codemirror in summernote: how to change only color of the font in the code view - codemirror

I have enabled codemirror in summernote editor for code view and it works, but I have an issue with font color. Because I am using light color scheme for summernote and dark color scheme for codemirror color of text in codemirror is black (obviously from that light scheme summernote has). I would like somehow to override that and make that text white in codemirror. But how can I do it?
I have noticed that color comes from .note-frame * {...}, so I need somehow to change that.

I found the solution today.
And because it was not possible to override .note-frame * {...} color I decided to remove it. By removing this summernote is receiving main color of the page and that is perfectly fine, I mean why not? In 99% of cases we want the same color of the font on the entire page.


How do I get the default color of Button text?

I am designing a UI in SwiftUI. There are a few buttons that I have customised with a rounded rectangle. I want the color of that rectangle to be the same as the color of the text - blue by default, and light grey in disabled mode.
At present I am hardcoding the colors. Is there some variable or function available to match the system settings for either of those colors?
The default color of a button is .accentColor. This works for both light & dark mode too:
I can't seem to find out how to get the disabled button color yet, but I'll update this if I find out.

vscode html tag color is red when writing vue.js code

When writing vue.js code, html tag color is red. Can I change this color into other color like blue?
I fixed this issue. I just disabled Material Theme.

Is it possible to change the color of dash-lines in jstree

Im using jstree with a dark background, so I wonder how can I change the color of dash-lines(not sure if I call it correctly) between each node. Is it possible with CSS?
As I checked, it seems the dash-lines coming from 32px.png file.
You will have to edit the 32px.png file to change the dotted line color. I did this for my dark-background web page and it looks much better. I edited the png file with Photoshop Elements and used the "Enhance| Adjust Color| Replace Color" menu to change the black color to a lighter grey by moving the Lightness slider. I also changed the interior color of the selected arrows. Once done editing, save a copy of the original and then replace the file in your CSS themes folder where style.css is.
I can't attach my copy of 32px.png, but here's how to make the change in Photoshop Elements. Other photo editors likely have the same functionality.
Replace Color in Photoshop Elements – Instructions
You can use Bootstrap themed JSTree.
Check out link: enter link description here
with CSS is not posible.

How can I alter a third-party theme?

I found a theme that I really like, but I want to change one aspect of it – the color of the text in html/php/asp/etc. pages. Specifically, I'd like to change the text color in the source code so it's easily distinguishable from the code itself.
Is this possible without re-writing the whole theme?
I tried doing this in the user settings:
"workbench.colorTheme": "Colorful Dark" {
text.color: #ffffff;
But, to no avail.
See if there is a documentation available about that theme. If not then find these lines on that theme
`textBlockQuote.background:` Background color for block quotes in text.
`textBlockQuote.border:` Border color for block quotes in text.
`textCodeBlock.background:` Background color for code blocks in text.
`textLink.activeForeground:` Foreground color for active links in text.
`textLink.foreground:` Foreground color for links in text.
`textPreformat.foreground:` Foreground color for preformatted text segments.
`textSeparator.foreground:` Color for text separators.
and change their value as you need. For more about VS Theme Color visit this Microsoft Visual Studio Color Reference Documentation.

how to change tinymce textarea text color

I am trying to change the text color for tinymce text editor, when I type text inside it is by default appearing with gray color, I want text to appear with say red color. I think I will have to override its default css not sure about it, any suggestions?
If possible don't fiddle with the tinymce skin specifics.
Best practice is to use the tinymce configuration parameter content_css.
content_css : "http://path_to_css/custom_content.css",