Is it possible to change the color of dash-lines in jstree - jstree

Im using jstree with a dark background, so I wonder how can I change the color of dash-lines(not sure if I call it correctly) between each node. Is it possible with CSS?
As I checked, it seems the dash-lines coming from 32px.png file.

You will have to edit the 32px.png file to change the dotted line color. I did this for my dark-background web page and it looks much better. I edited the png file with Photoshop Elements and used the "Enhance| Adjust Color| Replace Color" menu to change the black color to a lighter grey by moving the Lightness slider. I also changed the interior color of the selected arrows. Once done editing, save a copy of the original and then replace the file in your CSS themes folder where style.css is.
I can't attach my copy of 32px.png, but here's how to make the change in Photoshop Elements. Other photo editors likely have the same functionality.
Replace Color in Photoshop Elements – Instructions

You can use Bootstrap themed JSTree.
Check out link: enter link description here
with CSS is not posible.


How do I apply colors to a multi color svg in flutter?

I am looking for changing colors of an illustration svg in flutter. I tried flutter_svg package but it support applying only one color to the svg and if I do that svg will be displayed as a single color svg, individual colors are lost. Is there any way to change colors at runtime in flutter for a multi color svg?
Do you mean something like this? I call it SVG colorization.
I'll try to squeeze the concept into a short summary. In an SVG file, you need to play around with the fill property as it defines the hex color code.
In terms of programming, you would:
Extract the SVG file data as a String variable svgCode.
Assign the previous hex color code in previousColor & the currently selected hex color code in newColor.
Apply the String.replaceAll method on svgCode to replace the colors.
Update the value of the previousColor.
A more brief elaboration would be
/// Initially without any color selection.
SVGPicture.string('''<svg code with fill #f7ebcb>''');
/// After the user selects the red color.
SVGPicture.string('''<svg code with fill #FF0000>''');
This tutorial can help to solve your issue. Not only does this app changes the color on runtime, but it also allows the user to download the manipulated SVG code.

How to change the background color of the Settings page and not the Editor?

How do I change the background color of the Settings page, not the Editor, but the Settings page? I know it probably involves changing a workbench.colorCustomization token, but I don't know which one it is or if it even exists. Also, is there some sort of extension that allows you to inspect the UI elements/icons of VS Code?
I have already tried changing the editor.background token, which applied to not just the Editor, but also the Welcome and Settings pages. I was able to change the background color for the Welcome page using the welcomePage.background token, but I don't know how to change it for Settings.
I want the Settings background color to change so I can see it better.
It doesn't look like you can. If under workbench.colorCustomizations you type settings you will get the list of available settings page items of which you can change the color.
Perhaps one or more of the foreground colors to change the text color will help you.
The Custom CSS and JS Loader may allow you to change the color of the settings page. You can inspect vscode's elements by Help/Toggle Developer Tools to find out what element you need to target with that extension.
<div class="settings-editor " or a child of that. Set its background-color to what you want using that extension.

codemirror in summernote: how to change only color of the font in the code view

I have enabled codemirror in summernote editor for code view and it works, but I have an issue with font color. Because I am using light color scheme for summernote and dark color scheme for codemirror color of text in codemirror is black (obviously from that light scheme summernote has). I would like somehow to override that and make that text white in codemirror. But how can I do it?
I have noticed that color comes from .note-frame * {...}, so I need somehow to change that.
I found the solution today.
And because it was not possible to override .note-frame * {...} color I decided to remove it. By removing this summernote is receiving main color of the page and that is perfectly fine, I mean why not? In 99% of cases we want the same color of the font on the entire page.

Custom fonts in Github's markdown (like

Is it possible to use custom fonts with github's markdown? I'm currently loading an image as a logo, yet rendering a font would be faster and nicer.
rendering a font would be faster and nicer.
Yes, except you wound not use any (multiple) colors in said "icon as a font".
See "GitHub redesigns its icons using a custom font"
You can, of course, take a monotone font-rendered icon and set its colour to, for example, red or blue, but that changes the entire icon; you can’t have different parts of the icon use different colours, or use shading
(example of CSS effects for Icon Font here, from the Trello article)
But, as far as I can see (Markdown Cheatsheet, and Markdown Help), no, you cannot have a custom font.
You can have a custom font, just generate it with and then you can just put the image/upload it to GitHub readme.

Facebook Like Button - change font color?

Is it possible to change the color of text in a Facebook like button? Besides selecting a different color scheme, I don't see a way to adjust the font...
Facebook retains control over their button and only allows you to set predefined options for skinning it. As font color goes, you can choose the light colorscheme to go with light backgrounds, or the dark colorscheme to go with dark backgrounds.
It can be done
It's probably not allowed by Facebook's brand guidelines.
I created a demo page that lets you pick the colors using a slider or palette, or that lets you manipulate the filter directly.
Background information
The technique basically works by applying a hue-rotate filter to the element containing the i-frame. Hue-rotate sort-of rotates a color wheel. As such we can't give the button any color we want. We are limited to the 360 degrees of rotation we can apply to the default button. But there are some greens, browns, reds, pink and even purple we can play with. Try it out for yourself.
StackOverflow: how to change color of facebook like button
Stijn de Witt's Blog: Change the facebook button color
Include data-colorscheme="light/dark" according to your background in the div with class "fb-like". Light color scheme is for light background and vice-versa.
Facebook has not released this feature yet. However, you may change it using javascript - when using the JS based version, not iframe.