Cannot resolve setFallback in Uber SDK - uber-api

SetFallback method is not working, I am using UBER SDK
implementation 'com.uber.sdk:rides-android:0.5.3'
Here is the sample code
RequestDeeplink deeplink = new RequestDeeplink.Builder(mContext)
.setFallback(Deeplink.Fallback.MOBILE_WEB)//this line is showing error(Cannot resolve setFallback)

I have resolved myself my replacing the
implementation 'com.uber.sdk:rides-android:0.5.3'
implementation ("com.uber.sdk:uber-rides:0.8.0") {
exclude module: 'slf4j-log4j12'
implementation project(':uber-core-android')
implementation project(':uber-rides-android')
Here are the core and rides SDK links


Flutter Stripe Payment : StripeSource class missing

I am following this and this tutorial to integrate stripe payment into my flutter project. Both of these tutorials/examples reference the class StripeSource by calling its method
but this class seems to be missing from the latest stripe package for a flutter. I've added the flutter SDK using stripe_payment: ^1.0.0 in my pubspec.yaml file and other stripe classes are available.
Any help is highly appreciated :-).
Those tutorial are outdated. The library changed and now it works in a different way. Instead of using StripeSource, you should use StripePayment.
For example:
.catchError((e) {
print('ERROR ${e.toString()}');
}).then((paymentMethod) {
What matters to follow those tutorials, is to optain the 'token'. As it is not very clear and there is not a complete documentation, I want to point out that: is equal to the token returned by StripeSource.addSource() in the old versions.

My Ionic app throws a "has no method 'startInit'" error when using OneSignal

In my Ionic smart phone app, I'm using OneSignal to handle push notifications. According to some OneSignal docs, I need to initialize their plugin like this:
{googleProjectNumber: "703322744261"},
This works for me. But other documentation says I should do this:
.handleNotificationReceived(function(jsonData) {
alert("Notification received:\n" + JSON.stringify(jsonData));
console.log('Did I receive a notification: ' + JSON.stringify(jsonData));
This is what I would prefer to do, since I really want that "handleNotificationReceived" option, not just the "notificationOpenedCallback" option. But it's not working for me. I get a Javascript error saying the method "startInit" doesn't exist in the "window.plugins.OneSignal" object. It's right. There is no method "startInit", so how can I use the code that calls it?
So what am I doing wrong? Am I not using the latest version of OneSignal? I just ran "ionic plugin add onesignal-cordova-plugin --save", so I should be using their latest version. (It installs version ~1.13.2, according to my config.xml).
How can I fix this?
The newer 2.+ version of the SDK is not out yet. You should refer to the old docs for this here
The new version of the SDK is now out and you can get it here. Also new docs are here.
Was getting the same issue. You could try reinstalling the plugins or add the platform again android/ios. That worked for me.

What is the 'transaction' command in Firebase-Unity Plugin?

I'm trying to use Firebase-Unity plugin. (
Does anybody know what is the transaction command in this plugin?
Is it implemented in the plugin? If yes, can I see the sample code?
The Firebase-Unity plugin does not expose the complete underlying SDK functionality. The transaction() method of the Firebase SDK is one of the methods that is not exposed.
The author of the plugin recently commented somewhere on how to add such methods yourself. I'll see if I can find that link for you.
The tutorial that you've linked, is a good tutorial if not missing some steps.
Try this library out while following the tutorial above from Firebase:
Does that help?

Paypal Android SDK

No implementation found for boolean io.card.payment.CardScanner.nUseX86()
Not able to get Scanner feature in Android paypal when integrate in Project. Demo works fine.
private static PayPalConfiguration config = new PayPalConfiguration()
// The following are only used in PayPalFuturePaymentActivity.
.merchantName("Example Merchant")
It is likely that you're missing the native libraries for Make sure the libs directory exists in your project and looks like this.

Migrate Cakephp1.3 to 2.0

I have developed one heavily loaded project in cakephp 1.3 now my client want it in latest CakePHP version.
I have migrated it using shell script based tutorial provided on below link:
version get replaced it got migrated in CakePHP 2.0 version but now on running a project i am getting an error
Fatal error: Call to a member function parseAccept() on a non-object in D:\xampp\htdocs\arguenet1\lib\Cake\Controller\Component\RequestHandlerComponent.php on line 134
project is mostly developed with ajax functionality and requesthandler componenet also have been used to check isAjax request or not on component side.
Can anyone help me to solve this error...Thanks in advance.
The signature for the __construct() method has changed in 2.x. See the API docs here. Try modifying your AppController::__construct() like so:
public function __construct($request = null, $response = null) {
parent::__construct($request, $response);
// Your code here.
Credit to this Google Groups thread.