Can not change actions-on-google project from dialogflow fulfillment to smarthome fulfillment - actions-on-google

I create dialogflow agent (with exited cloud project) and it automatic create action on google .
Now i want to use action on google with smarthome fulfillment but i can not change action on google project or delete it ( is say must delete all my cloud project)
pleaze help me how to change to use smarthome fulfillment without delete my cloud project (i currently use firebase message, google map api)
Thank u

Unfortunately you'll need to create a new project. In the onboarding page, make sure you select the Smart Home option.
The nice thing is that you won't necessarily have to recreate all your original project code, as in the Actions console you can just point to your endpoints even if hosted on another project.


How would I go about creating a product in the Stripe extension in Firebase using flutter?

I am building an event management app and am currently in the stage of adding payment funcionality to it. I have followed the firebase documentation and all seems to be in working order and I can easily add products to my firestore database when using the Stripe dashboard. I am just wondering how this could be done either client side (flutter) or using cloud functions?
I have tried watching tutorials, looking at the limited github examples and reading the documentation however all the products seem to be made through the stripe dashboard - obviously not ideal to have to manually create every one!
Creating Products via the Stripe API requires an Account's secret API key. You should never expose this since it provides full access to your account. So creating Products from the client-side is not something we will consider.
Additionally the Stripe Firebase Extension does not include any cloud functions for creating Products. The docs even have you create a restricted key to keep your account safe. All of that suggests to me that you will want to either
Create products from the Stripe Dashboard as previously indicated in tutorials and documentation.
Run local scripts to create products via the API using one of Stripe's client libraries which you can install locally.

Integration of dialogflow and google actions

I am trying to integrate with google assistant/google home using Dialogflow and we are hitting some issues.
The issue is the following.
I have a google actions project that I have created which is linked to a corresponding dialogflow project. I have enabled the v2 APIs on both the dialogflow project and the integration of the dialogflow project and the google actions project.
The dialogflow project has intents that call a webhook for fulfillment. We have a service setup that responds to the webhook APIs. This service returns responses in V2 format including rich messages (like card, quick_replies, and carousel_select) under the key fulfillmentMessages:
However it appears that when dialogflow forwards this information to the google actions, it is not passing any of this information. On the other hand if I include a key called fulfillMentText in my service response, then dialogflow will forward that information to google actions as
[{"simpleResponse":{"textToSpeech":"Nice to meet you, Bob!"}}]}
It is not clear to me based on reading available docs, what I need to do so that dialogflow will also propagate the contents of fulfillmentMessages to google actions.
Thank you in advance.
The message objects for Actions on Google are different than the generic ones available for the other platforms Dialogflow supports. You need to also send the Actions on Google compatible messages in order to have them visible for the Assistant.
If you're using the dialogflow-fulfillment library, you can import the actions-on-google objects and add them to to the response and the library will handle them.
Don't worry about mixing the rich media types - only those that are appropriate for each platform will show.

Insert webproperties via api whitelisted for project but still not working

I have requested beta access to google analytics api (in order to create webproperties via api) for a project and I received the confirmation email that the project has been whitelisted to use those resources.
I have created a service account and added the email of that service account as a user of a google analytics account where I would like to create webproperties. Then I get the token with proper scopes for google analytics (I put them all for testing, just in case:
I am able to call the webproperties list method without any issue but when I try to insert a new webproperty I do always receive: Error 403: Your project does not have access to this feature., insufficientPermissions.
Now it is a few days that I should have got access, but I could not manage to use those beta resources.
thanks a lot for your help
kind regards,

Bluemix API connect configuration

WE have our REST services deployed using bluemix container groups. Can some one tell me how to configure access to these APIs through Bluemix API Connect? I Created product, catalog. Also imported my swagger in catalog. I can see the APIs listed. but not able to access them. Can someone guide?
Since you've already created a product, I'll assume that you've already added your API(s) to that product. If not, do that now.
Once you've done that, look for the Stage menu (the little "Cloud with an up arrow" icon) in the upper-right-hand corner of the product detail page. From the corresponding menu, select the catalog you want to stage the product to.
After that completes successfully, navigate to the API Connect dashboard and click on the catalog to which you just staged the product. At this point, you should see the product and its status will be listed as "Staged."
Click the overflow menu (three dots) on the right-hand side of the product row and select "Publish" from the resulting menu. You can likely accept any default visibility settings. Once that operation completes, the API will now be accessible via the catalog's gateway URL + API base path. (You can find this in the Catalog settings -> Endpoint panel.)
For more information on publishing APIs, see this documentation:
Or if you want to use the CLI:
on Bluemix to call your api , you need to "publish" your product to a portal. First of all prepare your Portal:
Go to Dashboard -- > Your Catalog -- > Settings -- > Enable Portal and select Portal-Delegated-User-Registry.
After some time , you will be accessing your portal . Subscribe new user through that portal. Portal GUI is very helpful. You will be able to learn by yourself how to call your API.
Good luck!

Unable to add slack to bluemix project

I've finally got the beta services added to my bluemix project.
But it's not very clear how the integration with slack should be configured.
I have an account, team, and channel already. The link in the instructions points to OAuth authentication. Your options are to register an app (but for that you need to know things like the secret, redirecting URI, etc). That can't be right...
Are there any more details available on how to configure Slack for a bluemix project?
If you look at the linked documentation here:
There are 2 ways to authenticate with Slack. The first is to use a generated full-access token and the second is to register the application and use OAuth 2 with Slack.
Currently, the Bluemix project beta supports the first method of authentication only. If you are logged into your Slack team(s) and go to the link above, you should see the option to generate tokens for each of the Slack teams you are a part of. That is the token you will need to enter when configuring the Slack integration on the integrations page for your Bluemix project. The other field that you must fill in is the Slack channel that you want to post events to, which you already seem to have.
Screenshot indicating location of the token you must copy