Why is ctrl+~ not working in vscode on linux? - visual-studio-code

When I press Ctrl+~ to open the terminal in vscode, instead it will show notifications.
How can I find out which program is intercepting this key combination?

Ctrl+~ is actually Ctrl+`
And by default is bound to showing dunst history, check ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc to see the following line is there under the [shortcuts]:
history = ctrl+shift+grave
If that's not it, then the problem is probably you're looking for the ~ (tilde), instead of the ` character.
From: https://forum.endeavouros.com/t/ctrl-does-not-work-on-i3/12645

To answer the question there is a way to troubleshoot keybinding issues. See VSCode Wiki: Keybinding Issues.
In your case you could run the command Developer: Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting (from the Command Palette) and you presumably would have seen the Ctlr+` resolved to some other command with the source being listed as the extension which overrode the built-in command.


Shortcut for Copy/Paste not work in VSCode

Now I'm using the latest Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 20.04 and face the problem with the Copy/Paste shortcut. When I use Ctrl+C, it is not Copy the chosen code to the clipboard, it has been changed to Insert mode instead. And I even not be able to use Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V.
I have tried to reinstall the program but the problem still there. With other IDE, it still works normally.
So, please help to fix this problem!
look at
File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcut
Press Ctrl+k Ctrl+s
You may well be experiencing this bug... https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/124296
Uninstall vim in extension of vs code.
Go to extension of vs code
You see a list of extension you have installed in vs. You should scroll through for vim extension.
click on vim extension.
click on uninstall.
Hope this solves your problem

VS Code Terminal Not Allowing Typing

My VS code terminal was working fine, until one day when I tried to work on a project, that was still open in VS code, my terminal didn't allow me to type any commands. I couldn't type anything. This is the screen that I get.
Okay, for those of you struggling with the same problem, I've managed to solve it by clicking on the drop-down menu that says powershell and changing it to cmd.
this happened to me and simply
close vs code
right click on it
run as administrator
open the terminal and it will work
this problem happened when I changed the default path of CMD
For me, I tried using Powershell/CMD/Bash and I was having errors/blank terminal. I found typing echo hello and pressing CTRL + C made it appear. So in fact, everything was working, my terminal was just blank/glitched out, but was really accepting input.
I had a similar issue when running ionic serve command which runs the development server on the localhost. I paid attention after executing the command above, and it said:
Use Ctrl+C to quit this process
Pressing Ctrl+C then displays:
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
Type Y or y
then the command prompt is shown again!
Here is a sample terminal window - trimmed for brevity:
For who has this problem using React. This happens when you start a live version using npm start. The terminal that handles the live version of the app cannot be used for anything else.
So to continue using the terminal you need to open a new terminal to use in parallel. To do so just click on the plus icon in the top right corner of the terminal panel then choose the "Power Shell" option. This will open a new terminal without restarting visual studio.
In Mac, when working with Python, this helped me: instead of clicking on the "Run Code" option, click on "Run Python file", in the right corner.
For Ubuntu users this is solved by this solution:
File -> Preferences -> Setting -> Features -> Terminal -> Inherit Env
I found two vscode on my desktop, I opened the other one and it worked. Looks like I updated it but the older one didn't disappear.
If typing Ctrl+C can help to get out of this frozen state, that will be easier to do with VSCode 1.64 (Jan. 2022)
The terminal can type the answer for you.
Terminal -- Auto-reply
The terminal is now able to automatically reply when a specific sequences of characters is received.
A good example of where this is useful, which is also the only default case, is the Windows batch script message Terminate batch job (Y/N)? after hitting Ctrl+C when running a batch script.
This typically just ends up causing problems for the user.
The terminal will now automatically reply with Y and enter (\r) which makes Ctrl+C in Windows feel much better.
Pressing Ctrl+C will immediately reply to the question and return to the prompt:
Theme: Sapphire
The feature was made generically so you can setup custom replies for other thing, just be careful when doing this as you are sending text to the process automatically.
For example you could use it to automatically update Oh My Zsh when prompted:
"terminal.integrated.autoReplies": {
"[Oh My Zsh] Would you like to check for updates? [Y/n]": "Y\r"
If you use Clink and enable their similar feature, you can disable it in Clink or in VS Code by setting the reply to null to avoid the two features conflicting with each other:
"terminal.integrated.autoReplies": {
"Terminate batch job (Y/N)": null
Go to terminal, preferences, settings.
Check "run code in terminal"
Restart VS.
I changed from bash to powershell in terminal first but the command prompt still not shown.
Then I navigate to File -> Perferences -> Settings and it starts working (command prompt shown)
This seems to just be a display problem. It happened to me when I changed my display settings for desktop icon and app scaling settings.
I managed to fix the problem by simply restarting my computer and re-opening VS code
I had the same problem ... In my case just run vs-code as administrator and works

How to Integrate babun shell in VS code

I have tried changing the settings for "terminal.integrated.shell.windows" to babun mintty location. But the babun shell window opens separately and doesn't integrate with the VS code. Anyone knows how to achieve this?
After trying for 2 hours finally made it work.
Before reading my way of doing this, you might want to got through this issue first.
By default babun is installed in C:\Users\13000\.babun\. So we can configure it by overriding user setting in VS Code as:
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\Users\\YOURUSERNAME\\.babun\\cygwin\\bin\\zsh.exe",
After saving , reload the window and you are done.
You will get something like :
Hope this helps!
I was searching for any solution for this issue before and I could not find any. But I was curious how Babun itself run the command "Open Babun here" from right-click menu and noticed it runs this command:
C:\Users\YOURUSER\.babun\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe /bin/env CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/zsh.exe
I've tried setting mintty.exe as shell and using leading commands as shell arguments, but this method opens an external terminal. I've noticed this behavior is because using mintty.exe, so I replaced mintty.exe with env.exe itself. At last, these are the settings:
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\Users\\YOURUSER\\.babun\\cygwin\\bin\\env.exe",
"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.windows": [
Edit: This might not completely relate to this question, but because of having the similarity, I think it might worth mentioning.
During my search for a solution, I've seen many other questions about the same issue for integrating Atom's PlatformIO IDE Terminal package or JetBrain's IDEs with Babun's zsh.
In the case of Atom, setting the Shell Override to C:\Users\YOURUSER\.babun\cygwin\bin\env.exe and Shell Arguments to CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/zsh.exe opens zsh.exe as an integrated terminal in the project directory.
In the case of JetBrain, I've used WebStrom and this works:
cmd.exe "/k C:\Users\ehsan\.babun\cygwin\bin\env.exe CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/zsh.exe"
Just complementing the correct answer that Pramesh Bajracharya gave above, you can override user settings in VS Code opening the VS Code and going in:
And then paste in the field shown in your right side (WORKSPACE SETTINGS):
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\Users\\YOURUSER\\.babun\\cygwin\\bin\\zsh.exe"
More information can be found in https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal
Thanks Pramesh Bajracharya!

how to open the terminal or the command in visual studio?

I just want to enter ext install typewriter-sounds to install a plug in. there are many plugins that require similar command. I just dont know where to type that command.
I dont know what its called.
You can open an integrated terminal with one of the options described here: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal
Use the Ctrl+` keyboard shortcut with the backtick character.
Use the View | Toggle Integrated Terminal menu command.
From the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), use the View:Toggle Integrated Terminal command.
It's very simple. Please press the:
ctrl + `

Filtering ZSH history by command

I was told that in ZSH you could do something like command and then when you hit up it would filter the history based on the given command. But when I try this it just cycles the history like bash does. Is this disabled by default?
Hit Ctrl+R, type some letters, it will find the previous command with these letters, keep hitting Ctrl+R to continue through the previous findings.
Works in bash, zsh (and other shells i suppose).
What i personally like to have is: type some letters, press Up, the previous commands starting with the same letters appear. Very powerful, i love it.
You have to bind the keys you want to history-beginning-search-backward and history-beginning-search-forward.
In case it's not enough for you, zsh has a lot of options, try to look in Zsh Line Editor and tell us.
For bash, less powerful but more common, Bash commands for history.
Use exclamation point:
> !<starts-with this string>
You can arrow up/down through all commands that started with that. I use "!v" all the time to get my previous command for opening a file with Vim.
You can also use a question mark to search beyond matching the beginning of the string,
> !?status
Can find "git status".
Use percol to dynamically search and navigate through your history with Ctrl-r.
install percol: sudo pip install percol
add the zsh-history-search code snippet to your .zshrc file.
After a Ctrl-r, you can see your whole history in the same window. Searching for a keyword (dynamically) narrows that list down. You can use key-bindings (like this emacs like config) to navigate up and down the list and eventually make a selection.
Here is a search for all sudo install commands available in history with sudo make install selected.
Enter issues the selected command.
We can also use fzf to fuzzy search the command history interactively.
Here is how to install:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ~/.fzf
Say yes to all its configs. After that, restart your zsh shell, and press Ctrl-R, whoa, interactive command history search pops up. Enjoy!
With the vim keybindings activated in zsh you can use vi-history-search-backward (/) when in vi command mode.
That's a feature available in fish, but it seems like someone made a zsh plugin for it. It's not available in standard ZSH.
If you don't want to add any keybindings, you can search by default using Ctrl+R to move backward & Ctrl+S to move forward.
You can start search with any of the key shortcuts Ctrl+R or Ctrl+S