AWS SES template from Cloudformation / serverless - aws-cloudformation

I'm using the serverless framework to deploy my AWS stacks, and I’m trying to add an AWS SES template to my resources.
However, I keep getting “unrecognized type” from CloudFormation for AWS::SES::Template.
This is definitely a defined CloudFormation resource type, so I don’t know what’s going on. I've seen identical snippets describing SES templates that supposedly work, but for me it doesn't. Any ideas what could be causing this?
The section in my serverless.yml looks like this:
Type: AWS::SES::Template
TemplateName: "test"
TextPart: "body text"
SubjectPart: "subject"

Turns out this was due to SES not being available in the region I was using. It sure would've been nice with a error message such as "type not supported in region", but instead the generic "unrecognized type" was raised.


Custom resource outputs not found

I've written a custom resource in Go using cloudformation-cli-go-plugin, it's failing when I try and use it in a stack with
Unable to retrieve Guid attribute for MyCo::CloudFormation::Workloads, with error message NotFound guid not found.
The stack:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Sample MyCo Workloads Template
Type: 'MyCo::CloudFormation::Workloads'
APIKey: ""
AccountID: ""
Workload: >-
workload: {entityGuids: "", name: "CloudFormationTest-Create"}
Value: !GetAtt Resource1.Guid
If I remove the Outputs stanza the stack runs successfully and I can see the created resource.
Running with SAM locally I've verified that Guid is in fact always returned. FWIW the resource passes all of the contract tests, Guid is the primaryIdentifier, and is a readOnlyProperties.
I've tried several tests playing with the !GetAtt definition, all of which fail with schema errors so it appears the CF is aware of the format of the resource's properties.
Suggestions and/or pointers would be appreciated.
The issue here is Read failing due to CloudFormation behaving differently than the Contract Tests. The Contract Tests do not follow the CloudFormation model rules, they are more permissive.
There are a number of differences in how the Contract Tests and CloudFormation behave- passing the Contract Tests does not guarantee CloudFormation compatibility. Two for instances:
The contract tests allow returning a temporary primaryIdentifier that can change between handler.InProgress and handler.Success
The contract tests pass the entire model to all events. CloudFormation only passes the primaryIdentifier to Read and Delete.

Cloudformation submitted information does not contain changes when updating task formation image version

If my cloud formation script is like this:
Type: "AWS::ECS::Service"
ServiceName: "myServiceName"
TaskDefinition: !Ref myTaskName
Type: "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition"
Image: !Sub "${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.${AWS::Region}"
And I update the task definition to 1.1.2
Image: !Sub "${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.${AWS::Region}"
Then trying to run a Cloud formation update command gives me this error:
*Submitted information does not contain changes. *
Is it just not possible to update the task definition to point to a new image in an ecr with out changing the service?
All the documentation I've read says that this error comes up when you don't change any properties of your resource, so Cloudformation doesn't see any resources as changed, and therefore won't redeploy.
But you are changing a property, and yet it's still happening, which is weird. I haven't been able to find any record of such behavior.
Debugging suggestion: try adding an arbitrary new property to your resource, e.g. a tag field. If it updates successfully, it means for some reason the changed Image doesn't trigger an update, and the fix would be to always change something else too. If it still doesn't update, then I suspect something is going wrong somewhere else in your process and you're not actually uploading your changed template at all.
I found the following in the CloudFormation User Guide that may help.
Troubleshooting CloudFormation - No updates to perform
I encountered an issue adding a DeletionPolicy attribute (which is not a property). According to the documentation, adding/changing metadata will cause CloudFormation to accept certain changes.

How to Include/Reference Multiple Resource files in CloudFormation?

I am new to cloud formation templates. I am trying to organize the templates based on AWS services so that I can easily manage it. For example, iam-roles in one file, dynamodb tables on another, s3, lambda resources in individual files. When I try to make a master file from these partials I am able to include only one partial in the resource section on Fn::Transform. I need two suggestions, am I going in the right direction? and how to include all the partials into my main.yml?
Name: 'AWS::Include'
Fn::Sub: "s3://s3url/iam-roles.yml"
Name: 'AWS::Include'
Fn::Sub: "s3://s3url/ddbtables.yml"
The above code definitely throws an error. How to merge these partials?
From the images you have shared in the question, the templates you have created have to be included using AWS::CloudFormation::Stack.
Fn::Transform is a macro which is used to do preprocessing of a cloudformation templates. For example, we can do search and replace of some strings in the cloudformation templates using Macros.

Seems to conflict between Serverless syntax and CloudFormation syntax

The below is the part of CloudForamtion file loaded by Serverless.
# resource.yml
{"Fn::Sub": "arn:aws:sqs:*:${AWS::AccountId}:sqs-spoon-*-${env:SERVICE}"}
# serverless.yml
- ${file:resource.yml}
${AWS::AccountId} is CloudFormation Pseudo Parameter and ${env:SERVICE} is Serverless variable.
When I run sls deploy, it returns the error.
Invalid variable reference syntax for variable AWS::AccountId. You can only reference env vars, options, & files. You can check our docs for more info.
It seems to say that Serverless recognize ${AWS::AccountId} as Serverless variable, not as CloudFormation Pseudo Parameter.
If so, how to have Serverless not to parse Pseudo Parameter so that it will be parsed by CloudFormation later?
I can solve it with the plugin.
With the plugin, It cloud be solved by replacing ${AWS::AccountId} with #{AWS::AccountId}.
{"Fn::Sub": "arn:aws:sqs:*:#{AWS::AccountId}:sqs-spoon-*-${env:SERVICE}"}
You can accomplish support for the native AWS syntax with a single config line in serverless.yml to define the variableSyntax. Details can be found here
name: aws
runtime: nodejs8.10
variableSyntax: "\${((env|self|opt|file|cf|s3)[:\(][ :a-zA-Z0-9._,\-\/\(\)]*?)}"

Updating a CloudFormation stack with a Cognito pool claims that we're adding attributes when we're not

Starting on Nov 7, 2018 we started getting the following error when updating our CloudFormation stacks:
Updating user pool schema is not allowed from cloudformation. Use the
AddCustomAttributes API or the AWS Cognito Console to update user pool
Our CF stacks don't have any changes to the custom attributes of the Cognito pool. They only have changes to the PostConfirmation and CustomMessage triggers, as well the addition of API Gateway responses.
Does anybody know why we might be seeing this? How can we avoid this error message?
We had the same problem with deployment. For now we are deploying it without CustomMessage trigger and setting CustomMessage trigger manually after deployment.
we removed the CustomMessage changes from our template and that seemed to do the trick.
Mostly by luck, I've found an answer that allows me to get around this in an automated manner.
How our scripts used to work
First, let me explain how this used to work. I used to have the following set of cloudFormation scripts:
cognitoSetup.template --> <Serverless Framework> --> <cognitoSetup.template updated with triggers>
So we'd setup the Cognito pool, run the Serverless Framework to add the Cognito Lambda functions, and then update the cognitoSetup.template file with the ARNs for the lambdas exported when the Serverless Framework ran.
The Fix
Now, we include the ARNs for the Lambdas in the cognitoSetup.template. So now cognitoSetup.template looks like this:
"CognitoUserPool": {
"Type": "AWS::Cognito::UserPool"
"Properties": {
"LambdaConfig": {
"CustomMessage": "arn:aws:lambda:<our aws region>:<our account#>:function:main-<our stage>-onCognitoCustomMessage"
Note, we're setting this trigger before the lambda even exists. The trigger just needs an ARN, and it doesn't seem to care that it's not there yet. Then we run sls deploy which creates the actual Lambda function and everything works fine.
Now our scripts look like this:
cognitoSetup.template --> <Serverless Framework>
Why does this fix this error? I don't actually know. CloudFormation seems to be fine with this modification but not okay with modifying the same file later in our process. But it works.