I want to run my Jbehave test through Command Line - jbehave

I want to run my Jbehave test through Command Line as currently I need to execute it from IDE.


How to handle an .fsproj file on the command line?

I would like to use exercism to solve F# exercises. I do this on Fedora.
Exercism downloads an .fsproj file. How can I handle it from the command line?
Is there something like the command make for a Makefile?
If you have the dotnet SDK installed.
dotnet build X.fsproj should restore and build the project.
dotnet run X.fsproj will run it. You can also run it against a .sln file.
dotnet test X.fsproj will execute your unit tests. Note: Here it reported I only had 1 test file (wrong) but picked up all my tests.
To test if you have it installed and on your PATH, execute: dotnet --version. The current version is 3.1.
dotnet --help will show you all possible commands.
Of interest may be that F# Interactive is now baked into the SDK.
dotnet fsi to enter interactive environment.
#quit;; to exit interactive environment.
This allows you to play with F# right in the command line.

Test case fails while running from command line

I am new at selendroid and trying to run my tests using the command line.
When I run my test from eclipse, it runs fine. But when I run them from the command line, they fail.
I have already started the selendroid server.
Please help me? What am I doing wrong?

How do I debug puppet beaker tests using netbeans?

I am trying to understand why some of the puppet code do not work as expected. I run the puppet beaker test using "rake beaker" command. I am failing to understand how can I tell netbeans to run this command after I set the break points in the sources. I tried to set the project configuration with the appropriate parameters from following command line which "rake beaker" invokes.
/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p545/bin/ruby -I
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545/gems/rspec-core-3.1.4/exe/rspec spec/acceptance --color
But the debugger simply starts and ends?
Any idea, how can I debug a rake task?
As per this I can start the rake beaker task using the ruby-debug-ide, however it does not break at the break points I have set. As per the blog I believe I have break points set in the files, which will run using ruby-debug-ide.
By the way I am running Netbeans 8.0.1 on CentOS 6.4
One way I found out is to
Create a Netbeans ruby project
Set the breakpoints wherever needed.
Open the rspec binary file in Netbeans editor window.
Debug rspec file, by pressing Ctrl-Shift-F5
Provide the parameters in the debug dialog as shown in picture below
And you are done

Efficient way to run PowerShell Pester tests from Sublime Text

I'm using Sublime Text (ST) to create my PowerShell scripts, Pester to test them.
To run test script, one must to switch to that tab, then press CTRL + B. This process must be repeated for each test script.
Is there an easy way to Sublime Text to run all of the tests in the project's directory?
Is there a way to have these test automatically run when a script or test changes (similar to guard)?
I added a script named Tests.ps1 to the project's directory with a single instruction:
To run all tests, I open this file and press Ctrl+B.
** edit **
Created a new build system named 'Pester'. The contents of Pester.sublimebuild:
"cmd": ["powershell.exe", "-noprofile", "Invoke-Pester"],
"selector": "source.powershell"
To run all tests, press Ctrl+B.
If this doesn't work automatically, assign Pester as the build system using Tools | Build System | Pester and try again.

Set run configuration for multiple files at once?

Is there a way to set run configuration (e.g. "command line arguments") for multiple files all at once in Eclipse? It would be convenient when running single testing test script, right now any arguments are added script by script.