How to fix low resolution lightmaps in Unity - unity3d

I'm currently testing how baked lightmaps work with models which I made in blender. After building lightmaps I noticed that they are really pixelated in some areas. Then I was trying to figure out which part of lightmap i causing this effect. It seems that it's Indirect Resolution, because when i turned it down as low as possible, pixelated parts completely disappear.
The problem is that form what I saw in other projects Indirect Resolution is much lower than Baked Resolution so I don't know why in my project it looks like this. I also tried to crank up Indirect Resolution but results weren't satisfying.
These lightmaps might seem fine to you but you can clearly see darker areas that look like "splash" and doesn't match resolution of the rest.
There are screenshots of how lighting works with two different setups:
This is setup that i used for lightmap in first screenshot:
First screenshot:
This is example of low res part in screen above:
Second screenshot (the only change is Indirect Resolution changed to 20):

Try adjusting the lighting-map settings of the object in the Lighting Window, especially the Advanced Paramters.


Pink/Blue Tint on Build Unity URP Post-Processing Bloom

pink build
blue build
To preface this, we are using Unity 2019.3.0f6 and URP 7.2.1.
About 1/3 of the time we load a scene of our game (in build only) it is tinted pink with an orange strip at the top (pictured in “pink build”) or blue with a green strip at the top (pictured in “blue build”), until you enter the next scene. The other 2/3 of the time the screen is fine.
After looking through the shader compilation in the log, it appears that all of them are loading (nothing in the output changes between when pink/blue build happens and when it doesn’t). We then tried turning on and off different components on the camera just to isolate what might be causing the problem, (as the tint effect only happens below the Unity canvas so we thought it might be a problem with the camera/postprocessing).
We’ve narrowed the problem down to the Bloom Override on our Volume Profile on the Volume Component for Post Processing. Turning off the Bloom Override makes the problem go away in build, but we would like to keep the Bloom effect.
the volume component
We’ve tried printing all of the values under the Bloom Override to see if there is an anomaly when it does the pink/blue v.s. when it doesn’t, but there is no difference. Literally nothing is different in our logs when it works and doesn’t work. The only thing we know for sure is that turning off the Bloom fixes the problem. If anybody has run into this, this is a desperate call for help, because we have absolutely no idea where to go from here.
graphics settings screenshot 1
graphics settings screenshot 2
This is probably, a rather individual problem. Since people with a similar problem have not yet answered, I will advise a general and simple solution. Create a new project, where there will be new settings URP, and already add a bloom effect in it. If everything works well and bloom works, then transfer these settings to your project (preferably create a backup, just in case).
If that doesn't help, then as an option, try changing other settings that appear before 2/3 of the game works well. Maybe it's some individual effects, that create a problem. Or according to my assumptions, in a vignette. It can also be in a sprite, that is drawn on top of the bloom (It is advisable to do all this, in a separate backup, so as not to accidentally break the project). Also, the problem may be in the camera, if the URP settings, sprites, etc. work well, and the bloom effect should not fail.
As a last resort, if this also does not work, then try to send a complaint to Unity support. There is a possibility, that this may be a mistake in the bloom effect itself.
Although I will assume that bloom removes the problem. But the error is in something else, and is displayed at the moment when the bloom effect is turned on. But since the URP is quite new, I do not exclude that this is a mistake of the bloom effect itself.
I had a similar problem in the past, it fixed by changing LUT size to (16 or 32 or 64...), in urp asset settings/ post-processing.

I don't see any difference between lightmap resolutions

In my project, I have an issue with blurry shadows.
I created a test project from a Third Person template and tried to make the shadows sharper and more blurry. The only way to do that that I found in Google was to increase the lightmap resolution, but I don't see any difference except for building time and memory usage.
The level has a Stationary light source and I've tested it with 4, 512 and 4096 resolutions.
What am I doing wrong?
Found it! All the static Actors in the ThirdPerson template override the lightmap resolution of the StaticMesh.

Unity baked lighting blotchy and cubic

I've set every object in my scene to 'static' and the bake runs automatically, but the result is unusable: blotchy, blurred cubic lighting...
Here are my lighting settings:
What am I doing wrong? I've tried changing the atlas size, the 'scale in lightmap' of the house object and various other settings, but can't seem to make the bake behave.
Any ideas much appreciated.
You might want to check the see how far from 0 the mesh is. I Had mine about -6000(y) and it had extremely blotchy/spotty lightmap results. I moved it much closer to 0(like -10y), re-baked and everything was fixed.
It looks like UV overlap. For issues like this where some sections are bright white, red, or green (where they really shouldn't be), try
increasing the lightmap padding
toggling stitch seems on the render (mesh renderer or whatever it is for the object with white patches)
Play around with the other lighting settings
rebuild the UVs (A lot of forums will end with this, it can be quite manual. Luckily 1- 3 has always worked for me so far)

Unity texture blurred despite everything being highres and uncompressed

I have a model in Blender with perfectly highres textures. I export it as fbx, import it to Unity, import textures to unity at full res (and no mipmapping, point, no compression, etc) and still the texture looks extremely blurred. Any hints why that might be?
Here's a comparison of the face in Blender vs Unity.
Here are the relevant, currently applied settings. I've tried many, but imho those (extreme) settings should make 100% sure that the texture is on maximum quality.
EDIT: Interestingly, a close-up image reveals a seemingly high detail on the clothes below the face, yet not on the face itself. Maybe that's just my imagination. Have a closer look here
Thanks for some help!
It's really hard to tell in the comparison shot you linked (as that itself is so low resolution), but the texture resolution looks the same. It doesn't look any more blurry in the Unity image.
To me it looks more like a shader + lighting issue. Are you using the Standard shader? Do you have additional maps that are not applied in the Unity material (like a normal map)?
Try lighting him with some point lights instead of just a hard directional light.
On a side note, 8192 is an absurdly high resolution for that guy. With how blurry the texture looks (in both Blender and Unity) you should be able to get the same detail with 512, at most 1024.

Texture with text in it, looks pixelated, how to fix this in unity3d?

Am using a 1024x1024 texture, which am mapping to a quad in Unity3d. The target platform as of now is PC standalone. This is how it looks:
You can see how pixelated and blurry the objects in the screen are, how can I make it more readable and less pixelated?
Import settings, quality settings and a screenshot of the scene with mip-map turned off here. The texture and the quad asset can be found here.
The image looks fine to me: it looks like a 3D video game.
Note that 1k is very small to use as a PNG for the texture for an object which will appear that large in your final scene.
Secondly click on the texture, and then Inspector.
Note particularly the "Max Size" setting, which indeed should be bigger than the literal size of your PNG. Learn about the "Mip Maps" concept as anim_it says. Also note your "Filter Mode". And indeed the "Texture Type". These settings all need to be "just right" for a given game situation.
Particularly read the two comments by Kolanda above which well-explain anisotropic handling: If you see an object at low angle, like a floor or your cards, it tends to lose texture resolution fast. Try to use "anisotropic" as your filtering mode and see if it helps - it was invented for such situations. As a test move the camera, to view the table from above, to separate texture-related issues from view-related issues.
You should probably include a screenshot of your Inspector for the texture, to get more detailed help. BTW the quad you are using is totally unrelated.
Remove the tic "Generate Mip Maps"