I have searched the whole web but cannot find where to remove these two types of vertical lines on the left side. I specifically mean the colored thick vertical line (marked with red box) and the thin grey vertical line (also marked with red box).
If someone could tell me that would be awesome! Thanks a lot.
Go to the menu Code->Preference->Settings and search for "renderIndentGuides". The complete setting should appear as:
"editor.renderIndentGuides": true,
Change it to false.
Keys had changed since v1.61 - on later version set the following instead:
"editor.guides.indentation": false
Disable this setting and you're done!
I'm styling a vector layer of roads and have noticed that a small subset of lines appear to be going 'rogue' and ignoring their line colour styling. They still obey the line stroke and width style however but insist on being yellow instead of the desired colour.
I've added a separate rule for one of them and it definitely 'catches' the correct line segment and restyles it in every way EXCEPT for the colour which stubbornly remains yellow.
Can anyone provide me with any clues as to what is going on here?
That line (or lines) are "selected" - You have one of the selection tools active and have clicked on the line. See the manual for more details, you need to click on the clear selection tool
to remove it.
I've noticed while looking over the differences in vs codes source control that there will be random red squares. I can see the red lines/blocks and green lines/blocks easy. But I have no clue what these red squares mean and I don't see them in the code. Anybody know what those are for?
Tried googling around and all I saw was people asking about the red debug dot which is different.
They indicate the scroll position of errors/warnings.
The lighter section on the right is a sort of scroll bar, and the whole vertical section there represents the whole document:
As you can see, in the currently highlighted section - which represents the current section of the code visible in the viewport - there is a red dot just a bit above the middle. This corresponds to the error visible just above the middle of the viewport - the red squiggle below the (req, res, next) => part.
You can see another two red dots a bit below the currently highlighted section. That means that if you scroll down one page, the next page will show two errors.
And so on. I see 6 dots, which means that there are at least 6 lines in the whole document that VSCode has detected have errors on them. Scroll to them using the red squares to see what they are.
Good Morning. I have followed several posts on the net, but I can not solve. I would like to put a right margin on the text in the editor. I have set the variable editor.rulers, as described below. I get the 80 character marker, but the text goes over it. How can I do this? Thank you.
// Columns at which to show vertical rulers
"editor.rulers": [80],
I can't figure out where in Eclipse I can make the edit change to show a different color on the left side for a line that has been edited/changed (before saving the file).
This are is right behind the line numbers...when I make a line edit this small rectangle behind the line number changes now to light gray and I want a different color!
If you enable line numbers the lines you did modify will be marked with a different color: right click on the margin at the left of the editor window and select "Show line numbers"
When I start a rectangular selection (C-x SPS), firstly, a thin line appears at the side of the rectangle which shifts lines to the right.
Is there a way to make rectangular selection seamless?
The thin line is put "on purpose" to visually show where is the empty rectangle. We could make it optional (in which case the 0-width rectangles would simply not be displayed). Please use M-x report-emacs-bug since that's where this discussion should take place.