AG-GRID Angular filter using cellRenderer with complex data - ag-grid

I am using cellRenderer property, I am able to display the data in the table however I am using an if statement to change the value of the data. Here is what I have in my cellRenderer property:
cellRenderer:function (params){
if( === 1){
return 'the value is one';
}else if( === 2){
return 'the value is two';
} else {
return '';
the display in the tables are correct, however when i use the floating filter or the default filter, it will not filter according to the correct value that I have inputted. however if i search 1 or 2 it will display.

Here try this.
valueGetter: function (params) {
if ( === 1) {
return 'Serialised';
} else if ( === 2) {
return 'Batched';
} else {
return '';
I just changed the values from cellRenderer to valueGetter

cellRenderer is just to render the cell content. While filter works with the values in the data bound to the grid.
Use valueGetter or valueFormatter for this.
Refer below documentation for better understanding:
1. Value Getter
2. Value Formatter vs Cell Renderer
cellRenderer's are for when you want to include HTML markup and potentially functionality to the cell. So for example, if you want to put punctuation into a value, use a valueFormatter, if you want to put buttons or HTML links use a cellRenderer. It is possible to use a combination of both, in which case the result of the valueFormatter will be passed to the cellRenderer.


WIX -- Change text in repeater depending on the boolean value in the dataset

I'm creating a dynamic page in Wix which goes pretty well. Only struggling with one thing. I want a textfield in a repeater that is linked to a boolean in a database to display one text or another depending on the state of the boolean.
Because you mentioned you're on a dynamic page, I assume your repeater is connected to a dataset. This makes things a little more complicated because you have to wait for the dataset to load. If you would use onItemReady() to set your field values, the dataset would just overwrite them.
You want to do something like this:
$w.onReady(function () {
$w('#dataset1').onReady( () => {
$w('#repeater1').forEachItem( ($w, itemData, index) => {
$w('#boolText').text = "Yes Ma'am!";
else {
$w('#boolText').text = "No way Jose!";
} );
} );
} );
Basically, you wait for the dataset to be ready, then loop through all the items in your repeater using the forEachItem() callback, and reset the value of the text field based on the value in the boolean field.

What approach should be made to successfully use a specific variable?

I have a function were in I need to update multiple dropdown lists.
Since I want to remove manual interventions, I want the test to automatically decide which data to be used.
I have 2 sets of array/variable on my main tests.
arrDefinition1 = ['Section;Sec1', 'Domain;test1', 'Process layer;test1', 'Skill;test1'];
arrDefinition2 = ['Section;Sec2', 'Domain;test2', 'Process layer;test2', 'Skill;test2'];
If the current value of the dropdown list is "Sec1" then arrDefinition2 will be used and vise-versa.
But due to promises, my IF condition was executed first before the IT and the variable that contains the value of getText contains "undefined", which means arrDefinition2 will always be used.
it('should click the Edit icon of the first row of Activity table', function() {
waitForElement(5, elmFirstRow, true);;
waitForElement(5, element('section')), true);
element('section')).getText().then(function (tmpText) {
tempObject.strSection = tmpText;
if (tempObject.strSection == 'Sec1') {
fillUpForm(0, tempObject.arrDefinition2, 'UpdateMDef');
} else {
fillUpForm(0, tempObject.arrDefinition1, 'UpdateMDef');
Note: The function fillUpForm consists of IT functions.
Any suggestions are very much appreciated.

xPages REST Service Results into Combobox or Typeahead Text Field

I've read all the documentation I can find and watched all the videos I can find and don't understand how to do this. I have set up an xPages REST Service and it works well. Now I want to place the results of the service into either a combobox or typeahead text field. Ideally I would like to know how to do it for both types of fields.
I have an application which has a view containing a list of countries, another view containing a list of states, and another containing a list of cities. I would like the first field to only display the countries field from the list of data it returns in the XPages REST Service. Then, depending upon which country was selected, I would like the states for that country to be listed in another field for selection, etc.
I can see code for calling the REST Service results from a button, or from a dojo grid, but I cannot find how to call it to populate either of the types of fields identified above.
Where would I call the Service for the field? I had thought it would go in the Data area, but perhaps I've just not found the right syntax to use.
November 6, 2017:
I have been following your suggestion, but am still lost as can be. Here's what I currently have in my code:
x$( "#{id:ApplCountry}" ).select2({
placeholder: "select a country",
minimumInputLength: 2,
allowClear : true,
multiple: false,
ajax: {
dataType: 'text/plain',
url: "./Application.xsp/gridData",
quietMillis: 250,
data: function (params) {
return {
processResults: function (data, page) {
var data = $.map(data, function (obj) { = || obj["#entityid"];
obj.text = obj.text ||;
return obj;
return {results: data};
I'm using the dataType of 'text/plain' because that was what I understood I should use when gathering data from a domino application. I have tried changing this to json but it makes no difference.
I'm using processResults because I understand this is what should be used in version 4 of select2.
I don't understand the whole use of the hidden field, so I've stayed away from that.
No matter what I do, although my REST service works if I put it directly in the url, I cannot get any data to display in the field. All I want to display in the field is the country code of the document, which is in the field named "name" (not my choice, it's how it came before I imported the data from MySQL.
I have read documentation and watched videos, but still don't really understand how everything fits together. That was my problem with the REST service. If you use it in Dojo, you just put the name of the service in a field on the Dojo element and it's done, so I don't understand why all the additional coding for another type of domino element. Shouldn't it work the same way?
I should point out that at some points it does display the default message, so it does find the field. Just doesn't display the country selections.
I think the issue may be that you are not returning SelectItems to your select2, and that is what it is expecting. When I do something like you are trying, I actually use a bean to generate the selection choices. You may want to try that or I'm putting in the working part of my bean below.
The Utils.getItemValueAsString is a method I use to return either the string value of a field, or if it is not on the document/empty/null an empty string. I took out an if that doesn't relate to this, so there my be a mismatch, but I hope not.
You might be able to jump directly to populating the arrayList, but as I recall I needed to leverage the LinkedHashMap for something.
You should be able to do the same using SSJS, but since that renders to Java before executing, I find this more efficient.
For label/value pairs:
LinkedHashMap lhmap = new LinkedHashMap();
Document doc = null;
Document tmpDoc = null;
if (dc.getCount() > 0) {
doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
while (doc != null) {
lhmap.put(Utils.getItemValueAsString(doc, LabelField, true), Utils.getItemValueAsString(doc, ValueField, true));
tmpDoc = dc.getNextDocument(doc);
doc = tmpDoc;
List<SelectItem> options = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
Set set = lhmap.entrySet();
Iterator hsItr = set.iterator();
while (hsItr.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
// System.out.println("after: " + hStr);
SelectItem option = new SelectItem();
option.setLabel(me.getKey() + "");
option.setValue(me.getValue() + "");
System.out.println("About to return from generating");
return options;
I ended up using straight up SSJS. Worked like a charm - very simple.

nvd3 stacked area chart looks glitchy how to fix?

My stacked area chart looks like this:
The data I used has the same number of values and is just like in the example. THe data I used is at :
The code I use is also almost similar appart from the selector:
var colors = d3.scale.category20();
keyColor = function(d, i) {return colors(d.key)};
nv.addGraph(function() {
chart = nv.models.stackedAreaChart()
.x(function(d) { return d.t })
.y(function(d) { return d.v })
.tickFormat(function(d) { return d3.time.format('%x')(new Date(d)) });
.each('start', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
d3.selectAll('#browserBreakdown *').each(function() {
this.__transition__.duration = 1;
}, 0)
return chart;
How can I get the chart to look right?
The NVD3 chart doesn't sort your data points into a left-to-right order along your x axis, so you're getting the strange criss-crossing shape.
I assume there is some way to tell NVD3 to sort the data, but they have next to no documentation and I couldn't figure it out quickly. Instead, you can use this function to sort the data before you add it to the chart:
d.values = d.values.sort(
return +a.t -b.t;
How this works:
data is the array of objects from the JSON file (you would use browserchartdata);
the Javascript Array.forEach(function(){}) method calls the passed-in function for each element of the array, and passes that function the element of the array and its index;
the Javascript Array.sort() method creates a sorted version of an array using the passed-in function to determine how two elements (a and b) compare;
the sort function I created uses the .t variable (which you're using for the x-axis) from each element in your array to determine whether a is bigger than b (and therefore should go after it in the sorted array);
I call this sort function on the values array of each data line, and then write-over the unsorted values array, so that the objects in data all end up with their values sorted from smallest to largest according to t.
I tried it with your data on NVD3's "live code" site, and it looks fine.

jqgrid edittype select load value from data

I am using jqgrid in my new project.
In a specific case I need to use a select element in the grid. No problem.
I define the colModel and the column for example like (from wiki)
colModel : [
{name:'myname', edittype:'select', editoptions:{value:{1:'One',2:'Two'}} },
But now when I load my data I would prefer the column "myname" to contain the value 1.
This won't work for me instead it has to contain the value "One".
The problem with this is that the text-part of the select element is in my case localized in the business layer where the colModel is dynamically generated. Also the datatype for the entity which generates the data via EF 4 may not be a string. Then I have to find the correct localized text and manipulate the data result so that the column "myname" does not containt an integer which is typically the case but a string instead with the localized text.
There is no option you can use so that when the data contains the value which match an option in the select list then the grid finds that option and presents the text.
Now the grid presents the value as a text and first when I click edit it finds the matching option and presents the text. When I undo the edit it returns to present the value again.
I started to think of a solution and this is what I came up with. Please if you know a better solution or if you know there is a built in option don't hesitate to answer.
Otherwise here is what I did:
loadComplete: function (data) {
var colModel = grid.getGridParam('colModel');
$.each(colModel, function (index, col) {
if (col.edittype === 'select') {
$.each(grid.getDataIDs(), function (index, id) {
var row = grid.getRowData(id);
var value = row[];
var editoptions = col.editoptions.value;
var startText = editoptions.indexOf(value + ':') + (value + ':').length;
var endText = editoptions.indexOf(';', startText);
if (endText === -1) { endText = editoptions.length; }
var text = editoptions.substring(startText, endText);
row[] = text;
grid.setRowData(id, row);
It works and I will leave it like this if nobody comes up with a better way.
You should just include additional formatter:'select' option in the definition of the column. See the documentation for more details.