Plunker Text Expansion - plunker

I was watching a video where the presenter had open on an html editor, and typed:
and then did something, and it expanded to:
<div id="container"></div>
What is this called, and how does one do it in plunker?


Popover isn't working when attribute is injected after page renders.

I'm trying to use popover for certain parts of paragraphs that I'm fetching from my DB and using ng-repeat I load to my html and serve to the front-end.
The relevant part of my DOM, looks like this
<div ng-repeat="i in comments" class="ng-scope">
<div popover="test2" class="task ng-binding"> text1
<span popover="test" class="highlight-a">text2</span>
the ... is injected into the DOM from after some process in the back-end, so the basically the DOM is modified after it loads and renders.
At this point, clicking on the won't trigger any popovers.
I'm wondering if there's a work-around for re-initiating the popovers or anything like that. Even when I call on to load the popover in the end of the process it doesn't work.

How to navigate with anchor in UIWebView (swift)

I load a local html file in a UIWebview, and I have internal links (anchors) in the html contents :
<a href="#content1">..
<a href="#content2">
and then
<div id="content1">
But when I click on them, nothing happens.
How can I make anchors work ?

disable photos & photoset permalinks tumblr

I'm trying to make all picture posts on my homepage not clickable, so they can't link to the permalinks. (I just want them to stay as miniatures with the hover cycle effect already provided by the theme)
I've tried removing {LinkOpenTag} and {LinkCloseTag} from:
<div class="wide-sizer">
<div class="image">
<img src="{block:PermalinkPage}{PhotoURL-HighRes}{/block:PermalinkPage}{block:IndexPage}{PhotoURL-500}{/block:IndexPage}" alt="{PhotoAlt}"
But photos and photosets are still clickable.
This is my page:
I'm using the "Spectator Theme".
UPDATE: ok so i tried removing as data-permalink={Permalink}as lharby suggested, but now all the links redirect to /undefined.
Any ideas?
thanks again for your time !
As mentioned in my comment, the data-permalink attribute has been removed, but there is still some custom javascript which is casing the url to be returned undefined.
Go to the bottom of your template, before the closing <body> tag and add this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
(Basically instead of binding the post to a click function which is in the custom javascript we are now attempting to unbind it on click).
I tested it in the browser and it looks to be working (although a couple of other methods I thought would work didn't).
In order to change the cursor on the post element. Remove the clickable class from the .post div from the template (if you can, if it is hard coded in).
Alternatively inside the style tags at the bottom, add the following css:
.post-grid a,
.post.clickable {
cursor: default;

TinyMCE inside JavaScript Pop-up

I have got problem with TinyMCE when TinyMCE is in Pop-up. Look on my explanation of this problem.
This code is in my JSON pop-up
<!-- TinyMCE -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../Scripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
mode: "textareas",
theme: "simple"
<!-- Gets replaced with TinyMCE, remember HTML in a textarea should be encoded -->
<textarea id="elm1" name="elm1" rows="8" cols="80" style="width: 80%">
Pełny opis...
<br />
When pop-up show first time you can see this editor
When pop-up show second time you can see this editor
In my opinion problem is here (only once is working this JS)
<script type="text/javascript">
mode: "textareas",
theme: "simple"
In the second case you see the textarea html element. This is probably because of the fact that you didn't shut down tinymce correctly when closing the first pop-up.
What happened behind the curtain is that the html structures are gone, but tinymce still got the editor instance registred and won't open up a new one with the same id when you reopen the pop-up. Solution here is to shut down tinymce when closing the pop-up.
To shut down an editor instance use:
To reinitialize use
Tinymce takes as editor id the id of the source html element (your textarea). In case there is none "content" is the default.

adding a page to jqtouch

So I have something like this:
<div id="jqt">
<div id="page1">
<div id="generic">
Some generic page to use as a template
and I want to create a new page on after everything is loaded and the user does some action.
$('#generic').clone().attr('id', 'some_new_page').appendTo('#jqt');
What happens is the new page ends up showing up in front of everything and doesn't seem to have and jqtouch events or styles added.
How do initialize this page (or at least have jqtouch reinitialize the whole html file)?
I don't want it to show up at first, I just wanted loaded and ready in the background.
Have you tried to do a deep clone with data and events instead?
$('#generic').clone(true, true).attr('id', 'some_new_page').appendTo('#jqt');