
| 4| Contractor|2019-09-01| Minis| 35.0|
If the schema of the JSON in employeeDetailsJson is unstable, you can still parse it into Map(String, String) type using from_json function with schema map<string,string>. Then you can explode the map column and pivot to get keys as columns.
val df1 = df.withColumn(
from_json(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "map<string,string>")
).groupBy("employeeKey", "employeeTypeId", "loginDate")
//|employeeKey|employeeTypeId|loginDate |Grade|HourlyRate|Supervisor|ValidTill |Vendor |
//|1 |1 |2021-02-05'T'21:28:06|100 |29 |Alex |2021-12-01|technicia|

dynamically pass arguments to function in scala

i have record as string with 1000 fields with delimiter as comma in dataframe like
"a,b,c,d,e.......upto 1000" -1st record
"p,q,r,s,t ......upto 1000" - 2nd record
I am using below suggested solution from stackoverflow
Split 1 column into 3 columns in spark scala
df.withColumn("_tmp", split($"columnToSplit", "\\.")).select($"_tmp".getItem(0).as("col1"),$"_tmp".getItem(1).as("col2"),$"_tmp".getItem(2).as("col3")).drop("_tmp")
however in my case i am having 1000 columns which i have in JSON schema which i can retrive like
for(i <-o to column_seq.length-1){println(i+" " + column_seq(i))}
which returns like
0 col1
1 col2
2 col3
3 col4
Now I need to pass all this indexes and column names to below function of DataFrame
df.withColumn("_tmp", split($"columnToSplit", "\\.")).select($"_tmp".getItem(0).as("col1"),$"_tmp".getItem(1).as("col2"),$"_tmp".getItem(2).as("col3")).drop("_tmp")
as i cant create the long statement with all 1000 columns , is there any effective way to pass all this arguments from above mentioned json schema to select function , so that i can split the columns , add the header and then covert the DF to parquet.
You can build a series of org.apache.spark.sql.Column, where each one is the result of selecting the right item and has the right name, and then select these columns:
val columns: Seq[Column] =
.zipWithIndex // attach index to names
.map { case (name, index) => $"_tmp".getItem(index) as name }
val result = df
.withColumn("_tmp", split($"columnToSplit", "\\."))
.select(columns: _*)
For example, for this input:
case class A(name: String)
val Schema_func = Seq(A("c1"), A("c2"), A("c3"), A("c4"), A("c5"))
val df = Seq("a.b.c.d.e").toDF("columnToSplit")
The result would be:
// +---+---+---+---+---+
// | c1| c2| c3| c4| c5|
// +---+---+---+---+---+
// | a| b| c| d| e|
// +---+---+---+---+---+

remove duplicate column from dataframe using scala

I need to remove one column from the DataFrame having another column with the same name. I need to remove only one column and need the other one for further usage.
For example, given this input DF:
sno | age | psk | psk
1 | 12 | a4 | a4
I would like to obtain this output DF:
sno | age | psk
1 | 12 | a4
RDD is the way (but you need to know the column index of the duplicate columns for removing duplicate columns back to dataframe)
If you have dataframe with duplicate columns as
|1 |12 |a4 |a4 |
You know that the last two column index are duplicates.
Next step is for you to have column names with duplicates removed and form schema
val columns = df.columns.toSet.toArray
val schema = StructType( => StructField(name, StringType, true)))
Vital part is to convert the dataframe to rdd and remove the required column index (here it is the 4th)
val rdd => Row.fromSeq(Seq(row(0).toString, row(1).toString, row(2))))
Final step is to convert the rdd to dataframe using schema
sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema).show(false)
which should give you
|1 |12 |a4 |
I hope the answer is helpful

How to update few records in Spark

i have the following program in Scala for the spark:
val dfA = sqlContext.sql("select * from employees where id in ('Emp1', 'Emp2')" )
val dfB = sqlContext.sql("select * from employees where id not in ('Emp1', 'Emp2')" )
val dfN = dfA.withColumn("department", lit("Finance"))
val dfFinal = dfN.unionAll(dfB)
val dfTmp = sqlContext.sql("select * from intermediate_result")
when I try to save it, I get the following error:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Cannot overwrite table employees that is also being read from.;
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PreWriteCheck.failAnalysis(rules.scala:106)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PreWriteCheck$$anonfun$apply$3.apply(rules.scala:182)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PreWriteCheck$$anonfun$apply$3.apply(rules.scala:109)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNode.foreach(TreeNode.scala:111)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PreWriteCheck.apply(rules.scala:109)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PreWriteCheck.apply(rules.scala:105)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$2.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:218)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$2.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:218)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:318)
My questions are:
Is my approach correct to change the department of two employees
Why am I getting this error when I have released the DataFrames
Is my approach correct to change the department of two employees
It is not. Just to repeat something that has been said multiple times on Stack Overflow - Apache Spark is not a database. It is not designed for fine grained updates. If your projects requires operation like this, use one of many databases on Hadoop.
Why am I getting this error when I have released the DataFrames
Because you didn't. All you've done is adding a name to the execution plan. Checkpointing would be the closest thing to "releasing", but you really don't want to end up in situation when you loose executor, in the middle of destructive operation.
You could write to temporary directory, delete input and move the temporary files, but really - just use a tool which is fit for the job.
Following is an approach you can try.
Instead of using registertemptable api, you can write it into an another table using the saveAsTable api
Then, write it into employees table
val dy = sqlContext.table("intermediate_result")
Finally, drop intermediate_result table.
I would approach it this way,
>>> df = sqlContext.sql("select * from t")
| 2| Fitness|
| 3| Footwear|
| 4| Apparel|
| 5| Golf|
| 6| Outdoors|
| 7| Fan Shop|
To mimic your flow, I creating 2 dataframes, doing union and writing back to same table t ( deliberately removing department_id = 4 in this example)
>>> df1 = sqlContext.sql("select * from t where department_id < 4")
>>> df2 = sqlContext.sql("select * from t where department_id > 4")
>>> df3 = df1.unionAll(df2)
>>> df3.registerTempTable("df3")
>>> sqlContext.sql("insert overwrite table t select * from df3")
>>> sqlContext.sql("select * from t").show()
| 2| Fitness|
| 3| Footwear|
| 5| Golf|
| 6| Outdoors|
| 7| Fan Shop|
Lets say it is a hive table you are reading and overwriting.
Please introduce the timestamp to the hive table location as follows
create table table_name (
id int,
dtDontQuery string,
name string
Location hdfs://user/table_name/timestamp
As overwrite is not possible, We will write the output file to a new location.
Write the data to that new location using dataframe Api
Once Data is written alter the hive table location to new location
Alter table tablename set Location hdfs://user/xx/tablename/newtimestamp/

How to fetch the value and type of each column of each row in a dataframe?

How can I convert a dataframe to a tuple that includes the datatype for each column?
I have a number of dataframes with varying sizes and types. I need to be able to determine the type and value of each column and row of a given dataframe so I can perform some actions that are type-dependent.
So for example say I have a dataframe that looks like:
| foo | bar |
| 12345 | fnord |
| 42 | baz |
I need to get
(("12345", "Integer"), ("fnord", "String")),
(("42", "Integer"), ("baz", "String"))
or something similarly simple to iterate over and work with programmatically.
Thanks in advance and sorry for what is, I'm sure, a very noobish question.
If I understand your question correct, then following shall be your solution.
val df = Seq(
(12345, "fnord"),
(42, "baz"))
.toDF("foo", "bar")
This creates dataframe which you already have.
| foo| bar|
| 42| baz|
Next step is to extract dataType from the schema of the dataFrame and create a iterator.
val fieldTypesList = => struct.dataType)
Next step is to convert the dataframe rows into rdd list and map each value to dataType from the list created above
val dfList = => row.toString().replace("[","").replace("]","").split(",").toList)
val tuples = => => (value, fieldTypesList(list.indexOf(value)))))
Now if we print it
It would give
List((12345,IntegerType), (fnord,StringType))
List((42,IntegerType), (baz,StringType))
Which you can iterate over and work with programmatically