Test case fails while running from command line - command-line

I am new at selendroid and trying to run my tests using the command line.
When I run my test from eclipse, it runs fine. But when I run them from the command line, they fail.
I have already started the selendroid server.
Please help me? What am I doing wrong?


Getting error using py.test command in terminal with Windows 10

need some help ! - I am using the pytest Framwork for Selenium with Python. I ran the py.test commands from the commd prompt and it ran fine. Just when I tried
py.test -m smoke -v -s
it started giving me the error below:
The system cannot execute the specified program.
Thereafter I am not able to run anything using py.test
It gives the same error.. I have searched on the web but no luck, I am stuck , has someone faced similar issue while working with Pytest? Please help !! Also please refer the attachmententer image description here

Play framework stops immediately after starded

When I run sbt and call command run server say "press and worked while I not press . But when i try to call sbt with argument run (i.e. type ./sbt run &<enter> in command prompt) server started and immediately begin stop, like I press in console.
How I should run my server and detach one from console?
dist is need instead run.
Thank to #cchantep
see more here https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.7.x/Deploying#Using-the-dist-task

Error in Run Script

I have a run time show this error on Run Custom Shell Script on Build and Install Actor Core. See the attached screenshots. Please, can anyone help solve this error?

Cordova build command failed

Running command "cordova build" on command prompt result in built failed. Found underneath the error sample. Can someone help me for a quick fix. The aim is to run my first phonegap android hello world project but am stuck with this error.
Try this one
Download ant for windows, http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi. Extract and place it somewhere in your computuer.
Open your CMD and type this command.
SET ANT_HOME=%PATH%;c:\apache-ant-1.9.4-bin
Restart your computer.

How do I debug puppet beaker tests using netbeans?

I am trying to understand why some of the puppet code do not work as expected. I run the puppet beaker test using "rake beaker" command. I am failing to understand how can I tell netbeans to run this command after I set the break points in the sources. I tried to set the project configuration with the appropriate parameters from following command line which "rake beaker" invokes.
/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p545/bin/ruby -I
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545/gems/rspec-core-3.1.4/exe/rspec spec/acceptance --color
But the debugger simply starts and ends?
Any idea, how can I debug a rake task?
As per this I can start the rake beaker task using the ruby-debug-ide, however it does not break at the break points I have set. As per the blog I believe I have break points set in the files, which will run using ruby-debug-ide.
By the way I am running Netbeans 8.0.1 on CentOS 6.4
One way I found out is to
Create a Netbeans ruby project
Set the breakpoints wherever needed.
Open the rspec binary file in Netbeans editor window.
Debug rspec file, by pressing Ctrl-Shift-F5
Provide the parameters in the debug dialog as shown in picture below
And you are done