Angular Dart Tutorial - Unable to find modules for some sources - angular-dart

I'm trying to follow the Angular Dart tutorial ( but got stuck after adding some html that makes use of the ngModel directive.
According to the tutorial in order to make use of the ngModel directive one has to add "angular_forms: ^2.0.0" to the pubspec.yaml, import 'package:angular_forms/angular_forms.dart' and add "formDirectives" to the component directives. I did all of that including running "pub get" to get the dependencies but when I run "webdev serve" I get the following error:
[SEVERE] build_web_compilers|entrypoint on test/app_test.dart (cached):
Unable to find modules for some sources, this is usually the result of either a
bad import, a missing dependency in a package (or possibly a dev_dependency
needs to move to a real dependency), or a build failure (if importing a
generated file).
What am I missing?

I had the same the problem. I don't think it mentions explicityly in the tute but after adding angular_forms dependency to the pubspec.yaml file, you need to pull in this new dependency with:
pub get
Hope it helps!


How to make VS code able to lookup code in subproject directory for autocompletion?

I have project structure
The dependency of these 4 projects is
core_launcher -> core_ui -> core_domain -> core_data
4 projects are located in the same directory and I include one to another via pubspec.yaml file (for example core_launcher/pubspec.yaml):
sdk: flutter
path: ../core_ui
The same thing I do with all projects to make dependency hierarchy.
The problem is that I can import all files from core_ui subproject when I'm currently editing some file in core_launcher but VSCode doesn't see any classes from his parents
(core_domain & core_data).
However, I can input import 'blah-blah-blah manually and VSCode see this class and import works well, but I can't do that with hit Alt+Enter that I do for fast-import.
So, I'm wondering why autocomplete is not working for inherited libraries.
Somebody had the same issue?
Code completion will only show classes from your direct dependencies. There are two possible reasons for this:
Relying on transitive dependencies is not a good idea, because it's possible that your dependencies will remove or change their dependencies and not consider that a breaking change.
If code completion listed all classes from all transitive dependencies the code completion list would be huge and include classes from packages you do not recognise (because they are just other packages dependencies). This would be a bad user experience and make it easy to accidentally rely on packages that are not listed in your pubspec.yaml.
The fix is to explicitly list core_domain and core_data in your pubspec.yaml too, because if your project is using classes from them, then they are dependencies.

Why the app produced by flutter build web sometimes doesn't work?

I have 2 issues that only appear when executing flutter build web.
Sometimes flutter build web fails complaining (wrongly) about types that were not compatible (see below).
Sometimes the build process finishes but then the web app doesn't work: doesn't display anything and there are no messages in the console.
The error I mention is something like this:
% flutter build web
Target dart2js failed: Exception: lib/main.dart:24:31:
Error: A value of type 'ApiUsersRepository' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'UsersRepository'.
- 'ApiUsersRepository' is from 'package:my_app/api_users_repo.dart' ('lib/api_users_repo.dart').
- 'UsersRepository' is from 'lib/users_repo.dart'.
final UsersRepository usersRepository = ApiUsersRepository();
Error: Compilation failed.
The app is working in iOS and web when developing.
The solution
I changed all imports of my files like:
import 'package:my_app/users_repo.dart';
import 'users_repo.dart';
More Details
Investigating the error about types, I found this issue, where the important part is this comment: after changing every import to relative format it resolves my problem.
So I did that, and it solved the 2 issues, the compilation error, and the runtime error.
for me I had to remove a package that was corrupted. c:\src\\hosted\\localstorage-4.0.0+1 Apparently, a file had become corrupted by me invertly. I removed the package and did a flutter pub get then recompiled and it worked.

Migrating to Dart 2 I get a "check imports error" that means that some templates have not been generated

I'm trying to migrate to Dart 2, I have a lot of packages and up to now I could do my job with not so much problems.
Now I'm getting a strange error bot with DDC and dart2js:
[SEVERE] build_web_compilers|entrypoint on web/main.dart (cached):
Unable to find modules for some sources, this is usually the result of either a
bad import, a missing dependency in a package (or possibly a dev_dependency
needs to move to a real dependency), or a build failure (if importing a
generated file).
Please check the following imports:
`import 'package:ledger_web/src/ui/components/main_selection_bar.template.dart';` from ledger_web|lib/src/ui/components/service/main_selection_bar_service.dart at 7:1
`import 'package:ledger_web/src/ui/components/main_selection_bar.template.dart';` from ledger_web|lib/src/ui/components/service/main_selection_bar_service.template.dart at 11:1
... and more
It is correct to signal that there is not the import (MainSelectionBar is an angular component), because the template has not been generated.
Now the problem is, why the template is not there?
I checked the .dart_tool/build/generated directory but the template has not been created.
I have a similar package with a similar component that works fine, so I cannot figure out what's happened.
Is there a place where there is a more detailed error list?
Interestingly enough, there is also a case in which the template exists, but it is listed like if it was not found....
Any hint?
Most likely this is related to a build failure when generating the template, which is not being properly reported on subsequent builds. This pull request should help that, but you can also try running pub run build_runner clean and then doing a new build to get the original error back.

Target URI doesn't exist, when trying to import a package in flutter

I have stumbled upon a problem in importing the package in Flutter, I tried to solve this by running flutter packages get and also shutting down the project in Android studio and reopening it.
import 'package:task_02_category_widget/category.dart';
Here is the line above, and the error I'm running into when I run it gives the following error in the console.
Your application could not be compiled, because its dependencies could
not be established.
The following Dart file:
...refers, in an import, to the following library:
That library is in a package that is not known. Maybe you forgot to
mention it in your pubspec.yaml file?
If task_02_category_widget/category.dart is part of an old project you are reusing you should put it in a folder in your flutter application and include it like "../ folder /task_02_category_widget/category.dart ". If it is part of github repository you have copy pasted from, just copy the file and use the step above. Most probably you are looking for that . In any other case check here to find the source code.
You should have in your project at a file called pubspec.yaml a definition like this:
name: my_app
Let’s say that your package is laid out as follows:
Then, you can import it:
import 'package:task_02_category_widget/category.dart';
More information:

Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'EarlGrey'

I tried to run the FunctionalTests that comes packed with the EarlGrey demo project.
I ended up seeing this error. How do I resolve it.