Insert webproperties via api whitelisted for project but still not working - google-analytics-api

I have requested beta access to google analytics api (in order to create webproperties via api) for a project and I received the confirmation email that the project has been whitelisted to use those resources.
I have created a service account and added the email of that service account as a user of a google analytics account where I would like to create webproperties. Then I get the token with proper scopes for google analytics (I put them all for testing, just in case:
I am able to call the webproperties list method without any issue but when I try to insert a new webproperty I do always receive: Error 403: Your project does not have access to this feature., insufficientPermissions.
Now it is a few days that I should have got access, but I could not manage to use those beta resources.
thanks a lot for your help
kind regards,


google analytics management api - Insert goals - 403

I recently requested access to GA Management API and received the email confirming the whitelisting of my project 3 days ago.
I am working on GA Management API to create goals but I am still getting the following error:
project does not have access to this
feature."}],"code":403,"message":"Your project does not have access to
this feature."}}
About my context and in addition:
i've recreated a new client API key (web application) to be sure to get a new token (referring the token lifespan) but it has not solved the problem.
Custom dimensions creation works on the same project id
Goals listing also works
I use "" scope to try to create my goals
I code using Javascript language
Thank you for your help and feel free to ask me any additional information.

Unable to add slack to bluemix project

I've finally got the beta services added to my bluemix project.
But it's not very clear how the integration with slack should be configured.
I have an account, team, and channel already. The link in the instructions points to OAuth authentication. Your options are to register an app (but for that you need to know things like the secret, redirecting URI, etc). That can't be right...
Are there any more details available on how to configure Slack for a bluemix project?
If you look at the linked documentation here:
There are 2 ways to authenticate with Slack. The first is to use a generated full-access token and the second is to register the application and use OAuth 2 with Slack.
Currently, the Bluemix project beta supports the first method of authentication only. If you are logged into your Slack team(s) and go to the link above, you should see the option to generate tokens for each of the Slack teams you are a part of. That is the token you will need to enter when configuring the Slack integration on the integrations page for your Bluemix project. The other field that you must fill in is the Slack channel that you want to post events to, which you already seem to have.
Screenshot indicating location of the token you must copy

Mixed up Google Accounts with GA Management API

I seem to be having a weird problem with my personal account getting mixed up with my work account when using the GA API... I created a dev con project under my work account and downloaded the client secret json file, but, even though I have never used any Google API with my personal account, the GA API seems to be only picking up my personal site...
Oddly, when I use the Query Explorer,, with the very same work account, I see the correct work GA sites...
I have used the "linked" account before however but I'm quite sure that I was not on my personal account when I created my dev con client secret json Oauth2 stuff...
Has anyone run into this before? How can I unlink my personal account as I need to pull using only my work account?
Thanks for any help you can give...
First of all check that your home email does not have user access to the work accounts. It would show up even with only Read access.
Second I'm thinking perhaps you are confusing the Google API console user with the GA authenticated user.
You can create a Google API project with the GA API with your home account, with the OAuth2 and client secret etc.
It is then possible for any user to autheticate with your app (including your work email), it just uses your Google API project to get there.
If you want to keep it all seperate, then try creating the Google API project with your work email instead.
The Google API project was set up correctly, but the authenticated user, which I cached awhile ago, must have been my personal one. I nuked the cache and created a new one with the correct account and seems to be fine.

google-cloud-storage: Obtaining ClientID and Client_Secret_Key by HTTP requests

I am developing a service which is suppose to browse all project IDs/buckets/objects for a particular google user.
I have created the projects using Google Console and able to get the device/user/verification-url etc..and able to get the access
and refersh tokens as well.
While I got these, I had to use the ClientID and Client_Secret_Key (which as a google user) I got to see in Google Console.
Ideally, I would like to obtain this information(ClientID and secret type) in backend by using some HTTP requests or may be by some
other means.
Is anybody aware of how to obtain these ?
Maybe you're looking for the concept of a Service Account?
A service account is like S3's Access Key ID and Secret Key -- rather than being a particular Google user's data, it's the application's data.

Google APIs Console: Error Creating OAuth 2.0 Client ID

I am trying to use the Google APIs Console to create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID as a Service Account. This ID will be used to query my Google Analytics data through the Analytics API. However, when I attempt to create the Client ID, the APIs Console displays the message, "An error has occurred. Please retry later." I have tried several times throughout the last two weeks, but I keep getting the same error message. Can anyone advise me on what I'm doing wrong? Or is there another way that I can access my Analytics data via the API without an OAuth Client ID?
I figured out the issue. Apparently, the Google APIs Console does not allow a collaborator account to create new OAuth Service Accounts, only the owner account can do so.