Logout sinch user in iOS - swift

I'm working on call/video application. I'm using SINCH SDK and i successfully integrated in swift project and call video work fine but i have a problem that when user is logged out from application still received a notification, i don't know why i used this function to logout
func logOutSinchUser() {
if let client = self._client {
self._client = nil
Anyone can help me please ?

Please try to unregister the push token first(unregisterPushNotificationDeviceToken if you use sinch managed push) before you terminate the sinch client.
Also use terminateGracefully instead, to give the SDK more time to handle the unregistration process before shut off.
Could be sth like:
func logOutSinchUser() {
if let client = self._client {
self._client = nil


addUIInterruptionMonitor is not getting called on macOS

I want to test my macOS application. It uses your Macbook's camera, and want to handle this in my UITest. However I cannot get it working. Here is my NOT working code. This code triggers to notification, and I'm presented an alert to allow access to my camera, but the closure is not getting called. Thanks fo any help.
There are many solutions for iOS, but I need it on macOS.
let alertHandler = addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "Camera Permission Alert") { (alert) -> Bool in
if alert.buttons.matching(identifier: "OK").count > 0 {
return true
} else {
return false
XCTAssertTrue(startButton.waitForExistence(timeout: 1.0))
XCTAssertTrue(recordButton.waitForExistence(timeout: 20.0))
wait(for: 8)
I managed to make interruption monitor work on macOS by adding an extra interaction after the interaction that triggers the system dialog (be it camera access or else). So in your example I would add an action after startButton.click() (if that is what triggers the camera access dialog).
func testCamera() {
let alertHandler = addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "Camera Permission Alert") { (alert) -> Bool in
if alert.buttons.matching(identifier: "OK").count > 0 {
return true
} else {
return false
// try to interact with the app by clicking on the app's window
// at this point the handler should intercept the system interruption
// and blocks further execution until handler does return
// try to use the camera again
Hint about this behaviour in Apple's documentation:
When an alert or other modal UI is an expected part of the
test workflow, don't write a UI interruption monitor. The test won’t
use the monitor because the modal UI isn’t blocking the test. A UI
test only tries its UI interruption monitors if the elements it needs
to interact with to complete the test are blocked by an interruption
from an unrelated UI.

TWTRComposer() Application crashes when I try to open Composer

I am having an issue with TWTRComposer. I installed TwitterKit using pods followed all other instructions i.e. updated info.Plist , AppDelegate and so on. I am using Swift. When I call the func that handles the code the app crashes here, sample code below. On the line where composer.show(from: self.navigationController!) the error message is Thread 1:EXC_BREAKPOINT(code=1, subcode=0x1024ff1ac) I have no clue what this means. Any explanation and help is appreciated.
let composer = TWTRComposer()
composer.setText("just setting up my Twitter Kit")
composer.setImage(UIImage(named: "twitterkit"))
// Called from a UIViewController
composer.show(from: self.navigationController!) { (result) in
if (result == .done) {
print("Successfully composed Tweet")
} else {
print("Cancelled composing")

Uber SSO Login error Swift 2.3

I'm trying integrate Uber into my app
Use this code to add uber login button:
uberScopes = [.History, .Profile, .HistoryLite, .Places, .RideWidgets, .AllTrips, .Request, .RequestReceipt]
uberLoginManager = LoginManager(loginType: .Native)
let loginButton = LoginButton(frame: CGRectZero, scopes: uberScopes!, loginManager: uberLoginManager)
loginButton.presentingViewController = self
loginButton.delegate = self
loginButton.frame = logoutBgView.bounds
loginButton.autoresizingMask =
[.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleHeight]
and delegate
func loginButton(button: LoginButton, didLogoutWithSuccess success: Bool) {
if success {
func loginButton(button: LoginButton, didCompleteLoginWithToken accessToken: AccessToken?, error: NSError?) {
if let _ = accessToken {
showMessage("Saved access token!")
} else if let error = error {
} else {
Code not working for native type login in app. When i tap on "Sign in" redirect to safari then app store (i have uber app installed) and not go to uber app to allow or deny scopes that i need. I was set redirect URI, client ID, display name, server token.
Someone can help me?
EDIT1: Log error:
2016-12-28 17:47:40.383 RexpenseSandbox[40681:530203] -canOpenURL:
failed for URL: "uberauth://connect?third_party_app_name=xxxxxxxxxx
- error: "(null)"
EDIT2 - I'm testing a build at Testflight. When i tap on sign in button open uber but isn't appear OAuth only open safari with RedirectURI
Based on that error, it looks like you didn't add the necessary url schemes to your info.plist's Application Query Schemes. Make sure you have the following in your info.plist:
You can read the tutorial for configuring the SDK for some more info

Chartboost with Swift - Interstitial: prefetch if NOT complete. wait... but no ad?

I am trying to integrate Chartboost ads in Swift into my project and have followed the tutorial verbatim:
Everything is imported and in App delegate I have:
class func showChartboostAds()
func didFailToLoadInterstitial(location :String!, withError error: CBLoadError)
func didDismissInterstitial(location :String! )
if(location == CBLocationHomeScreen)
else if(location == CBLocationMainMenu)
else if(location == CBLocationGameOver)
else if(location == CBLocationLevelComplete)
Then in my main view controlleR:
I have my app in test mode in the dashboard and am running on a real device but I just get Interstitial: prefetch if NOT complete. wait... in the console.
Why won't it show any ads?
Just an aside, the reason this solution works is because of the prefetch method. It seems when you call the ad the Chartboost prefetch isn't completing on time, which is causing the show call to fail.
Chartboost does have a delegate method that will give you the all-clear when prefetch completes, that may be worth a look: - (void)didPrefetchVideos;
Here's a link to the rest of the page.
Hope this helps.
I think you're trying to show the AD to quickly. Try delaying the AD, that solved it for me.

Facebook action script 3 API login/logout issue

I'm making mobile AIR app for Android using Flash builder 4.5, AIR 2.6, Facebook action script 3 API the latest version.
I have a problem with login/logout. I can login only one time - then my data caches somehow and Facebook automatically logs me in. When I call logout I receive response TRUE, but I don't really logout from system. Standard login dialog doesn't appear for me. I have already read a lot of articles on stackoverflow and open issues on official site, but none of them were helpfull. How can I solve this? Here is the code I use:
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import flash.net.URLLoader;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.system.Capabilities;
import flash.system.Security;
import flash.display.Loader;
import com.facebook.graph.FacebookMobile;
public class TestProj extends Sprite
public function TestProj()
//register to add to stage
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
// support autoOrients
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
private function onAddedToStage(event:Event):void
this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
FacebookMobile.init("195053007196177", initCallback);
private function initCallback(success:Object, fail:Object):void
var appPermissions:Array = new Array("read_stream", "offline_access", "publish_stream", "read_friendlists");
FacebookMobile.login(loginCallback, this.stage, appPermissions);
private function loginCallback(success:Object, fail:Object):void
//And here I always receive success with my UserID
//and login dialog don't appears to me before this
if (success)
trace("login ok");
trace("login failed");
private function logoutCallback(success:Object):void
//here I reseive "TRUE" always!!
You're only passing the 1st argument of logoutCallback to your logout method. If you add in the 2nd argument of your site url specified for your app, it should clear it out the html cookie for that window. Also, set FacebookMobile.manageSession = false;
FacebookMobile.logout(logoutCallback, "http://your_app_origin_url");
There is a potential, related bug that involves Desktop and Mobile not accessing or clearing the access token's the same way. For that, there's a hack that describes exposing the access token in FacebookMobile, then manually calling the "logout" method with the access token. The issue is described here, including a method called "reallyLogout". If what I've written above doesn't work, implement "reallyLogout".
When you log out, your app clears the local session but does not log you out of the system. This is clearly defined in the documentation for logout. Think about it, if you're logged into Facebook on your Smartphone, Web Browser, and now this Mobile Desktop App, and suddenly you log out... it shouldn't log you out EVERYWHERE, just within that browsers session. So pass that 2nd parameter.
I've had this exact problem, and after trying numerous fixes, this finally seems to work:
The default logout functionality seems to not be properly clearing cookies via the FacebookMobile actionscript API. The solution in comment #33 here worked for me, reproduced here. Make sure to sub in your own APP_ID:
function logout(e:MouseEvent):void {
FacebookMobile.logout(onLogout, "https://m.facebook.com/dialog/permissions.request?app_id=APP_ID&display=touch&next=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fconnect%2Flogin_success.html&type=user_agent&perms=publish_stream&fbconnect=1");
function onLogout(result:Object):void
trace("Perfect Log Out!")
Have had this Android Facebook clean logout problem the whole day, manage to solve it. Hope it helps. Here is my FB mobile handlelogin code to ensure all fb cookies and sessions are being removed and user will need to relogin.
Sometimes FB server is very slow. Its best to put a timer before you call handleLoginClick() again
function handleLoginClick():void
trace("connecting to facebook");
if (FacebookMobile.getSession() == null)
FacebookMobile.init(APP_ID, onHandleInit, null);
FacebookMobile.manageSession = false
var webView:StageWebView = new StageWebView();
webView.viewPort = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
webView.stage = this.stage;
webView.loadURL("https://m.facebook.com/logout.php?confirm=1&next=http://www.facebook.com&access_token=" + FacebookMobile.getSession().accessToken);
function webviewhandleLoad(e:Event)
FacebookMobile.logout(null, "http://apps.facebook.com/<appName>/");
FacebookMobile.logout(null, "http://www.facebook.com");
webView = null
look at the solution of this problem. Maby someone it helps:
var stage_ref:Stage = PlatformUtil.originalStage(); //my custom class to get stage
var webView:StageWebView = new StageWebView();
webView.viewPort = new Rectangle(0, 0, stage_ref.width, stage_ref.height);
FacebookMobile.login(loginCallback, stage_ref, appPermissions, webView);