Swift protocol extension where Self: Equatable doesn't work - swift

Can anyone shed a light as to why this doesn't work? I get an error Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Self' and 'CustomEquatable'
protocol CustomEquatable {
func isEqualTo(_ other: CustomEquatable) -> Bool
extension CustomEquatable where Self: Equatable {
func isEqualTo(_ other: CustomEquatable) -> Bool {
return self == other

Let's start with your CustomEquatable protocol, without the extension:
protocol CustomEquatable {
func isEqualTo(_ other: CustomEquatable) -> Bool
Let's define some types to use for experiments:
struct A: Equatable {
let name: String
struct B: Equatable {
let id: Int
Suppose we then want A and B to conform to CustomEquatable. Then we have four cases to consider:
What does a1.isEqualTo(a2) mean (where a1 and a2 are both of type A)?
What does b1.isEqualTo(b2) mean (where b1 and b2 are both of type B)?
What does a.isEqualTo(b) mean (where a is an A and b is a B)?
What does b.isEqualTo(a) mean (where b is a B and a is an A)?
For the first two cases, possible answers are that a1.isEqualTo(a2) if and only if a1 == a2 and b1.isEqualTo(b2) if and only if b1 == b2.
For the second two cases, we have to decide if there's a way for an A to equal a B. The simplest solution (I think) is that an A can never equal a B.
So we can write the conformances like this:
extension A: CustomEquatable {
func isEqualTo(_ other: CustomEquatable) -> Bool {
return (other as? A) == self
extension B: CustomEquatable {
func isEqualTo(_ other: CustomEquatable) -> Bool {
return (other as? B) == self
The only difference in these two conformances is the cast-to type (on the right side of as?). So we can factor out the conformances into a protocol extension like this:
extension CustomEquatable where Self: Equatable {
func isEqualTo(_ other: CustomEquatable) -> Bool {
return (other as? Self) == self
With this protocol extension, we can make A and B conform to CustomEquatable without implementing isEqualTo for each:
extension A: CustomEquatable { }
extension B: CustomEquatable { }
To test the code:
let a1 = A(name: "a1")
let a2 = A(name: "a2")
let b1 = B(id: 1)
let b2 = B(id: 2)
a1.isEqualTo(a1) // true
a1.isEqualTo(a2) // false
b1.isEqualTo(b1) // true
b1.isEqualTo(b2) // false
a1.isEqualTo(b1) // false
b1.isEqualTo(a1) // false

Please watch WWDC 2015 Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift from 37:25
This is almost literally taken from the video. You have to conditional downcast other to Self.
If it's the same type you can use == otherwise both objects are not equal anyway.
protocol CustomEquatable {
func isEqualTo(_ other: CustomEquatable) -> Bool
extension CustomEquatable where Self: Equatable {
func isEqualTo(_ other: CustomEquatable) -> Bool {
if let other = other as? Self { return self == other }
return false


Why Swift Tuples can be compared only when the number of elements is less than or equal to 6?

I read in HackingWithSwift that Swift tuples can be compared with == operator only when the number of elements is less than or equal to 6. What is the reason behind this limitation ?
Background: Tuples aren't Equatable
Swift's tuples aren't Equatable, and they actually can't be (for now). It's impossible to write something like:
extension (T1, T2): Equatable { // Invalid
// ...
This is because Swift's tuples are structural types: Their identity is derived from their structure. Your (Int, String) is the same as my (Int, String).
You can contrast this from nominal types, whose identity is solely based off their name (well, and the name of the module that defines them), and whose structure is irrelevant. An enum E1 { case a, b } is different from an enum E2 { case a, b }, despite being structurally equivalent.
In Swift, only nominal types can conform to protocols (like Equatble), which precludes tuples from being able to participate.
...but == operators exist
Despite this, == operators for comparing tuples are provided by the standard library. (But remember, since there is still no conformance to Equatable, you can't pass a tuple to a function where an Equatable type is expected, e.g. func f<T: Equatable>(input: T).)
One == operator has to be manually be defined for every tuple arity, like:
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, >(lhs: (A,B ), rhs: (A,B )) -> Bool { ... }
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, >(lhs: (A,B,C ), rhs: (A,B,C )) -> Bool { ... }
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable, >(lhs: (A,B,C,D ), rhs: (A,B,C,D )) -> Bool { ... }
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable, E: Equatable, >(lhs: (A,B,C,D,E ), rhs: (A,B,C,D,E )) -> Bool { ... }
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable, E: Equatable, F: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B,C,D,E,F), rhs: (A,B,C,D,E,F)) -> Bool { ... }
Of course, this would be really tedious to write-out by hand. Instead, it's written using GYB ("Generate your Boilerplate"), a light-weight Python templating tool. It allows the library authors to implement == using just:
% for arity in range(2,7):
% typeParams = [chr(ord("A") + i) for i in range(arity)]
% tupleT = "({})".format(",".join(typeParams))
% equatableTypeParams = ", ".join(["{}: Equatable".format(c) for c in typeParams])
// ...
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <${equatableTypeParams}>(lhs: ${tupleT}, rhs: ${tupleT}) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
${", ".join("lhs.{}".format(i) for i in range(1, arity))}
) == (
${", ".join("rhs.{}".format(i) for i in range(1, arity))}
Which then gets expanded out by GYB to:
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B), rhs: (A,B)) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
) == (
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B,C), rhs: (A,B,C)) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
lhs.1, lhs.2
) == (
rhs.1, rhs.2
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B,C,D), rhs: (A,B,C,D)) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
lhs.1, lhs.2, lhs.3
) == (
rhs.1, rhs.2, rhs.3
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable, E: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B,C,D,E), rhs: (A,B,C,D,E)) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
lhs.1, lhs.2, lhs.3, lhs.4
) == (
rhs.1, rhs.2, rhs.3, rhs.4
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public func == <A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, D: Equatable, E: Equatable, F: Equatable>(lhs: (A,B,C,D,E,F), rhs: (A,B,C,D,E,F)) -> Bool {
guard lhs.0 == rhs.0 else { return false }
/*tail*/ return (
lhs.1, lhs.2, lhs.3, lhs.4, lhs.5
) == (
rhs.1, rhs.2, rhs.3, rhs.4, rhs.5
Even though they automated this boilerplate and could theoretically change for arity in range(2,7): to for arity in range(2,999):, there is still a cost: All of these implementations have to be compiled and produce machine code that ends up bloating the standard library. Thus, there's still a need for a cutoff. The library authors chose 6, though I don't know how they settled on that number in particular.
There's two ways this might improve in the future:
There is a Swift Evolution pitch (not yet implemented, so there's no official proposal yet) to introduce Variadic generics, which explicitly mentions this as one of the motivating examples:
Finally, tuples have always held a special place in the Swift language, but working with arbitrary tuples remains a challenge today. In particular, there is no way to extend tuples, and so clients like the Swift Standard Library must take a similarly boilerplate-heavy approach and define special overloads at each arity for the comparison operators. There, the Standard Library chooses to artificially limit its overload set to tuples of length between 2 and 7, with each additional overload placing ever more strain on the type checker. Of particular note: This proposal lays the ground work for non-nominal conformances, but syntax for such conformances are out of scope.
This proposed language feature would allow one to write:
public func == <T...>(lhs: T..., rhs: T...) where T: Equatable -> Bool {
for (l, r) in zip(lhs, rhs) {
guard l == r else { return false }
return true
Which would be a general-purpose == operator that can handle tuples or any arity.
There is also interest in potentially supporting non-nominal conformances, allowing structural types like Tuples to conform to protocols (like Equatable).
That would allow one to something like:
extension<T...> (T...): Equatable where T: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
for (l, r) in zip(lhs, rhs) {
guard l == r else { return false }
return true

Heterogeneous array that conforms to protocol with associated type in Swift

I have a protocol AProtocol with an associated type AType and a function aFunc. I want to extend Array such that it conforms to the protocol by using the result of its elements aFunc function. Clearly this is only possible if elements of the array conform to Aprotocol and have the same associated type so I have set this toy example:
protocol AProtocol {
associatedtype AType
func aFunc(parameter:AType) -> Bool
extension Array : AProtocol where Element : AProtocol, Element.AType == Int {
func aFunc(parameter: Int) -> Bool {
return self.reduce(true, { r,e in r || e.aFunc(parameter: parameter) })
extension String : AProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: Int) -> Bool {
return true
extension Int : AProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: Int) -> Bool {
return false
This works fine for arrays which contain only one type:
let array1 = [1,2,4]
array1.aFunc(parameter: 3)
However for heterogeneous arrays, I get the error Heterogeneous collection literal could only be inferred to '[Any]'; add explicit type annotation if this is intentional and then Value of type '[Any]' has no member 'aFunc' if annotate it as follows:
let array2 = [1,2,"Hi"] as [Any]
array2.aFunc(parameter: 3)
Is it possible to extend Array as I wish such that heterogeneous arrays are allowed so long as they conform to AProtocol and have the same AType?
See if this fits your needs.
Remove the associated type
protocol BProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool
extension String : BProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool {
return true
extension Int : BProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool {
return false
extension Array : BProtocol where Element == BProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool {
return self.reduce(true, { r,e in r || e.aFunc(parameter: parameter) })
let a1 : [BProtocol] = [1, 2, 3, "Hi"]
let boolean = a1.aFunc(parameter: 1)

Create an array of protocols with constrained associated types

This is a basic example of creating an array of protocols with associated types using type erasure:
protocol ProtocolA {
associatedtype T
func doSomething() -> T
struct AnyProtocolA<T>: ProtocolA {
private let _doSomething: (() -> T)
init<U: ProtocolA>(someProtocolA: U) where U.T == T {
_doSomething = someProtocolA.doSomething
func doSomething() -> T {
return _doSomething()
Creating an array of them isn't hard:
let x: [AnyProtocolA<Any>] = []
Is there any way way I can create an array of protocols which have associated types that are constrained? This is what I have tried:
protocol Validateable {
// I removed the functions and properties here to omit unreleveant code.
protocol ProtocolA {
associatedtype T: Validateable
func doSomething() -> T
struct AnyProtocolA<T: Validateable>: ProtocolA {
private let _doSomething: (() -> T)
init<U: ProtocolA>(someProtocolA: U) where U.T == T {
_doSomething = someProtocolA.doSomething
func doSomething() -> T {
return _doSomething()
It compiles! But didn't it defeated the chance of creating an array of AnyProtocolA's now? Now I can't use type Any as a placeholder in my array.
How do I create an array of AnyProtocolA's which has a constrained associated type? Is it even possible? This won't work since Any ofcourse doesn't conform to Validateable:
let x: [AnyProtocolA<Any>] = []
Extending Any can't be done:
extension Any: Validateable {} // Non nominal type error
I think I already found it, just type erasure the protocol Validateable as well:
protocol Validateable {
// I removed the functions and properties here to omit unreleveant code.
protocol ProtocolA {
associatedtype T: Validateable
func doSomething() -> T
struct AnyProtocolA<T: Validateable>: ProtocolA {
private let _doSomething: (() -> T)
init<U: ProtocolA>(someProtocolA: U) where U.T == T {
_doSomething = someProtocolA.doSomething
func doSomething() -> T {
return _doSomething()
struct AnyValidateable<T>: Validateable {}
Now I can use it as:
let x: [AnyProtocolA<AnyValidateable<Any>>] = []
Any answers that are better are always welcome :)

Overriding equals with generic class

I created a class which is meant to be used as an "abstract class" (only to be subclassed, not instantiated directly). Since Swift doesn't support this, is has to be emulated using e.g. fatalError in body of abstract method.
My abstract class has to be equatable. So I thought, I use fatalError in equals method:
class MySuperClass:Equatable {
func ==(lhs: MySuperClass, rhs: MySuperClass) -> Bool {
fatalError("Must override")
class MySubClass:MySuperClass {
let id:Int
init(_ id:Int) {
self.id = id
func ==(lhs: MySubClass, rhs: MySubClass) -> Bool {
return lhs.id == rhs.id
let a = MySubClass(1)
let b = MySubClass(2)
let c = MySubClass(2)
a == b
b == c
And this works. I have the little problem though that my subclass has a type parameter. Now the example looks like this:
class MySuperClass:Equatable {
func ==(lhs: MySuperClass, rhs: MySuperClass) -> Bool {
fatalError("Must override")
class MySubClass<T>:MySuperClass {
let id:Int
init(_ id:Int) {
self.id = id
func ==<T>(lhs: MySubClass<T>, rhs: MySubClass<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.id == rhs.id
let a = MySubClass<Any>(1)
let b = MySubClass<Any>(2)
let c = MySubClass<Any>(2)
a == b
b == c
And now it crashes, because it doesn't "see" the overriding equals, and it executes only equals in the superclass.
I know Swift has some issues concerning overrides using generic types. I thought though that this was limited to interaction with obj-c. This looks at least like a language deficiency, or bug, why would equals of generic class B not override equals of class A, if B is a subclass of A?
As Airspeed suggests the problem is that operator's implementation is not a part of class/struct implementation => hence, inheritance does not work there.
What you can do is to keep the logic inside of the class implementation and make operators use it. E.g. the following will do what you need:
class MySuperClass: Equatable {
func isEqualTo(anotherSuperClass: MySuperClass) -> Bool {
fatalError("Must override")
func == (lhs: MySuperClass, rhs: MySuperClass) -> Bool {
return lhs.isEqualTo(rhs)
class MySubClass<T>:MySuperClass {
let id: Int
init(_ id: Int) {
self.id = id
override func isEqualTo(anotherSuperClass: MySuperClass) -> Bool {
if let anotherSubClass = anotherSuperClass as? MySubClass<T> {
return self.id == anotherSubClass.id
return super.isEqualTo(anotherSuperClass) // Updated after AirSpeed remark
let a = MySubClass<Any>(1)
let b = MySubClass<Any>(2)
let c = MySubClass<Any>(2)
a == b
b == c
... as you can see == operator is defined only once and it uses MySuperClass's method to figure out whether its two arguments are equal. And after that .isEqualTo() handles the rest, including the use of inheritance mechanism on MySubClass level.
The benefit of above approach is that the following will still work:
let a2: MySuperClass = a
let b2: MySuperClass = b
let c2: MySuperClass = c
a2 == b2
b2 == c2
... i.e. regardless of the variable type at compile-time the behaviour will be determined by the actual instance type.
In overloading resolution, non-generic functions always have priority over generic ones, so the lesser rule that functions taking subclasses precede ones taking superclasses isn't taken into account.
A possible solution is to make the superclass == generic too. That way the rules for choosing between two generic functions kick in, and in this case the more specific one is the one taking specific classes parameterized by T:
func ==<T: MySuperClass>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
// bear in mind, this is a question of compile-time overloading,
// rather than overriding
fatalError("Must override")
func ==<T>(lhs: MySubClass<T>, rhs: MySubClass<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.id == rhs.id
let a = MySubClass<Any>(1)
let b = MySubClass<Any>(2)
let c = MySubClass<Any>(2)
// no longer asserts
a == b
b == c

How can we create a generic Array Extension that sums Number types in Swift?

Swift lets you create an Array extension that sums Integer's with:
extension Array {
func sum() -> Int {
return self.map { $0 as Int }.reduce(0) { $0 + $1 }
Which can now be used to sum Int[] like:
[1,2,3].sum() //6
But how can we make a generic version that supports summing other Number types like Double[] as well?
[1.1,2.1,3.1].sum() //fails
This question is NOT how to sum numbers, but how to create a generic Array Extension to do it.
Getting Closer
This is the closest I've been able to get if it helps anyone get closer to the solution:
You can create a protocol that can fulfills what we need to do, i.e:
protocol Addable {
func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
Then extend each of the types we want to support that conforms to the above protocol:
extension Int : Addable {
extension Double : Addable {
And then add an extension with that constraint:
extension Array {
func sum<T : Addable>(min:T) -> T
return self.map { $0 as T }.reduce(min) { $0 + $1 }
Which can now be used against numbers that we've extended to support the protocol, i.e:
[1,2,3].sum(0) //6
[1.1,2.1,3.1].sum(0.0) //6.3
Unfortunately I haven't been able to get it working without having to supply an argument, i.e:
func sum<T : Addable>(x:T...) -> T?
return self.map { $0 as T }.reduce(T()) { $0 + $1 }
The modified method still works with 1 argument:
[1,2,3].sum(0) //6
But is unable to resolve the method when calling it with no arguments, i.e:
[1,2,3].sum() //Could not find member 'sum'
Adding Integer to the method signature also doesn't help method resolution:
func sum<T where T : Integer, T: Addable>() -> T?
return self.map { $0 as T }.reduce(T()) { $0 + $1 }
But hopefully this will help others come closer to the solution.
Some Progress
From #GabrielePetronella answer, it looks like we can call the above method if we explicitly specify the type on the call-site like:
let i:Int = [1,2,3].sum()
let d:Double = [1.1,2.2,3.3].sum()
As of Swift 2 it's possible to do this using protocol extensions. (See The Swift Programming Language: Protocols for more information).
First of all, the Addable protocol:
protocol Addable: IntegerLiteralConvertible {
func + (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
extension Int : Addable {}
extension Double: Addable {}
// ...
Next, extend SequenceType to add sequences of Addable elements:
extension SequenceType where Generator.Element: Addable {
var sum: Generator.Element {
return reduce(0, combine: +)
let ints = [0, 1, 2, 3]
print(ints.sum) // Prints: "6"
let doubles = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
print(doubles.sum) // Prints: "6.0"
I think I found a reasonable way of doing it, borrowing some ideas from scalaz and starting from your proposed implementation.
Basically what we want is to have typeclasses that represents monoids.
In other words, we need:
an associative function
an identity value (i.e. a zero)
Here's a proposed solution, which works around the swift type system limitations
First of all, our friendly Addable typeclass
protocol Addable {
class func add(lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self
class func zero() -> Self
Now let's make Int implement it.
extension Int: Addable {
static func add(lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) -> Int {
return lhs + rhs
static func zero() -> Int {
return 0
So far so good. Now we have all the pieces we need to build a generic `sum function:
extension Array {
func sum<T : Addable>() -> T {
return self.map { $0 as T }.reduce(T.zero()) { T.add($0, $1) }
Let's test it
let result: Int = [1,2,3].sum() // 6, yay!
Due to limitations of the type system, you need to explicitly cast the result type, since the compiler is not able to figure by itself that Addable resolves to Int.
So you cannot just do:
let result = [1,2,3].sum()
I think it's a bearable drawback of this approach.
Of course, this is completely generic and it can be used on any class, for any kind of monoid.
The reason why I'm not using the default + operator, but I'm instead defining an add function, is that this allows any type to implement the Addable typeclass. If you use +, then a type which has no + operator defined, then you need to implement such operator in the global scope, which I kind of dislike.
Anyway, here's how it would work if you need for instance to make both Int and String 'multipliable', given that * is defined for Int but not for `String.
protocol Multipliable {
func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
class func m_zero() -> Self
func *(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> String {
return rhs + lhs
extension String: Multipliable {
static func m_zero() -> String {
return ""
extension Int: Multipliable {
static func m_zero() -> Int {
return 1
extension Array {
func mult<T: Multipliable>() -> T {
return self.map { $0 as T }.reduce(T.m_zero()) { $0 * $1 }
let y: String = ["hello", " ", "world"].mult()
Now array of String can use the method mult to perform a reverse concatenation (just a silly example), and the implementation uses the * operator, newly defined for String, whereas Int keeps using its usual * operator and we only need to define a zero for the monoid.
For code cleanness, I much prefer having the whole typeclass implementation to live in the extension scope, but I guess it's a matter of taste.
In Swift 2, you can solve it like this:
Define the monoid for addition as protocol
protocol Addable {
func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static var zero: Self { get }
extension Addable {
static var zero: Self { return Self() }
In addition to other solutions, this explicitly defines the zero element using the standard initializer.
Then declare Int and Double as Addable:
extension Int: Addable {}
extension Double: Addable {}
Now you can define a sum() method for all Arrays storing Addable elements:
extension Array where Element: Addable {
func sum() -> Element {
return self.reduce(Element.zero, combine: +)
Here's a silly implementation:
extension Array {
func sum(arr:Array<Int>) -> Int {
return arr.reduce(0, {(e1:Int, e2:Int) -> Int in return e1 + e2})
func sum(arr:Array<Double>) -> Double {
return arr.reduce(0, {(e1:Double, e2:Double) -> Double in return e1 + e2})
It's silly because you have to say arr.sum(arr). In other words, it isn't encapsulated; it's a "free" function sum that just happens to be hiding inside Array. Thus I failed to solve the problem you're really trying to solve.
3> [1,2,3].reduce(0, +)
$R2: Int = 6
4> [1.1,2.1,3.1].reduce(0, +)
$R3: Double = 6.3000000000000007
Map, Filter, Reduce and more
From my understanding of the swift grammar, a type identifier cannot be used with generic parameters, only a generic argument. Hence, the extension declaration can only be used with a concrete type.
It's doable based on prior answers in Swift 1.x with minimal effort:
import Foundation
protocol Addable {
func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
init(_: Int)
extension Int : Addable {}
extension Int8 : Addable {}
extension Int16 : Addable {}
extension Int32 : Addable {}
extension Int64 : Addable {}
extension UInt : Addable {}
extension UInt8 : Addable {}
extension UInt16 : Addable {}
extension UInt32 : Addable {}
extension UInt64 : Addable {}
extension Double : Addable {}
extension Float : Addable {}
extension Float80 : Addable {}
// NSNumber is a messy, fat class for ObjC to box non-NSObject values
// Bit is weird
extension Array {
func sum<T : Addable>(min: T = T(0)) -> T {
return map { $0 as! T }.reduce(min) { $0 + $1 }
And here: https://gist.github.com/46c1d4d1e9425f730b08
Swift 2, as used elsewhere, plans major improvements, including exception handling, promises and better generic metaprogramming.
Help for anyone else struggling to apply the extension to all Numeric values without it looking messy:
extension Numeric where Self: Comparable {
/// Limits a numerical value.
/// - Parameter range: The range the value is limited to be in.
/// - Returns: The numerical value clipped to the range.
func limit(to range: ClosedRange<Self>) -> Self {
if self < range.lowerBound {
return range.lowerBound
} else if self > range.upperBound {
return range.upperBound
} else {
return self