How Do I Create An iCal (.ics) File Programmatically? - icalendar

Within a client-side JS application, I would like for users to be able to export an event on my site to their Apple iCalender. How do I construct that file so that they can download it?

Apple iCalender can import .ics (RFC 5545) extension files. The best site I've seen documenting how to represent the necessary metadata within one of these files is here:
This post explains how to deal with creating the file and downloading it from within a JS client.
Note: You want to set a data content type of: 'text/calendar;charset=utf-8;'.


Load PDFs from local file share

I'm developing a web app for in-house use and I'm looking for a better way to display PDFs.
I've played around with Adobe's 'Work with Local File' example from GitHub, Adobe GitHub Example, and it works great using the file picker to display a PDF. Is it possible with Adobe's PDF Embed API to take a file located on a local file share and display the PDF?
I'm thinking I need to create a file promise but I'm not sure how to create that.
Unless you can make a network request to load the PDF, the answer is no. Browsers generally can't read from local files unless a user action actually picks the file. If your local share can be made accessible via HTTP, then you would be good to go.

Parsing an XML from an e-mail attachment

Is there a way to parse an XML which is attached to an e-mail directly from my app? I have implemented a parser which is reading it from the documents path, but would like to allow the user to be able to directly get it from an e-mail attachment too.
Assuming that you don't want to restrict it to jailbroken files, the easiest way is to register a filetype (Apple docs) with the extension of your data format, so XML if it is a generic XML or some other type if you want to make it specific to your application (and remember if you register XML you will get all XMLs, not just yours), then the user can click on the extension and get the 'Open in....' menu with your application shown in the list.
You need to impliment application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, but it is all in the docs.
A better option would be to give it a filetype that is not commonly used by anything else, so that yours is the only one in the list. I get 4 apps on my iPad for opening XML
There is no way to automatically do it.

How can I read documents from other iOS apps?

I have an app which is similar to an FTP client. I can download various types of documents in it. (DOC, XLS, PDF, PPT etc)
Now, I want to read those documents in another application. For example: Suppose I download a PDF in my app, it is possible to read from AirSharing or File Magnet?
I don't think it's possible for other applications to access Library folders owned by other apps, and definitely not private application folders.
Document handling might handle what you want only to an extent - not the files that don't have their types registered to any app, and only at a one by one file basis, essentially duplicating the files as well.
If this is your app you are talking about, you can implement the Open In feature which is part of the Document Interaction in iOS, which will allow the user to access the file in any app that is registered to handle the extension/UTI.
In particular, these methods:
– presentOpenInMenuFromRect:inView:animated:
– presentOpenInMenuFromBarButtonItem:animated:

Select a file on an iPhone

I want the user to select a file from an iPhone and upload to an HTTP server.
Example: The GoodReader application has this feature in it.
How can this be done?
You can't get all the files stored on the phone.
As the comment from Stephen Darlington states, your app is sandboxed and can only get to the files stored inside your app.
You could register your app to be able to open PDF, txt, doc and other files that you are interested in sending to your server and then users would be able to open these documents in your app. Once the files are inside your app you could then use any number of ways to upload them.
Please read the documentation here about registering your app to understand file types:
Registering the File Types Your App Supports
The file list would just be a UITableView, probably with a custom UITableViewCell.
There are a number of options for uploading data to a web service. The built-in way would be to use NSURLConnection. There are some open source frameworks that may be able to help but I have not used them.
The best way that I've found to upload images is to use the ASIHTTPRequest API. Here is a link on the documentation on POSTING data to a server. Download ASIHTTPRequest here and these are the setup instructions.
How to select a file depends on what kind of file you're trying to select. If you're trying to upload images you should look into a UIImagePickerController and UIImagePickerControllerDelegate. If not, you'll have to create a NSFileManager to search through your application's files.
NSFileManager Class reference:
Discovering Directory Contents:
– mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys:options:
– contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:error:
– contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:error:
– enumeratorAtPath:
– enumeratorAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:errorHandler:
– subpathsAtPath:
– subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:error:

(Iphone) associate an App to some file extension to open email attachments in Mail app

I found that some application, like "GoodReader" or "Docs to Go", once installed can be activated using the "Open in" function when opening an email attachment in the Mail App. How to add this function to have my App to be associated to some kind of documents (like pdf) ?
The idea is to have an easy way to get mail attachments to be used directly inside an app.
Edit: I found this document and think it fits my question:
Document Support
An application can now register the file types it supports with the system and receive notifications when a file of the given type needs to be opened. It does this by including the CFBundleDocumentTypes key in its Info.plist file. An application that registers one or more file types may also be expected to open files of those types at some point later. It does this by implementing the
application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:method in its application delegate and look for a file
in the UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey key of the provided dictionary.
Complementing the ability to open files of known types is the addition of the
UIDocumentInteractionControllerclass in the UIKit framework. This class provides a user-based
interaction model for managing files that your application does not know how to open. The document
interaction controller provides options for previewing the contents of a file in place or opening it in another
application. Document interaction controllers are particularly useful for email applications or applications
that may download files from the network.
take a look at Custom URL Schemes and UIDocumentInteractionController. If you are looking to add the "open in" menu, the second link is what you need. If you are looking to register as a "PDF reader" this link (scroll to section about registering your app for certain types) should work iPad Programming Guide