Where can you find your actions in google-home app which is not deployed but still in development phase - actions-on-google

I am developing actions for google home. It is still in development phase. I have developed music actions and the songs are playing fine in google-home. I am performing account linking which is also working properly by getting account linking card in home page of google home app. All I want to know is where can i find my actions in google-home app where i can see link/unlink buttons to my actions.
Like in Alexa app i was able to see my skills in your skills -> dev skills section. Is there any way in google-home app like this where i can link/unlink actions. I have checked but i am not able to find this.

You will need to look the Actions Directory. On your phone, you can search and find the action, and then see specific controls for the action like unlinking and clearing user storage.


How to share an image from gallery with my flutter app?

Can anyone point me to a library or advice on how I can go about sharing an image from the gallery with my app using the share button? I want to have my app appear in the list of apps to share with. There are libraries such as [share] https://pub.dev/packages/share that allow you to share content from your app with other apps but it doesn't do what I am looking for.
TL:DR Coming from android,you can do this with a content provider. then using platfrom channels get it to flutter.
Allowing Other Apps to Start Your Activity
For example, if you build a social app that can share messages or photos with the user's friends, you should support the ACTION_SEND intent. Then, when users initiate a "share" action from another app, your app appears as an option in the chooser dialog (also known as the "disambiguation dialog")
To allow other apps to start your activity in this way, you need to add an element in your manifest file for the corresponding element.
When your app is installed on a device, the system identifies your intent filters and adds the information to an internal catalog of intents supported by all installed apps. When an app calls startActivity() or startActivityForResult(), with an implicit intent, the system finds which activity (or activities) can respond to the intent.
read more from docs
I guess you are searching for something like explained here:
You could also try this flutter package: https://pub.dev/packages/receive_sharing_intent

Share button not found (anymore) in Google smart home action test simulator

We are developing a google smart home action. As per this and this guides we added testers as viewer and shared action and it worked few months ago. Now we don't see this share button in our simulator anymore. Wonder how to share with testers anymore? As guides still wants us to share the project through this button.
Screenshot from documentations:
Screenshot of my simulator:
We are able to add the tester in IAM project, but tester is unable to see the action like owner does ([test] ABC agent) in google assistant app.
Edit 1:
It doesn't work even sharing an action with owner rights. Second user is unable to see that action in Home Control under google assistant app
As per discussion with 'Actions on Google Support Team' they say that "There has been a slight modification on the interface in the simulator page. Unfortunately, the current documentation hasn't been updated yet to reflect this change."
You can still share your Action without the share button. To recap:
Go to the Actions console and select your project.
In the right navigation menu, select the three dot icon and then Manage User Access.
This redirects you to the IAM page for your project.
Click ADD to set a team member's access to your project. You must be an owner of the project.
Type the member's email address in the Members box. To assign view access, from the Roles menu, select Project and then Viewer. The members you add will be able to see the Action on their console. Please note that the system does not proactively notify the added members.
Tester/Viewer will have to login in to console and Enable testing in simulator to see the action in Google Assistant App.
Happy Coding !

Can Google Assistant access audio on a web post

I want to allow my friend using Google Home to access audio posts on a WordPress blog. Can I make it treat my blog as a podcast without registering it with, say, iTunes?
I don't have a Google Home unit, and have not found detailed documentation on Google Assistant, except for writing actions. Is there a simpler way to do what I want without writing an action? Can I get my audio file and then access the existing code that handles operations within a file such as seeking, play, pause, etc. from my action?
You can take a look at content actions to generate a unique feed for your audio posts. In this way, you would be able to effectively create a podcast which can be surfaced by users on Google Homes as well in the Google Podcasts app. This would be a shallow integration.
If you want something more advanced and customized, you can create an Action and make use of the Media Response in Actions on Google.
Even if you don't have a Google Home, you are able to access your Action from other surfaces like a smartphone. You can also make use of the simulator in the Actions on Google console for development.

Google Actions Smart Home Simulator Not detecting My Action

I am trying to test a very basic home automation action. I have followed all the tutorials etc.
Setup OAuth Server
Create Action Name
Set smart home action url
Setup account Linking
Test action in simulator
However I am stuck with testing the action in the simulator. I named my action Testing.
When I got to simulator, it suggests that I say, "Talk to Testing". When I do that. It just says We're sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again.
How do I know whats wrong. I was watching my oAuth Server and no http requests where even made to it. So its not even trying to authenticate.
When you build a smart home action, it's not conversational. Doing "Talk to Testing" would not work as that query does not fit within the standard types of queries that can be made to a smart home action.
To use the simulator for smart home actions, you need to follow the testing guide.
Enable testing for the action
Go to the Google Assistant settings on your phone to do account linking
After this happens, you can send smart home commands directly through the simulator (not conversational), ie. "turn on my light"

Actions on Google: Alpha Tester

I read the guide on Actions on Google, concerning the publication of an alpha version
3 days ago, I have filled out the form
However, when I share the test link, this error appears:
At the moment it is not possible to find what you are looking for. Try later.
I'm pretty sure this is a Google bug
I did a further test:
I opened the link on an Android device
In this case I display a form to publish my review,
but anyway I can not test the application
Can you help me ?
You should not open this in the browser, instead choose the Google Assistant app on your mobile and open this page from mobile device. Then scroll down to the middle of the directory page/opt-in link you have been given and enable yourself as an Alpha Tester (you will see this button only if you have been whitelisted by the app owner/developer) and continue testing your app on mobile device.
You'll get this page for several hours after enabling alpha testing. After some time it switched to showing me the action directory listing for our app.
Once the page is active and you can see the directory listing you'll need to open the link on your mobile phone! This is mentioned in really small and un-emphasized copy under the link. Also, it's not immediately obvious as the opt in link will most likely be below the bottom edge of your phone screen. You'll have to scroll down to opt-in to alpha testing. Once you enable alpha-testing you should immediately have access to the action.
even i faced the issue , but you can alpha test by switching your account like in google assistant change your default account like the account you used for development.
this might help , thank you