Soft keyboard with Android Things on Raspberry Pi - raspberry-pi

I'm running Android Things 1.0.4 on a Raspberry Pi with a Touch Display and the soft keyboard is never displayed, even when giving focus to an input field.
For instance, in the wifi system settings I cannot enter the SSID password.
I found this question: How to show soft keyboard on Android Things?. But when running the command:
ime enable
I get a "already enabled" result:
Input method already enabled
What can I do to make the keyboard show up?

Actually the keyboard didn't show up because there was a plugged USB device (NFC reader) which was obviously considered by the system as a hard keyboard.
The soft keyboard worked again after unplugging the device.


How can we DISABLE the soft keyboard on Android TV Emulators with commands?

We are building an app for an Android TV device which doesn't have a soft keyboard and has a hardware keyboard attached for input. We have an emulator which is spawned during the builds, for which we want the specs to match the actual device, which includes not having a soft keyboard pop up.
Even though these 2 methods work for most emulators, it doesn't work for Android TV emulators.
Setting the following in the emulator config.ini file
Requires a reboot, but the keyboard does get hidden
Using adb shell command
adb shell settings put secure show_ime_with_hard_keyboard 0
This instantly makes the keyboard disappear
Did any of you have to deal with the same use-case?

Flutter Hide Soft Keyboard Entire Project

We are creating an application for PDA device. it is a barcode scanner device with inbuild keyboard. So, I need to hide the soft keyboard on this project.

I have a problem with my UITextField simulator keyboard which would not pop up again for any user input once I run the app

when I ran my Xcode and went to type "Vatican City" in it , I typed Vatican using simulator keyboard and mistakingly typed City with my laptop keyboard.
once I pressed my laptop key , the simulator keyboard disappeared from the screen.
Now whenever I run my app and press on the UITextField, I do not get my simulator keyboard to pop up to take user input but it take input via my laptop keyboard
The properties in the attributes pane have been the same and nothing has been changed manually by me for my simulator to function like this. what should I do to get the simulator keyboard to pop up again when I want to give some user input?
enter image description here
Try enabling your software keyboard:
Shortcut keys: Cmd+Shift+K

virtual keyboard pops up,when usb barcode scans

At the starting time, bar code scans perfectly. When i click on a textfield and done the work on it and cancel the focus on textfield. After that, when i scan the barcode using usb barcode scanner, the keyboard pops up. Can anyone help with this situation.

How to Stop "Auto Input Suggestion" in Android Emulator in Android 2.1 "permanently"

When I am running my app in Android Emulator and then on providing input through keyboard it displays the auto text in japanese or english and also the fullstop '.' doesn't work.
I made a solution by going through settings->Language&Keyboard option and then disabled the japanese as well as auto keyboard suggestion. But it is only temporary because when running my application another time would auto checked the emulator settings->Language&Keyboard->auto suggestion.
Can anyone give me permanent solution for that.
Thanks in Advance..
I am running my App through Eclipse.
One Thing we can do in our Activity that on selecting Edit Text press Escape Button to avoid Android KeyBoard and then long press the mouse left button on that Edit Text. So it will show the Context Menu to Select the input Type, then select Android Text input will solve our problem...