Telosys - How to generate files outside the current project location? - code-generation

I'm using Telosys code generator (the CLI tool).
Is it possible to generate files outside Telosys Tools project ?

Yes, it's possible, you can define the destination folder used by the generator.
Just edit the “telosys-tools.cfg” file (in the "TelosysTools" folder )
and set the “SpecificDestinationFolder” property
Example for Linux :
Example for Windows :


Run dependencies in current folder instead of vscode directory

I am looking to build a VSCode Extension around a CLI tool which we have been working on. An example command would be
myCLI retrieve SourceName
This would be run from a specific directory (for example c:/workspace/myproject) which has been setup and contains a settings.json file for some config arguments.
This CLI has been designed that the methods which are called (for example 'retrieve') are exposed directly so the CLI itself is a wrapper also.
When trying to call these methods directly from a VS Code Extension, it is always checking in the C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code directory, which I understand is where the Extension is excuting from.
Now, the question: Is there any way for me to force that any time we call the method (for example 'retrieve') that this would look into the current workspace folder (C:/workspace/myProject) , and not the VS Code one (C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code)?
Notes which may change answers
CommonJS (not yet ESM)
We currently cannot pass in a full qualified path (for example C:/workspace/myProject), it is only looking for ./settings.json since it depends on where the CLI has bene run from
I want to avoid calling the CLI directly, as I would like to bring many of the CLI features into the VS Code Extension directly to improve user friendliness.

VS Code Quick File Navigation not working for custom file system provider

I've written a custom FileSystemProvider for VS Code.
When I open the files/folder with my custom FileSystemProvider's schema it works as expected and the files are shown in the workspace explorer.
But even though the files/folders are listed in workspace the following options of vs code are not working anymore for the custom file provider
Quick File Navigation (Ctrl + P) is unable to find the files in my workspace provided by custom FileSystemProvider
Find/Replace - Find replace is also unable to find the contents from the files in the workspace provided by custom FileSystemProvider
Find Symbols/ Declaration/ Definition are also not working
Is there a way to register my custom FileSystemProvider's schema also to these tools?
Remark : My custom FileSystemProvider directly uses the files in the local disc and it uses vscode.workspace.fs to read directories and files from the disc. It just hides few files and directories provided from the disc.
This is already known and there is an proposed VS Code API FileSearchProvider available to fix this.
The API is planed to be stabilized in Stabilize FileSearchProvider API #73524

How do I use a Github program where the .exe does not exists?

I try to use programs or scripts on github form time to time, and several times I find myself incapable of executing the program and that is generally because the tutorial points towards a .exe or that does not exists on the github repository (folder containing all the gihub project files).
This is the perfect example :
This indicates that for using it you put
alishop.exe -ProductId=32704963843
alishop.exe -ProductUrl=
As command line.
But there is no such file as 'alishop.exe' in this repo !
The only other .exe file that there is is NuGet.exe, so I tried to use
NuGet.exe -ProductId=32704963843
Result : the command '-ProductId=32704963843' is said to be 'unknown' (command launched in the folder containing NuGet.exe of course)
Any idea of what do I do wrong ?
Source code must typically be built or compiled. In this case, it's a C# project, and expects you to have Visual Studio.
In other cases, Github projects may simply be scripts, documents, or plugins. They may not be standalone executables, and you will need other tools to make use of them.

How to change TypeLite Output Directory

Currently all of my TypeScript typings are located under Scripts/typings/Library. By default, TypeLite is just under Scripts. Is there a way to specify the output directory so it is under a custom Library name? ie Scripts/typings/MyCSharpProj?
TypeLite uses T4 templates for generating output files and I am afraid it isn't possible to change the output directory for the template. The output file is always generated alongside the template.
If you move Manager.ttinclude and to another directory and the output files will be generated there.

Specifying relative paths in SPSS 18

In SPSS 11 it was possible to specify relative paths. Example:
FILE HANDLE myfile='..\..\data\current.txt' /LRECL=533.
This worked because apparently, SPSS 11 set the working folder to the path where the source .SPS file is saved. It seems that SPSS 18 always sets it's working folder to the installation folder of SPSS itself. Which is not at all the same thing.
Is there an option to change this behaviour? Or am I stuck with changing everything to absolute filenames?
Instead of a relative path, you could define a directory path and use it inside other file handle declarations to save typing:
FILE HANDLE directoryPath /NAME='C:\Directory\Path\' .
FILE HANDLE myFile /NAME='directoryPath/' .
GET FILE='myFile' .
This will get the file: C:\Directory\Path\
The direction of the slashes may be important.
(Works in version 17)
If you use the INSERT command to run an sps file, it has an option to change the working directory to that location.
You could use the HOST command to SUBST a drive letter (on PCs) and reference everything through that.
You could define a FILE HANDLE to the common root location and use that in file references.
You could use Python programmability to find the path to the active syntax window and issue an SPSS CD command to set the backend working directory appropriately.
Jon Peck
With Python, you can get the full path of the current syntax window (or any other one) and get its path. Using that you can issue an SPSS cd command to change the backend working directory accordingly.
If you define an environment variable, though, you can use that in file specifications within SPSS.
p.s. SPSS has an extensive set of apis and helper modules for Python (as well as for R and .NET languages). You can get information about this from SPSS Developer Central, All the language extensions are free once you have the base SPSS Statistics product.
Jon Peck
Or use "CD" command to change your default working directory. See also:
For example, if your default directory is C:\project, then GET FILE 'data\data_file.sav'. will open data_file.sav from C:\project\data.
And then, a few minutes later, i came across this little python script from jignesh-sutar (see here: SPSS syntax - use path of the file.
With his python code you can use the path of the syntax file as starting point for all the paths in your syntax.