Miscoloured lines in rule-based layer styling in QGIS - qgis

I'm styling a vector layer of roads and have noticed that a small subset of lines appear to be going 'rogue' and ignoring their line colour styling. They still obey the line stroke and width style however but insist on being yellow instead of the desired colour.
I've added a separate rule for one of them and it definitely 'catches' the correct line segment and restyles it in every way EXCEPT for the colour which stubbornly remains yellow.
Can anyone provide me with any clues as to what is going on here?

That line (or lines) are "selected" - You have one of the selection tools active and have clicked on the line. See the manual for more details, you need to click on the clear selection tool
to remove it.


How do I add a categorical legend to a double line graph in Tableau?

Here is my Current View
I'm wanting to add a legend to distinguish between members(yellow line) and casual riders (blue line) so viewers can see which line is which.
Seems like this should be simple, but I feel like I've tried everything. The closest I've come is by getting a legend to pop up by dragging measure values over to the color, but then it changes my colors that I have already established and syncs both lines as the same color or gradient of colors. All I need is a legend detailing which line is which.
Instead of individually changing each line's color, place Measure Names in the Color shelf of All marks card. This should make the legend appear on the right.

checking how long are comments in a file

I just finished an assingment and according to the instructions I can't have a line of code or comment longer than 120 chars. is there a quick way to check that?
I'm using VSCODE on windows 10. I saw somewhere that I can make a verticle line in the editor to see if a row is too long but I can't find it now.
for example :
// return stack->size since stack->size holds the number of values that can be stored inside the array at a given time.
this comment is 119 chars so it is ok but anything bigger will cause me to lose points.
I know I can hold the last char in the sentence and see the 'col' number in VSCODE, I was hoping for something better.
"editor.rulers": [120]
Look at the Editor: Rulers setting:
Render vertical rulers after a certain number of monospace characters.
Use multiple values for multiple rulers. No rulers are drawn if array
is empty.
You can change its color or opacity like so (in your settings.json):
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorRuler.foreground": "#ff0000ff",
That changes the color to red, the last two hex digits are opacity. ff is 100% opaque. So you could try more transparent with #ff000080 for example. Color and transparency are the only two modifications you can make to rulers.

Background changes color when hovering

So I have a grid in Zkoss with a certain amount of columns. One the first row I place two labels which fill the first two columns (as expected).
I've written their style so that they don't have change color when you hover the mouse over them however one of the columns label is much bigger than the other and when I hover the mouse over the smaller label the area around which isn't filled by the text goes to white.
ZKFiddle example
I'm going insane around this as I'm simply unable of making that area have the same background as the label.
Like I already said in your duplicated question.
CSS is responsible and you just need to search with developer tools.
This update to your fiddle tooks me 2 min.
The changed thing :
.z-row:hover > .z-row-inner, .z-row:hover > .z-cell {background:red; !important}

Borders doubling up on Jasper report

I may be approaching this the wrong way but I've created a few Jasper reports now (Eclipse plugin) which I am exporting variously to pdf, docx and odt. The only way I've found to create 'tables' is to position adjacent text boxes. I've noticed that I get lines of double thickness if I leave borders overlapping (i.e upper box has a solid bottom border and lower box has a solid upper border), even if I position them on top of each other.
So far no problem as I have been configuring the borders to not overlap (i.e. where 2 text boxes overlap I leave one of the borders as transparent). However one of my sub reports is just a repeating box in the detail section though so I can't do this here or the bottom or top would be missing. I'm assuming this must come up a lot ? Is there a way around this ?
I must admit I haven't tried setting the bottom border blank yet and adding a line at the bottom of the 'table' as I'm hoping there may be a more appropriate technique ?
Apologies if this isn't clear. Please let me know if not.

Word Styles to get two elements to share same background/border

Within MS Word 2013 I am trying to create a text element plus a list underneath it, all wrapped inside a coloured border with background shading (see image). The attached image shows the text in plain form.
I would like to place a blue border around both the title and the list. I can achieve this by placing both objects within a 1x1 table and applying colouring rules to the cell, but semantically this seems bad (I'm from an HTML development background where it is very wrong!)
When I edit a Style rule to create the border/background, it works well until I create the list, then it goes badly wrong. Is it possible to achieve the output of the table cell approach by only using a style rule and no table?
After a day of experimentation, the closest I can get is by doing the following:
Create a style rule called Tips Heading based on Normal, then set it to be Bold with a blue background.
Create another style rule called Tips List based on List Paragraph, and set it to have a blue background.
Unfortunately the List cannot be indented because the background colour also indents. The border is also affected in this manner, so I ignored the border and indentation. It works really well and is semantically well structured.