How to access associate enum in generic way in swift - swift

I am trying to understand swift enum and for that, I decided to create a data source using an associated enum. Now I am not sure if my question line is correct or not but I'll try to explain what exactly I am trying to do here.
Struct SampleClass {
enum Country: String {
case US(cityList: ChianCityList)
case Chian(cityList: USCityList)
enum ChianCityList {
case Bijing
case Shanghai
static var allCases = [.Bijing, .Shanghai]
enum USCityList {
case NewYork
case LA
static var allCases = [.NewYork, .LA]
var isCaptial:Bool
var country: Country
var allCityList: [?] {
switch self.conuntry {
case Chian
return CityList.allCases
case US
return USCityList.allCases
init(country: Country)
{ = Country
Now I don't know what would be the return type of var 'allCityList'. I want it to be generic. secondly, I don't want to call 'allCases' for each enum. Is there anyway to make it more generic? This is just a simple example there is a lot of scenarios like this. Like 'isCaptial'. How could i make it more generic so that based on the country I can found out?

Currently, USCityList and ChinaCityList are two separate types. If you return one type you can‘t return the other. You have two options.
enum ChianCityList {
case Bijing
case Shanghai
static var allCases = [.Bijing, .Shanghai]
enum USCityList {
case NewYork
case LA
static var allCases = [.NewYork, .LA]
var isCaptial:Bool
Option 1: Convert the one you currently return to the same type and make said type as the return type
enum ChianCityList: String, CaseIterable {
case Bijing
case Shanghai
enum USCityList: String, CaseIterable {
case NewYork
case LA
var isCaptial:Bool
extension CaseIterable {
var allCasesToStrings: [String] {
return{ String(describing: $0) }
var allCityList: [String] {
switch self.conuntry {
case Chian
return CityList.allCasesToStrings
case US
return USCityList.allCasesToStrings
Option 2: Make both types conform to the same protocol, then return an instance of said protocol.
protocol CityList {
var cityList: [String] { get }
Var capitalCity: String { get }
// Have both implement the protocol
var allCityList: CityList {
switch self.conuntry {
case Chian
return CityList.cityList
case US
return USCityList.cityList

For your example, I wouldn't use enums. This is because you want to store additional information about the cities (like if it's a capital city). Instead, I would use a struct called City that encapsulates all your information. Then you can have a variable chinaCities and usCities that is an array of all its respective cities.
If you truly wanted to force the use of enums, I would create one giant enum called City and store an array of Citys into two separate variables to differentiate their locations.
enum City: String {
case beijing = "beijing"
case newYork = "new york"
Of course, if you do this, you'll also have to do extra work to keep track of whether a city is a variable. One way you can achieve this is by having a function that takes in a City enum and returns true or false depending on whether it is a capital.
As a side note, I just wanted to point out that you spelled China and Beijing wrong. Hope this helps!


How to get a class with generic type accept an array of different by same generic types?

I'm in the process trying to learn and understand protocols with associated types in swift.
At the same time, I'm learning SwiftUI and taking a course on Udemy.
The app that we will building is a coffee order application.
With that being said, I do not follow the tutorial to the "T" as I tried to structure the app differently, so I can learn to think on my own. The app is nothing too fancy.
The tutorial doesn't use generics and protocols to represent or structure data. It is just a tutorial to showcase SwiftUI.
I created a protocol called Coffee that has a CupSize associated type.
Each coffee Cappuccino, Espresso, and Brewed Coffee confirms to the Coffee protocol.
protocol Priceable {
var cost: Double { get }
protocol Coffee {
associatedtype CupSize
var cupSize: CupSize { get }
init(cupSize: CupSize)
enum EspressoCupSize {
case small
struct Espresso: Coffee, Priceable {
var cupSize = EspressoCupSize.small
var cost: Double { return 3.00 }
enum BrewedCoffeeCupSize {
case small
case medium
case large
struct BrewedCoffee: Coffee, Priceable {
var cupSize: BrewedCoffeeCupSize
var cost: Double {
switch self.cupSize {
case .small: return 1.00
case .medium: return 2.00
case .large: return 3.00
enum CappuccinoCupSize {
case small
case medium
case large
struct Cappuccino: Coffee, Priceable {
var cupSize: CappuccinoCupSize
var cost: Double {
switch self.cupSize {
case .small: return 2.00
case .medium: return 3.00
case .large: return 4.00
Then, I created an Order struct and an OrderManager class.
Order struct has a generic and needs to be a Priceable item.
The idea of a generic priceable item is to support other items in the future in case I want to expand the app...not just coffee.
The idea behind OrderManager is to keep track all the orders and manage the CRUD operations of the orders (still need to implement delete, read, and update).
struct Order<Item: Priceable> {
var name: String
var item: Item
class OrderManager<Item> {
private var orders: [Item]
init(orders: [Item]) {
self.orders = orders
func add(_ order: Item) {
My issue is using OrderManager.
let maryOrder = Order(name: "Mary", item: Espresso())
let sueOrder = Order(name: "Sue", item: BrewedCoffee(cupSize: .medium))
// Dummy Structure
struct Person {}
let orderManager = OrderManager(orders: [
Person() // This works!!! Which is not what I want.
I want the generic type for OrderManager to be an Order, but since Order has its own generic type of Priceable, I cannot seem to find the correct answer or find the correct syntax.
Things I have tried to get OrderManager to work
class OrderManager<Order> {} // Does not work because Order needs a generic type
class OrderManager<Order<Priceable>> // Still does not work
class OrderManager<Item: Priceable, Order<Item> {} // Still does not work.
// and I tried other solutions, but I cannot get this to work
// Also, when I think I got the right syntax, I cannot add Mary and Sue's orders to
// OrderManager because Mary's item is Espresso and Sue's item is BrewedCoffee
How can I get OrderManager to accept only an array of orders?
It's good that you want to experiment with generics, but this isn't the occasion for it. You say:
The idea ... is to support other items in the future in case I want to expand the app...not just coffee.
But you don't need a generic for that. The only requirement for managing an order is that the order's item be Priceable. Priceable is already a type; you don't need to add a generic type to the mix.
struct Order {
var name: String
var item: Priceable
class OrderManager {
private var orders: [Order]
init(orders: [Order]) {
self.orders = orders
func add(_ order: Order) {
I'm in the process trying to learn and understand generics with associated types in swift.
There is no such thing as "generics with associated types in Swift." There are generics, and there are protocols with associated types (PAT). They have some things in common, but are deeply different concepts used for very different things.
The purpose of a generic is to allow the type to vary over types chosen by the caller.
The purpose of a PAT is to allow a type to be used by existing algorithms, using types chosen by the implementer. Given this, Coffee does not make sense as a protocol. You're trying to treat it like a heterogeneous type. That's not what a PAT is. A PAT is a hook to allow types to be used by algorithms.
class OrderManager<Item> { ... }
This says that OrderManager can hold anything; literally anything at all. It doesn't have to be Priceable. In your case, Item is being coerced into Any, which is definitely not what you wanted (and why Person works when it shouldn't). But it doesn't make a lot of sense that OrderManager is tied to some item type. Do you really want one OrderManager for Coffee and a completely different OrderManager for Espresso? That doesn't match what you're doing at all. OrderManager should work over an Order of anything, right?
It's not really possible to determine what protocols and generics you do need here because you never do anything with OrderManager.orders. Start with the calling code. Start with no generics or protocols. Just let the code duplicate, and then extract that duplication into generics and protocols. If you don't have a clear algorithm (use case) in mind, you should not be creating a protocol yet.
See matt's answer for a starting point, but I'm sure it's not enough for your problem. You likely will need more things (most likely the name of the item for instance). Start with some simple structs (Espresso, BrewedCoffee, etc), and then start working out your calling code, and then you'll probably have more questions we can discuss.
To your question of how to attack this kind of problem, I would begin like this.
First, we have some items for sale. I model them in their most obvious ways:
// An Espresso has no distinguishing characteristics.
struct Espresso {}
// But other coffees have a size.
enum CoffeeSize: String {
case small, medium, large
// You must know the size in order to create a coffee. You don't need to know
// its price, or its name, or anything else. But you do have to know its size
// or you can't pour one. So "size" is a property of the type.
struct BrewedCoffee {
let size: CoffeeSize
struct Cappuccino {
let size: CoffeeSize
OK, not really done, but seriously, kind of done. We can now make coffee drinks. Until you have some other problem to solve, you really are done. But we do have another problem:
We want to construct an Order, so we can give the customer a bill. An Order is made up of Items. And Items have names and prices. New things can be added to an Order, and I can get textual representation of the whole thing. So we model first what we need:
struct Order {
private (set) var items: [Item]
mutating func add(_ item: Item) {
var totalPrice: Decimal { { $0.price }.reduce(0, +) }
var text: String { { "\($\t\($0.price)" }.joined(separator: "\n") }
And to implement that, we need a protocol that provides name and price:
protocol Item {
var name: String { get }
var price: Decimal { get }
Now we'd like an Espresso to be an Item. So we apply retroactive modeling to make it one:
extension Espresso: Item {
var name: String { "Espresso" }
var price: Decimal { 3.00 }
And the same thing with BrewedCoffee:
extension BrewedCoffee {
var name: String { "\(size.rawValue.capitalized) Coffee" }
var price: Decimal {
switch size {
case .small: return 1.00
case .medium: return 2.00
case .large: return 3.00
And of course Cappuccino...but you know, as I start to write that I really want to cut-and-paste BrewedCoffee. That suggests maybe there's a protocol hiding in there.
// Just a helper to make syntax prettier.
struct PriceMap {
var small: Decimal
var medium: Decimal
var large: Decimal
protocol SizedCoffeeItem: Item {
var size: CoffeeSize { get }
var baseName: String { get }
var priceMap: PriceMap { get }
With that, we can implement the requirements of Item:
extension SizedCoffeeItem {
var name: String { "\(size.rawValue.capitalized) \(baseName)" }
var price: Decimal {
switch size {
case .small: return priceMap.small
case .medium: return priceMap.medium
case .large: return priceMap.large
And now the conformances require no code duplication.
extension BrewedCoffee: SizedCoffeeItem {
var baseName: String { "Coffee" }
var priceMap: PriceMap { PriceMap(small: 1.00, medium: 2.00, large: 3.00) }
extension Cappuccino: SizedCoffeeItem {
var baseName: String { "Cappuccino" }
var priceMap: PriceMap { PriceMap(small: 2.00, medium: 3.00, large: 4.00) }
These two examples are of two different uses of protocols. The first is implementing a heterogeneous collection ([Item]). These kinds of protocols cannot have associated types. The second is to facilitate code sharing between types. These kinds can. But in both cases I didn't add any protocols until I had a clear use case: I needed to be able to add them to Order and get back certain kinds of data. That led us to each step along the way.
As a starting point, model your data simply and design your algorithms. Then adapt your data to the algorithms with protocols. Protocols come late, not early.
You do not need to define Generic type on the class , you should put it on a method like following:
class OrderManager {
func doOrder<T: Priceable, L: Protocol2 >(obj: T) -> L {
// Use obj as a Priceable model
// return a Protocol2 model
and for send to the class you just send your model for example
varProtocol2 = OrderManager.doOrder(obj: maryOrder.item)
Here is an example with two generic object
protocol prot1 {
var a: Int {get set}
protocol protRet {
var b: String {get set}
struct prot1Struct: prot1 {
var a: Int
struct prot2Struct: protRet {
init() {
b = ""
var b: String
class Manage {
func Do<T: prot1, L: protRet>(obj: T) -> L {
var ret: L = L()
ret.b = "\(obj.a)"
return ret
var obj1: prot2Struct?
var paramItem = prot1Struct(a: 10)
obj1 = Manage().Do(obj: paramItem)
Also if you want to use it on a Class you can do it like following:
class manageb<T: prot1, L: protRet> {
func Do(obj: T) -> L {
var ret: L = L()
ret.b = "\(obj.a)"
return ret
var obj1: prot2Struct?
var paramItem = prot1Struct(a: 10)
let classB = manageb<prot1Struct, prot2Struct>()
obj1 = classB.Do(obj: paramItem)

Directly return enum value with associated type

This is my code:
enum Pet {
case dog(Int), cat(String)
protocol PetHolder {
associatedtype Food
func determineFood(from: Pet) -> Food?
struct DogHolder: PetHolder {
typealias Food = Int
func determineFood(from: Pet) -> Int? {
// Possible one liner? Enum extension?
switch from {
case .dog(let food):
return food
return nil
In the real code, Pet is a generated huge enum. We got lots of classes like DogHolder, which should extract the data based on the associated type of a case in Pet.
It isn't maintainable to write for each and every XHolder the following (as seen above):
// Possible one liner? Enum extension?
switch from {
case .dog(let food):
return food
return nil
This will result in hunderds of lines, in which only case .dog(let food): will be different.
I want to see if it holds a specific case and return that one and only associated type of the enum, which is exactly the same as the associated type of the protocol it is implementing. Enum Pet always has one associated value (again, is exactly the same as the protocol the object is implementing).
I got this now, but can I remove the else if and inline a possible nil value?
if case let = from {
return food
} else {
return nil

Create an enum with parameter

I have some Outputs in my code so I regrouped all that with an Enum String.
The problem is that I have some Outputs containing variable.
Is It possible to create an Enum who takes variable ?
Exemple with this string
print("The name of the Team is \(")
I wanted to do something like that:
enum Exemple: String {
case TEAM_NAME(name: String) = "The name of the Team is \(name)"}
print(Exemple.TEAM.NAME("Team 1").rawvalue)
Thank you
It's possible to have an enum with associated values for cases. But in order to get the output you're looking for you will need a function.
enum Example {
case teamName(name: String)
case teamId(id: Int)
func printName() {
switch self {
case .teamName(name: let name):
let team = Example.teamName(name: "team1")
team.printName() // prints team1
You can define an instance method or computed property for enum that will return a string value in depend of enumeration case and associated value. See example for playground.
enum Example {
case firstItem
case secondItem(withText: String)
var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case .firstItem: return "Simple string"
case .secondItem(withText: let text): return "String with additional text: \(text)"
let myEnumItem: Example = .secondItem(withText: "Test")
let text = myEnumItem.stringValue
It is not possible for Enum to have both raw value and associated value. I think you can get by with the associated value. Without the raw value the enum still can provide you enough information to compose the message

How do you use a switch statement with a nested enum?

I've created an enum for Instagram endpoints with nested enums similar to Moya.
enum Instagram {
enum Media {
case Popular
case Shortcode(id: String)
case Search(lat: Float, lng: Float, distance: Int)
enum Users {
case User(id: String)
case Feed
case Recent(id: String)
I would like to return the path for each endpoint.
extension Instagram: TargetType {
var path: String {
switch self {
case .Media.Shortcode(let id):
return "/media/shortcode"
However I'm getting an error on the switch statement above for the path.
Enum case Shortcode is not a member of type Instagram
How to fix?
Advanced Practical Enums
I'm adding a more general answer for a few reasons.
This is the only open question regarding nested enums and switch statements. The other one is sadly closed.
The only legit answer does not show how to assign the value of a nested enum to a symbol. The syntax was not intuitive to me.
None of the other answers have extensive case examples.
An enum nested 3 levels deep is more illustrative of the required syntax. Using efremidze answer still took me a while to work it out.
enum Action {
case fighter(F)
case weapon(W)
enum F {
case attack(A)
case defend(D)
case hurt(H)
enum A {
case fail
case success
enum D {
case fail
case success
enum H {
case none
case some
enum W {
case swing
case back
// Matches "3 deep"
let action = Action.fighter(.attack(.fail))
// Matches "1 deep" because more general case listed first.
let action2 = Action.weapon(.swing)
switch action {
case .fighter(.attack(.fail)):
print("3 deep")
case .weapon:
print("1 deep")
case .weapon(.swing):
print("2 deep to case")
case .fighter(.attack):
print("2 deep to another enum level")
print("WTF enum")
By adding an associated value for the nested enum you can access it using a switch statement.
enum Instagram {
enum MediaEndpoint {
case Search(lat: Float, lng: Float, distance: Int)
case Media(MediaEndpoint)
extension Instagram: TargetType {
var path: String {
switch self {
case .Media(.Search):
return "/media/search"
// Demo
protocol TargetType {
var path: String { get }
class MoyaProvider<Target: TargetType> {
func request(_ target: Target, completion: #escaping () -> ()) {}
let provider = MoyaProvider<Instagram>()
provider.request(.Media(.Search(lat: 0, lng: 0, distance: 0))) {}
There is a couple of problems with your architecture. You should know when and why you need to use extensions and protocols and how you should structure your blocks of code.
If your type needs to conform to that protocol, feel free to use it to
ensure you set your own standards. I don't even see that in the github project you referred to.
Extension are good way to have a primitive type and extend its functionality in other parts of the project. It doesn't make sense to me why you should extend the type right after declaration. A good use case of it is where the String type has been extended to support URL Encoded values:
private extension String {
var URLEscapedString: String {
return self.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.URLHostAllowedCharacterSet())!
When you are using this type of switch-case block
switch self {
case .Zen:
return "/zen"
case .UserProfile(let name):
return "/users/\(name.URLEscapedString)"
case .UserRepositories(let name):
return "/users/\(name.URLEscapedString)/repos"
The value in the case should be a member of self. that's why it can not find the type. the type is declared inside Instagram enum but it doesn't hold value in the self. it holds value inside Media. So move your media related function into the declaration of Media and access them there. That way self is referring to Media. Here's the full working code for me:
private extension String {
var URLEscapedString: String {
return self.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.URLHostAllowedCharacterSet())!
public enum Instagram {
public enum Media {
case Search(String)
var path:String {
switch self {
case Media.Search(let keyword):
return "/media/search/\(keyword.URLEscapedString)"
var me = Instagram.Media.Search("me")
As a piece of advice, in each step of building your whole architecture just question yourself if that piece of code belongs to that type or should be accessible publicly. In this case it makes complete sense to move search to Media cause you are searching media. You can add the same pattern for something like User and have search under user that returns different value.
Enum case Search is not a member of type Instagram
As the compiler say, Search is not a member of type Instagram. It's just an enum in the scope of Instagram. You have to create a member that is an instance of Search in Instagram
struct Instagram {
enum Media {
case Search(lat: Float, lng: Float, distance: Int)
// something like:
var media = .Search(lat: 0, lng: 0, distance: 0)
// I'm not sure this one is right syntax
// because I can't check it right now.
// please just get the idea
extension Instagram: TargetType {
var path: String {
switch {
case .Search(let _, let _, let _):
return "/media/search"

Why class cannot be initialised in Switch statement in Swift

wondering why Swift switch statement does not allow to instantiate classes like in other languages and how to solve this. Would be glad if anyone can help out on this.
In the example i have created a simple Vehicle class and trying to instantiate its sub classes via switch depending on classSetter value. However the final line of print statement cannot print name property of any of the classes if it is instantiated within switch (or seems to any other kind of conditional) statement.
import UIKit
class Vehicle {
var name: String {return ""}
class Car: Vehicle {
override var name: String {return "Car"}
class Bike: Vehicle {
override var name: String {return "Bike"}
var classSetter:Int = 1
switch classSetter {
case 1:
println("Initializing Car")
var vehicle = Car()
case 2:
println("Initialized Bike")
let vehicle = Bike()
println("just defaulted")
println("Name property from initialization is \(")
Your two vehicles are being declared within the switch’s { }, so they only exist in that block (that is their “scope”). They don’t exist outside it, so you can’t refer to them there, hence the error.
The default solution to this (that other answers are giving) is to declare the vehicle as a var outside the switch, but here’s an alternative: wrap the switch in a closure expression and return a value from it. Why do this? Because then you can use let and not var to declare vehicle:
let vehicle: Vehicle = { // start of a closure expression that returns a Vehicle
switch classSetter {
case 1:
println("Initializing Car")
return Car()
case 2:
println("Initialized Bike")
return Bike()
println("just defaulted")
return Vehicle()
}() // note the trailing () because you need to _call_ the expression
println("Name property from initialization is \(")
It would be nice if if and switch were expressions (i.e. evaluated to a result) so you didn’t need this closure, but for now it’s a reasonable workaround.
Note, several of the answers here that use the var approach suggest making vehicle an Optional value (i.e. Vehicle?). This is not necessary – so long as the code is guaranteed to assign vehicle a value before it is used (and the compiler will check this for you), it doesn’t have to be optional. But I still think the closure expression version is a better way.
By the way, you might want to consider using a protocol for Vehicle instead of a base class, since that way you don’t have to give Vehicle a default but invalid implementation for name:
protocol Vehicle {
var name: String { get }
// one of the benefits of this is you could
// make Car and Bike structs if desired
struct Car: Vehicle {
var name: String {return "Car"}
struct Bike: Vehicle {
var name: String {return "Bike"}
Though this would mean you couldn’t have a default return from the switch statement of a Vehicle(). But chances are that would be bad anyway – an optional Vehicle? with nil representing failure might be a better option:
let vehicle: Vehicle? = {
switch classSetter {
case 1:
println("Initializing Car")
return Car()
case 2:
println("Initialized Bike")
return Bike()
println("no valid value")
return nil
// btw since vehicle is a Vehicle? you need to unwrap the optional somehow,
// one way is with optional chaining (will print (nil) here)
println("Name property from initialization is \(vehicle?.name)")
If you didn’t want this to be a possibility at all, you could consider making the indicator for different kinds of vehicles an enum so it could only be one of a valid set of vehicles:
enum VehicleKind {
case Bike, Car
let classSetter: VehicleKind = .Car
let vehicle: Vehicle = {
switch classSetter {
case .Car:
println("Initializing Car")
return Car()
case .Bike:
println("Initialized Bike")
return Bike()
// no need for a default clause now, since
// those are the only two possibilities
Your assumption is incorrect.
The scope of the variable vehicle is inside the switch. You are then trying to access it outside the switch.
You need to create the variable outside the switch. You can still instantiate it inside.
var vehicle: Vehicle?
Switch... {
vehicle = Car()
Writing on my phone so couldn't give full proper code but this will give you the idea.
What you're doing doesn't work in other languages either. You need to declare the vehicle variable before you enter the switch so that it's in the same scope as your println. After that, you an assign it whatever you need to inside the switch.