Odd lighting issue - Unreal - unreal-engine4

The preview screen in Unreal is showing very jagged shadows on the landscape.
The shadows change direction depending on the position of the viewport.
We tried changing the Preview Rendering Level between SM4 and SM5.
The SM4 shows a large yellow triangle across the screen.
SM5 has the current issue described above.
The Engine Scalability settings are currently set to medium, down from epic with no noticeable difference.
We are running Unreal 4.20.3 on Linux Fedora 28

Increase Static Lighting Resolution in power of 2, like 1,2,4,8..etc, but dont go too high, just check if which value works for you.
also, make sure when you build your light set it to production not preview to see the highest quality available based on your setting.
This may work for you.

The issue began after moving the location of Unreal Engine. By creating a new project we found that the issues no longer exist. It may have been a referencing issue of some kind.


Unity rendertexture only renders a solid color

I'm making a game in Unity 2019.1.6f1 PC, Mac, Linux standalone. I want to project the game unto the pages of a book and believe that render textures can help achieve this.
They worked reasonably well on the placeholder book model, but when I try to apply the same render texture on a different model, it only seems to project a blown-out single pixel.
Here I placed them close to eachother to show the problem:
I made screenshots of all the settings that may be related, though I did try to change all of them already. If any other information is necessary, please let me know.
The camera settings
The material settings
The mesh renderer settings
The texture settings
I tried changing the size variables to powers of 2, but that didn't work either.
I also found this post, but I don't believe this is the same problem.

Spot light doesnt work for virtual reality in unity Urp

My point lights renders in unity but it wont render in the oculus headset. What could be the cause. I Could not find a solution online.
I am using URP
Add more details if possible, are you using baked lighting, mixed, realtime? It might be your light per pixel setting.
Try to disable any other light in the scene and leave only the spotlight, increase the spotlight range and check if the spotlight works.
If it does, then it's your light per pixel/vertex count, you can edit it from your Settings folder, opening up the URP profile you're currently using, it's called Per Object Limit:
Do not go beyond 1 on the Quest and bake lights if they don't have to be dynamic.

Unity profiler Device.present

When trying to optimize my game the biggest problem seems to be the device.present. Been going through some forums and i couldnt really find any useful answers. What is usually the main problem associated with this?
There are just many things that could cause this but the main reason is because the Thread is blocked by the graphics driver in a way to let the GPU catch up.
These are the specific reasons:
1.Image Effects
Check your camera. If you have Image Effects such as Flare Layer, Anti-aliasing and others, disable them.
2.UI Effects
Check all your Images, RawImages and Texts. If you have an Outline, Shadow or Position As UV1 component attached to the Images, RawImages and Texts, this could cause the problem. Usually when you have multiple of this attached to one
Image, RawImage and Text.
3.Bad Light Settings
Select your light and make sure that the Resolution under the Shadow Type is not set to Very High Resolution.
4.In the Quality Setting change the V Sync Count to Don't Sync.
5.Check for Sprites and Images with 0 alpha then disabled them
6.From the Player Settings, disable Auto Graphics API then change the Graphics API to OpenGLES2.
7.Custom Shaders
Are you using custom shaders (non standard shaders)? Disable it temporary. An expensive or bad written shaders could cause this problem.
Those are the usual problems. It is very possible that yours is a different problem. I suggest you enable/disable items one by one and you will likely find the problem.
If not, then consider creating new project and scene. Save out your old game as prefabs or assets then import them one by one into the new project. Don't import them at the-same time because the problem might appear again. Import then test then import again and test until you find the problem. If the problem is no longer there then it's likely an Editor Settings problem.

Use Unity3d particle system in UI

I've read a few different posts on how to display the particle system on the canvas in Unity but I don't seem to be understanding it.
I'm trying to use the Particle Ribbon asset by Moonflower in my UI but can't get it to display in the UI. I tried adding another Canvas as suggested in other posts, with Render mode set to Screen-Space Camera but no luck.
At one point I saw the particle system but it was very, very small and wouldn't change size regardless of scaling.
you can set sortingOrder
ParticleSystemRenderer.sortingOrder / sortingLayerID, Canvas.overrideSorting / sortingOrder / sortingLayerID
particle System
I would recommend trying the UIParticleSystem script found here.
Generally speaking, this Unity UI Extension repository is full of amazing things created (and often updated) by the community : I'd advise you to bookmark it :)

How to fix low resolution lightmaps in Unity

I'm currently testing how baked lightmaps work with models which I made in blender. After building lightmaps I noticed that they are really pixelated in some areas. Then I was trying to figure out which part of lightmap i causing this effect. It seems that it's Indirect Resolution, because when i turned it down as low as possible, pixelated parts completely disappear.
The problem is that form what I saw in other projects Indirect Resolution is much lower than Baked Resolution so I don't know why in my project it looks like this. I also tried to crank up Indirect Resolution but results weren't satisfying.
These lightmaps might seem fine to you but you can clearly see darker areas that look like "splash" and doesn't match resolution of the rest.
There are screenshots of how lighting works with two different setups:
This is setup that i used for lightmap in first screenshot:
First screenshot:
This is example of low res part in screen above:
Second screenshot (the only change is Indirect Resolution changed to 20):
Try adjusting the lighting-map settings of the object in the Lighting Window, especially the Advanced Paramters.